Sunday, November 2, 2014

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dinner With The Family

J.J. & Cory
Don't they look like little twins.

She is growing up way to fast.

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Wyatt was loving dipping his french fries in ketchup. Got to love that face.

Rich & Kays

Natalie & Cory

Dad & Mom


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Friday, October 14, 2011


I love the faces that this boy makes

Got to love his belly.

I just love this picture.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Opening Fathers Day Gifts

The kids couldn't wait to give Richard there presents that they made him.
We did the A pop-top for a top pop! cans. Found them on
So when we got home saturday night late and with church at 9 and Rich having to go see patients after church I let the
kids give him there cans. Then of course Kays was dying to give Rich his big present. She was the only one I told what
we got him and I didn't even tell her tell saturday cause I wanted it to stay a suprise.

I forgot to get a picture of all the cans and this isn't even that good of a picture.

Richard had know idea what he was getting.

A Kindle

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Day At Red Cliffs

Jordan was always climbing. I was already afraid that he was going to fall. Me just being the
paranoid mom.


Jordan is a handsome boy

Richard was going to throw Kays in the water.

Such cute boys

Me & Kays

The boys were trying to do thumbs up. You can't even see Jayden's face. Silly boy

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Jordan going down the rock slide. The water was way to cold for me.

Jayden even got in. He keep coming over and asking me for a towel. He is my kid
that dosen't like to be cold.

I didn't ever get a very good picture of her going down the slide.

Rich & the older kids

Jordan trying to see how deep the middle of the pool was. I was afraid that he was going
to fall in and I would have to jump in after him.


The first time in the water

Kays didn't care that the water was like ice she was having fun.
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