Friday, November 16, 2012

Our house is a very fine house...

Confession:  I haven't looked at the blogs in a long time because we don't have internet, but I just looked at them and they are so fun and it makes me miss you all!


#1 Mason and I live in a 4-plex in Clearfield, UT.  Home sweet home has never had more meaning.  We love it!  Notice all of our beautiful appliances thanks to YOU and other wedding guests!

#2 We went on a honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, rode a bus into the jungle for a Zip-line tour, and picked up parasites!  We had the time of our lives!!


#3 We GOT MARRIED AND we're soooooo happy!   Thanks to EVERYBODY for the VITAMIX!! We make smoothies at least once a day and sometimes twice. We LOVE it!  Mason is getting really good at green smoothies too!  They are like our garbage disposal because we throw whatever we have in their-- they usually taste delicious anyway!!  WE LOVE YOU ALL!!

#4 Visitors!!  Mom, Dad, Em, Garrett, and Ape came for conference and all slept in our living room!  We can't wait for you to come back to visit!

Looking forward:  Thanks for putting the Christmas list together! We're really excited to see people soon over the holidays!

Monday, November 12, 2012

2011 Christmas

Here is the list from last year.

1. Doug- Danny, Britta
2. Becky- Kaity, Joslin
3. Danny- Alan, Julia
4. Kaity- Britta, Bryan
5. Alan- Joslin, Emily
6. Britta- Julia, Garrett
7. Joslin- Bryan, April
8. Julia- Emily, Natalie
9. Bryan- Garrett, Ellie
10. Emily- April, Doug
11. Garrett- Natalie, Becky
12. April- Ellie, Danny
13. Natalie- Doug, Kaity
14. Ellie- Becky, Alan