
Our Caboose....

Sweet little baby Ava was born July 28, 2011 weighing 7lbs 2oz she has since gained and grown and is now in the 80% for her weight! Love those leg rolls. We enjoy cuddling with her so much we wish we could pause time when we are rocking her. We love love love our sweet little Ava.


Strike a pose....

My friend Irene took these fun pictures of the kids a few weeks ago in the backyard. The kids loved dressing up and smiling for the camera. Isaac is wearing a suit from the 70's... looks like he is waiting for the train; the suit case was my grandpa's years ago, in college I put a bunch of stickers on it. The girls had fun lookin' pretty and wearing lip gloss!

My Girls

Emma and Sophie having fun together in the backyard.

Emma in her favorite shoes.... "Belle Shoes" .... she is sad that she is out growing them.

Sophie in her dress up shoes.

Girls in St. Patrick's Day tiaras.

Fun with play dough.

Emma squeezing real Florida orange juice.

Camp Out in Backyard

Spring 2011
We enjoyed looking at the stars through the tent and listening to lots of creatures and and bugs outside the tent on our backyard camp out. The nice thing about having the camp out in the backyard, I was able to sneak inside for a good night rest in my bed. The kids loved sleeping in the tent with Dad.

Isaac's Spring Baseball

Isaac's Spring Baseball pictures. They were the Diamond Devil's Team. Isaac was excited to play. He was always good up to bat and enjoyed rotating through different positions during the season. It was a pretty intense season 1 practice a week and 2 games... 3 days a week..... by the end of the season Isaac was ready for the trophy!


Spring 2011

After church on Easter.... Isaac lookin' good and Emma pretty fancy.

Neighborhood Easter Egg hunt, kids with their friends: Carter, Ashtyn, Talmage, Colette, Savanah and Grant.

Emma and Sophie having fun dressing up in hats, pearls and fancy gloves!

Friends - The Brians, Whitings, and Jermans over for dinner; we all started medical school together almost 8 years ago.... and it has been fun to live by each other again.

Dusty took kids on a bike ride through Haile plantation.... Emma loved that she was "trail riding".... she has been wanting to go mountain biking, but since their are no mountains she enjoyed the trail instead.


Sophie Turns 3!!!

Sophie had a fun 3rd birthday we woke up early, opened presents and ate donuts for breakfast then headed to Sea World for the day. Here are some recent pics of Sophie and some from the birthday.

My baby is 3! This past year you have grown so much, it has been fun to see you learn knew things. We love to hear you sing the abc's as you brush your teeth. We love to see you smile as you tilt your head. We love your kisses and hugs. We love how you insist on being the one to say the prayer at every meal. We love watching you ride your scooter on our Sunday evening walks. We love how you love your bracelets and can't leave the house with out one on or five on. We love how you can down a capri sun in less then 30 seconds. We love how you walk on your toes. Their are so many things we love about you we know you will be a great older sister soon... but until then enjoy these last few weeks of being "the baby". Thanks for all your smiles! Happy Birthday Sophie we hope you have a great year!