Friday, March 16, 2012

Hudson was being silly on the stairs, so I figured I would catch him in the moment...

Which made him even sillier...

Not to be outdone; Miles came in to join the action....
These boys really love eachother, which couldn't make me happier. 
Here are the boys and I making gnocchi on a Sunday after church. It's messy, but oh so fun. 


Sundays are the day when all of my boys actually put on real clothes. 

Miles had a special "Daddy Day" at school a few weeks ago. They do it early because Father's day is in the summer and want to make crafts for Dad. They made these little frames and answered a list of seemingly obvious questions like:

How old is your dad?---Miles said 16

He also said he weighed 16 pounds 

What is your Dad's favorite food?--- Quesadillas with hot cheese (maybe Mom's favorite)

At his job my dad------Rides a tank. (What?!)

My dad likes to wear-----ugly clothes. (HAHAHA, I thought this was hysterical!)

Miles told me later that he told his teacher "snuggly clothes" not "ugly clothes", but I figure potato/potato


Here are Hudson and Lulu playing in our toy bin. Lulu happens to be Miles' BFF's little sister. Every time he sees her he gets so excited it's like he is skipping, hopping and running at the same time. Exclaiming "Lulu, play!"

My little ladies man.


Hudson is the biggest copycat. Whatever Miles does or says is just what Hudson is going to do next. 

It makes Miles feel awesome. He loves that Hudson looks up to him so much and will often encourage him to do all sorts of things. 

Luckily, Hudson is super tough.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dec 24

Hoping your holiday was very Merry.

the cutest Rudolf ever

Dec 23rd.

We opened our new Christmas jammies on James' birthday this year since we had a party on Christmas Eve. It was fun to try to capture a shot of the boys in front of the tree. 

Mustache Bash

I "mustache" you a question...

Sunday, January 1, 2012


You may think it's strange to see a child wearing a paper headband, but Hudson knows what's cool. He just follows his big bro's lead...

Miles had made this in primary earlier that day and was determined to wear it while bike riding. He is such a trend setter. Pretty sure we will see all the kids in the neighborhood wearing them soon. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Day of Preschool...

I realize that I am almost two months late in posting these but they are still awesome. 
Here is my big boy being so brave on his first day. 
He is so in love with his back pack. 

Miles has been loving school. He loves his teacher Miss Debbie and has lots of new "best friends". All of his BFF's are girls....such a ladies man already.