I found my old copy of Children of Albion because I wanted to read some poems by Anselm Hollo, the Finnish poet who lived most of his life in the USA. He died a few days ago on 29th January. I first read his poems in the anthology in 1969 and I liked them a lot. Around that time I bought a copy of Maya, a collection of his poems from 1959 -1969 (published by Cape Goliard Press). Although I've culled my poetry books many times in the last few decades I have kept these two books. And of course, through the years, I've continued to read Anselm Hollo's work.
WELL IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE ENGLAND Well it has been a great old Party the first one said starting On down the stairs a Great gettogether the second One joining in all the others Pushing out into the stair- Case following them On down talking and Singing and laughing like Mad supporting each Other stopping to pick up This and that on the way Down the stairs a great Great long party winding on Down a merry old dragon of Chinamen retelling itself What jokes writing them Down on the walls for those Who came after stumbling And hopping on down so pleased No one noticed they must've Been going on down for at Least a month and well below street- level (Anselm Hollo from & it is a song, Migrant Press, 1965)
Inside Children of Albion I found a bookmark - an entry ticket to a psychedelic theatre revue in Brisbane called High On A Hot Banana. As the back of the ticket indicates, I went to the performance on August 5th at 8pm. This was in 1967. For a moment, that teenage era came back to me quite vividly.