It was fun to sit and reflect for a couple minutes, especially because I think you come to appreciate your parents so much more the older you get. You start to realize just how much they sacrificed for you and the unconditional ways they loved you. It was also kind of humorous to think of what my dad has passed on to me, because I feel like the obvious answer is everything. I am a little "mini me" of my dad - physically, personality, etc. - but when I think a little deeper, I would say the biggest things my dad has shown us and taught us are hard work and perseverance. I pray Josh and I can model the same work ethic for our kids that my dad has modeled for me. And his perseverance, well - that calls for longer posts and a lot more history - but my dad has shown us what it means to overcome and to persevere, and I'm so proud of that.
I couldn't possibly list all of my favorite memories with my dad, but the obvious would just be all the time he dedicated coming to (I swear) EVERY game and sporting event I had. We connect in a lot of ways, but sports has always been one of biggest. Let's just say I was a tomboy (and when I say tomboy, I mean TOMBOY) for way longer than I'm proud to admit.
So Dad, in honor of you, I thought I'd post this video to lighten things up a little. You know both of us can't handle too much sappiness for too long. It makes me laugh every time. Although we clearly never "cheered" together, this makes me think of all the time you sacrificed and poured into me! I love you tons and I'm SO proud to call you Dad. Happy Father's Day!