Sunday, June 26, 2016

Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, Avril...

I took 5 years of French in Jr. High and High School, the only thing I remember are the months of the year and most food items. Clearly my priorities are straight. I also remember that Fevrier, should have an accent aigu ´over the first E. Weird the things you remember...

Let's catch up with

Here's their 2015 years in review..I think one day they'll really appreciate these.

The kids started cheering for basketball games and playing actual basketball games..That was a busy, busy, busy time! We were at Champions Forest Baptist Church 4 days a week for practices and games. Then on the other days we had dance and scouts. It was busy! But the kids loved it so they were happy to go which made it easy on all of us. Ethan's team ended up only winning one game but he had fun with his basketball buddies and learned to play good "D". Abby learned some leadership skills and really perfected her cheerleader yell.

We celebrated Abby's 7th birthday! I made a Shopkins cake for Abby (don't laugh) my cake decorating skills are severely lacking, but I suppose it turned out fine. Can't believe she's 7 already. She was so excited to turn 7, I'm not sure why she thought 7 is so great. But we sure love our big girl! She's very quick witted, she is VERY sure of what she wants, she figures everything out by using logic and often explains things to me after she asks me the question i start to answer then she finishes my response with what she had deduced using logic, she is very responsible, except she has the messiest room you've ever seen but she knows where everything is.

After a couple years of the kids begging for a pet, even just a goldfish. Alex surprised them with a kitten one day after school, he got her from the pound and we named her Sweetie, she is a cute kitty. I don't like cats. At all. But she's grown on me and the kids are totally smitten with their kitten. I mean totally. Sweetie barely tolerates any of us but I have to admit that having a cat for a pet is A LOT easier than a dog, so I like that part.

Fevrier (avec accent aigu)..

In the middle of the night one night in Janvier my friend Mindy texts me and says "Hey I found a flight to Orlando for $30 should we go?"  Heck yes! I said. So after confirming dates with our other friends we had flights to Orlando! Of course we hit Disney World and Universal Studios! The funny thing was the flight, the hotel and the rental car were all still cheaper than our tickets to the parks. That just doesn't seem right. What was right was that we had a total blast and it was a fun way to celebrate Jackie's birthday! Although it was freezing! And unfortunately the day we went to Disneyworld it rained most of the afternoon/evening. We were wet, soggy, freezing messes at the end of the day. But still had so much fun.
We hit Universal the next day and while it didn't rain that day it was still cold! I had no idea Florida could even get that cold! I shiver just thinking about it. We piled on the layers the best we could and made the most of it. Of course Harry Potter Wizarding World, was the best! And I found out I'm a total Potter head, I know way more about Harry Potter than I even realized. Nerd!
We got to Florida in the late afternoon/early evening and decided to hit the beach.

 Mindy doing her best bird impersonation

 Jackie scared the bird, or was it the bird that scared Jackie?


So excited!!


 So much Frickin' Freezing, Fun in Florida with Friends! 

As soon as I got back from Florida we met my sisters in San Antonio, so we could all celebrate Abby's birthday at Sea World. It was a beautiful weekend and drive to San Antonio.


Aunt Kristi, Ethan and I are in this picture (3rd car back first and 2nd row), this was the first real, big coaster Ethan rode. He was so nervous and he screamed like a girl the entire time but ended up loving it (I think)..

The birthday girl had a blast celebrating her birthday at Sea World with all the 'aminals'!

The kids love hotel pools, it's generally the thing they remember most about any trip we go on..


We also visited Natural Bridge Caverns, which was pretty cool and don't let those who are wearing jackets fool you, it was NOT cool in the caverns it was quite humid and warm actually. They're just weird. ;)

 We decided to check out the San Jose mission, it was cool and educational.

 (those 2 doors on the left are the restrooms, I snapped a photo and Alex said did you just take a picture of the bathrooms..Well...yes... I guess I did)..

 I love old buildings and churches, they are just cool and this place was very peaceful and serene.

 We also hit the Alamo, and finally found Alex's ancestor's name that fought on the Texas side at the Alamo. Cool stuff.

 And dinner on The Riverwalk of course..Great weekend celebrating Abby and spending some quality time with the sisters!

Mars and Avril...
Not sure which happened in which month but here's a mashup of March and April..

Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet
It was a western theme, clearly..

 What wasn't so clear to some that these were horse cookies, some people (who shall remain nameless embarrassing for them), thought they were cow cookies. Neigh, neigh I say those are horses!!

 I love the props!
 Especially the kind that make Alex look like he has buck teeth. Ha!

 Just a couple of belt loops, no big deal!

Alex and I got to go to The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo with Abby's school class. It was fun, first graders are super cute. They don't love to listen but they're still cute.

 Spring Break!
My friend invited us to her lake house and we had a total blast!

He's a good brother!
 Hey! Abby! Jump!

A week later we were invited back to camp overnight, and Alex got join us this time. It was so fun and cool and just about perfect. Oh! And we had the most delicious food ever!

Ziplining fun!

 I'm not certain but I'm guessing this is Easter! Since I don't usually take pictures of the kids in their church clothes..But aren't they cute?!

 Egg hunt at Grandma's!

 Getting ready for dance recital pictures. Those lashes are for real. Just a tiny bit of mascara and they look like that! She gets them from her Dad, lucky girl!
Amber's birthday was an interesting day, we went to the Zmolek boys birthday party. Everyone was having a blast then Ethan came in crying after crashing on a scooter. We thought he broke his elbow, so Alex took him to the Insta Care. They said he had a buckle fracture on his wrist, which only requires a brace for a couple weeks and then he'll be back to good. Well...not entirely convinced that was the correct diagnosis, I took him to our pediatrician who could not read the x-ray (technical difficulties) and told me to go get the report and another copy of the x-ray. So I did. She recommended I go to the orthopedic doctor but it was sort of up to me.
Ended up going to the orthopedic doctor anyway. They couldn't read the x-ray either and took another x-ray. And found that it was in fact a full on break that would require a cast for 4 weeks and that brace for 2.  So not really sure who to believe but at least his wrist is healed.
  After a couple other minor little delays we finally made to Amber's grave in the early evening. My heart was heavy that morning, and really wishing we had a 4 year old with us to celebrate her day. I was just missing my girl. By the time we made it to the grave to do our balloon release and wishing Amber a Happy Birthday, I wasn't feeling as sad, just grateful to know that we'll all be together again in the next life. We always let go of balloons on her birthday, our way of wishing her a happy day. We love her lots and miss her lots too!

Also in April, we had a bunch of flooding in our area this picture of the Cypress Creek which caused a lot problems for a lot folks a little bit further down stream from us. We don't live that far from this creek and it was amazing to see so much water in the creek. It has never been that high. This is from the road and it's probably a good 20+ above where the creek normally is. Crazy the amount of water we had in a short amount of time. We were very grateful to not have any high water in our immediate area and neighborhood, because that was not the case for some friends.

That was TON to catch up on! Holy cow!
Up Next..
May and June!