Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kid Update...

Finnley (9) our oldest (aka: the guinea pig) was baptized last February.  We love this sporty chick, even though she swore her allegiance to the Utes this year, breaking her mama’s heart.  Her dad has never been more proud.  She’s the best helper, when she wants to be, and makes us all laugh.  She loves to dance, play piano, and play school with her younger siblings.  She’s deciding between being a doctor or vet when she grows up and is tossing around the idea of a side career in home design.  She’s creative and adventurous, and is always willing to try something new...unless it’s a healthy food item.  In that case, it’s off the table (literally).  She’s competitive and athletic and we enjoy spending our Saturdays watching her play soccer.

Dieter (6) our second child (aka: the tank/D-bop) started kindergarten this year and loves being at school with his big sister.  He’s a head taller than his classmates with fingers the size of sausages.  This kid loves to create, and is always tying stuff up with ropes and bungees and dragging it around the neighborhood.  For now, he’s hoping for a career as a dolphin trainer, but would be a teacher as long as he can cancel school on days he has dolphin shows.  He loves sports, and especially loves sports clothing.  Everyday he goes from school clothes to basketball shorts...even in the dead of winter.  He’s a hard worker and sticks to a project until the end.  He’s a lover of his mom, but also many of the girls at school.  He has several girls in mind for marriage, and we just hope he picks a good one!

Remi (3) the third child, which usually means spunky and loud, but in our case, also means stubborn and freaking hilarious.  She loves “nastics” and ballet.  Judging by her tenderness with her dolls, she’ll be an awful mom.  Permanent marker on their faces and dropping them on their heads are just a few of our concerns.  She’s independent and social and loves her friends at church, the gym, and especially school.  She’s our peanut and hasn’t grown out of her clothes or shoes in two years.  Her face talks more than her mouth and the expressions she gives you can either melt your heart or send a chill up your backbone.  She’s tenderhearted and loves to snuggle.  Nightly, she makes her way into our bed where she then completes an ice skating routine, complete with several triple lux and an occasional back flip.  Dad loves it.

Dutch (1) our baby.  This sweet boy turned one in November.  We don’t know what we’d do without him in our family.  He charms us all with his whole-face-smiles that go from his eyebrows to the dimple under his mouth.  He’s an eating machine, which subsequently means he’s also a pooping machine.  Everything he eats goes in and out of his mouth at least twice, which makes for a fun clean up.  He’s our busiest kid yet, and makes his way around the house leaving a wake of messes.  He’s abnormally happy, and sleeps like a champ.  After months of the army crawl, and being our personal Swiffer, he finally perfected the traditional crawl.  He hoots all day long, pointing and saying “oooo” at anything and everything.  He flirts with all the ladies, and his spikey, white hair is irresistible for a quick rub.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What's New?

Twenty-one months! I used to go a few months, even six months occasionally, without updating our blog, but TWENTY ONE! I still get on, every once in a while, and scroll through pages and pages of posts.  I love looking back at this blog and so I've decided I'm resurrecting it.  Who knows how long it will last, but I'm going to try it. 

Heaven knows I can't recap twenty-one months, so I'm starting fresh.  Here are a few things you need to know to be up to speed:

1. We moved back to Utah. 
2. We had a baby...the cutest little boy.
3. We bought a house, gutted it, and put it back all pretty.
4. We are happy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ringing in the New Years...

We were lucky enough to spend a few days in the city, between Christmas and New Years, with Mitch's sister Danielle and her family!  They drove up from Virginia to explore the city and we had a blast.  We went non-stop and the kids were great sports.  We hit Central Park, Rockefeller, Times Square, Bryant Park, Madison Square, and even made it down to Chelsea Market and the Highline.  We loved spending a bit of the holidays with family, and are so glad it worked out!

Remi all bundled up / Skating in Bryant Park with Jackson

Mitch's parents knew we were going to be in the city after the holidays, so they sent each grand-kid a Toys-R-Us gift card so they could pick something out at the big Times Square store.  It was fun to see what each kid chose, and how each picked something totally different!  

More skating at Bryant Park...and some falling.

You can't do New York City during the holidays without a carriage ride around Central Park! We were lucky enough to have Jayden ride with us.

We may have hit up Waffles & Dinges more than once!  It was just too good, and with their pop-up location just around the corner at Bryant Park, we decided to make it breakfast.  We may have indulged at Dylan's Candy Store and the Donut Plant too. Shhh!

Our weekend ended too soon, but we were happy to have at least a little Brown Family time!
Happy New Year!


It's April, and finally spring, and I'm just finishing up blogging about Chrsitmas!  Eeek!  Better late than never.  Here is our Month of December through my iPhone.  

Visiting Santa at the Old James Store / Mitch blowing out the candles on his "Take 5" birthday cake. 

Dieter and Remi during their normal crazy shenanigans / Dieter with his best bud Ossie

Dieter and me at his Nativity program at preschool.

Me, being fixed up by Mitch with anti-nausea meds after a bout with the flu / Drive-thru light show

Westminster Gardens / Finnley's class Christmas party

All dressed up for Mitch's work party / Our little family on Christmas Eve

The Sorber's leading our Christmas carols / Our funny and dysfunctional nativity

Finnley on Christmas Morning / Singing her heart out on her new microphone

Dieter in his new gator / Remi taking a little break on mom's lap

Mitch's gift from the DeHarts, a halter for his horse / Our tree before the storm

It was a great month!  More pictures to come....

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sister's in the City...

The beginning of December, my sisters flew out to New York to hang with me for a few days.  Bonus!  They brought their girls along to play with Finners.  Finnley was thrilled and they had the best time.  We spent a day out in our area and then two days in the city.  We all bunked up into one hotel room (Thanks Ty!) and hit the town doing and seeing all that we could.  Here are a bunch of pictures from our weekend, in no particular order:

These girls were the biggest troopers, and were rewarded with daily diet cokes and a little shopping at American Girl Doll store.  

Sisters meet Shake Shack, Shack Shack meet my sisters.

Rockefeller Square.

We rang in the Christmas season with the Rockettes!  
The girls loved it, and I loved that they did a live nativity at the end.

Santa at the ABC Home Store - Best Santa in NYC!

Late night dinner at Juniors and Finnley getting her second wind after crashing at dinner.

It was fun having my sisters out in our town as well.  They were able to come to one of my spin classes, and snuggle my other kiddos as well.  Its never fun to say goodbye to family, especially knowing we weren't headed home for Christmas, but we had such a great time and I loved having them here!

Thanks girls!  Love your guts.


As I was flipping through the pictures on my phone, I realized there a bunch from November that I couldn't not include.  Mostly of my two little buddies - Remi & Dieter - but a few of Mr. Mitch and Miss Finnley too.  Here are a few highlights from November through my iPhone.

My best shopping buddies / Long Island Children's Museum

Finnley's Thanksgiving Dinner / "Wear shorts over your pants" Day ;)

Getting decked for Christmas / Our quiet Thanksgiving in New York