Friday, May 13, 2011

Busy, busy, busy..

We've been pretty busy lately, with what you ask..I don't know I couldn't tell you, it's all a blur..but I assure you we have been busy. Here's a few pic.'s to catch us up (keep in mind I'm doing this blog more for me and my family then for anyone else).

We watched--
Ethan's T-Ball season come to an end.

OK, so, yes, I might be biased but isn't he the cutest little slugger ever?!

Obviously they take this game very seriously!

Ethan on the left and Joseph on the right.

Bad picture but a cute kid with a cool baseball trophy.

Like moths to a flame! Did someone say CAKE?!!!

We celebrated--
Mother's Day, and it was great! Spoiled rotten, I am (took these pictures with my phone, thus the poor quality-although not all that different than the quality of pictures taken with our regular camera-hhhmmmmmm).
My mother's day's gifts. Cute picnic basket filled with fun little gifts from my most favorite husband ever. Check out those pretty pink Hydrangeas! My most favorite flower ever!

I 'heart' that Ethan wrote 'Mom' on the yellow card! And signed the inside-that totally made my Mother's Day!

He colored this picture for me at school (also note his super swollen eye-he got a mosquito bite on his eyelid and they just swell up so huge on him and Abby both-poor kids).

Ethan made that little flower/paper plate thing at school for me, on the inside was a recipe for a good mom! Cute! I love being a mom and getting gifts like these!!!

We partied at--
Chuck E. Cheese's, a LOT!
{Is it Chuck E. Cheese? Or Chuck E.Cheese's?}

Abby trying to play air hockey by herself. And I just have to say that Ethan is an awesome air hockey player! He was having so much fun. I think he even beat Alex at a game, like for real...

We actually went to Chuck E. Cheese 3 times in less than 2 weeks, for 3 different
friends (of Ethan) birthday parties. We partied with Claire, Zack and Drew, and Joseph! Ethan and Abby have a blast! Abby is not a big fan of the actual Chuck E. Cheese, when he comes out to say hi to everyone, she tries to hide and bascially sits right on top of me. She'll bury her head on my shoulder, then when he's at a reasonable distance away, she will watch him closely for about 5 min. and wait for him to leave. She's like that with the Red Robin too. Guess we won't be going to Disneyland anytime soon.

We've seen our garden grow and grow and grow...Yipee!
{These pictures were taken about 2 weeks ago, everything is at easily triple that size now}


{Potential} Tomato, Peas, carrots, bell pepper, onion, cucumber, lettuce and cilantro
Come on garden!


I got me some of these yesterday, thanks to my friend Kelly, who learned how to do it from her friend Brittney, and Kelly is now teaching our friend Janalyn (who also happens to be one of the best jewelry makers EVER) how to do it...So there's a whole circle of eyelash extension professionals going on in my circle of friends. Yipee! I'm excited, no more racoon eyes after 3pm! And for the record and it's probably pretty obvious those are not my eyes {pictured}, my eyebrows and skin and are way crazier than that!
Plus I have big puffy dark circly bags under the eyes.
But at least my lashes will look good!