Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We're still here!

Our attempt at a family shot.

Fall is in full bloom! We've had a busy few weeks. A wedding and getting into the routine of school everyday.
Vee and Becca's wedding. The kids did great in their roles!

We went to Move it! Dig it! Do it! put on by childrens museum. Such a great activity. There was a helicopter, ambulance, trucks of all different kids the kids could sit in, painting and animals.

Lynzi's favorite part of course.

We also went to IStem( Science, technology, engineering and medicine) put on by U of I, UNI, and ISU. L had a great time with the human body and bones. It was more up her alley than Kellens. I'm hoping next year it's a little better organized. The booths were a little too close, which led to jamming up with kids. Fun and educational overall though.

Lynzi is loving 1st grade. Today she had a small cough when she woke and she fearfully told me she thought she was getting sick and wouldn't be able to go to school. I don't think it's anything serious and she seemed fine throughout breakfast so off she went. It's homecoming week and she's been very excited dressing up each day. Her reading continues to amaze me. She keeps asking for longer books to read. Her latest are Beezus and Ramona and The Little House books(we read these tgh already, and she's decided to read them by herself now)

Kellen is keeping me on my toes! He has grown a few inches since last year, I was hoping his pants would fit him from last year but it's not to be. He amazes me every day. He loves reading like his big sister and is starting to talk better. He's still hard to understand but being that I'm around him all day I know what's he's trying to say. He's noisy and rough and such a sweet boy all rolled into one. I hope we make it to 5 before he breaks a limb!

I'm hoping to get more crafty this fall/winter. I still need to finish making Kellen's hanging book rack like Lynzi's. Plus I want to make this for Lynzi for Christmas.

Halloween will be here before I know it. Lynzi wants to be a doctor and Kellen keeps changing his mind. At first it was a banana and then Batman. Now he wants to be a Batman Vampire. I think we can manage those costumes. I really need to get my fall decorations out!

Guess we're caught up for now!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

End of Summer

I can't believe summer is almost over. We've really enjoyed being lazy this year!

Laura came home for a visit, I was able to take the whole week off. It was so nice not to have a thing to do. We(or she I should say) made a fabric hanging book shelf for Lynzi, tried to make unpaper towels but I had bought the wrong snaps. I will get the right ones and attempt to make them by myself! We'll see how much I mess up. I also "think" I can make Kellens book shelf. We organized the living room, got new lamps and new curtains.(hemmed to the right length by Laura)

Lynzi did cheer camp this summer and they performed Friday at Meet the Team Night. The little girls were so cute. They did good on the cheers but seemed a little lost on the dance. I did record it because Lynzi demanded Nick need to see it since he wasn't able to come due to him already being at UNI for school. I think he's enjoying the 1st week of classes but haven't spoken to him since he left. I'm sure he's super busy getting into the swing of things.

L started 1st grade today. She's been so excited the past week. She couldn't wait to get back to learning and a schedule everyday. I don't think I entertain her enough!

I am too lazy to organize the pictures in order.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Summer

What a nice summer we've had. Nothing real exciting to report. A lot of laying around outside. We were invited to a friends pool one day. The peeps loooved it. They will be taking swimming lessons this fall though. A few trips to the Splash pad in town, a lot of playing with cousins on the trampoline and play set. I wish I could say we crossed off more things on our summer list but we haven't. Laura will be here on Friday! Yah! A whole week that I happen to have off! Super! Okay, enough exclamation marks.

Here's this. Because I've taken no recent pictures.

Hanging book display

I saw this on a book thread and now must have for each child! Are they not the best?

Just go ahead and read her whole blog. I love it. We'll be doing the wall silhouettes too.

We'll be heading to the craft store to get fabric and later to the hardware store to get the other supplies we need. I'm trying hard to be more crafty. Laura will be here on Friday so she'll be helping. She just doesn't know it yet! She'll also be helping with an outfit for Kellen and dress for Lynzi for Labor Day that I didn't get done for the 4th of July.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had a nice 4th of July! No pictures because I couldn't find the camera. We stayed at home and grilled out. I had to work all weekend but we were still able to have a good time. We could see a few fireworks from IC on Sunday night in the backyard. Monday night we could see the Coralville show better. The kid's did sparklers and snakes. We made smores and stayed up late. Perfect relaxing holiday!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

28: A place I love

Utah. Hurricane, Utah to be exact.
We lived there from 1st grade to 6th. I loved the small town(I know it's grown quite a bit since we moved) the mountains, the people. It was such a great place to grow up. So many good memories: Jumping on the neighbors trampoline, going to church with other neighbors, being able to walk to school, hanging out at JJ's, playing baseball games at the park, playing at the high school track. It is so close to Zion National Park, only 2 hours away from Vegas, the sand dunes! I've only been back once the summer before my senior year in high school. I'd love to go back now. I know the town has changed so much but it my mind it will always look like it did when I was

What a view.

27: A child I love

Like I could pick just one.