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kt-kl :)

yes,daddy emailed me the flight details.and i'll be going back to kl today :D the broadband is kinda slow,but oh well,i dont mind. :)


its 730pm.and the song puncak kasih by ziana zain is echoing in my mind.i came home around 640pm.i went to bb and ts.karaoke for like 3 hours.phew.loved it.and i'll be flying off to my kampong,kuala terengganu tomorrow morning with mummy.im scared of heights and planes.need to pack my stuff buy some things tonight.terengganu people,jum hangout nnti.lol.ok.gtg.mandi and solat.ciao and cheers people.pray for me darlings.xoxo.yuck.


im still hoping but im denying it.im confused.im sorry...

no,i am not gonna give up...

have you ever felt so furious and upset with yourself plus the extreme rush of jealousy wrapped around you...because you havent been able to get what you really,and i mean realllly want?seeing friends going here and there.studying in aussie,canada,uk,usa...it just doesnt feel right,when you actually know you could too.you'd still cry and cant get over it.even after 3 long years.you'd do anything to get it because it was something you'd always dreamed of eversince you're little.you wanna turn back time and redeem the other A which you left out.just an A and its enough for me.the complete 10A's will get me going.*sigh* you sit in your room,staring at the blank walls,wondering if your life could change...like you wish it would.hoping that miracles could happen....and im not gonna give up easily.NO.

*kak azizah from ijm had sent us the email.the cheque is ready.will ask daddy to pick it up on monday. :)
**regarding something...im spending the last few days that i have before i leave it behind...
***fyi i dont copy other people's style of writing.not like some of us.

ok im done.nak solat.

cheers :)!

not much of a planner

In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

700th post.well 700 in the whole 4 years of becoming a blogger.wow.already?haha.so,yes im at home for the mid term break.no plans.nope.yet.probably be goin back to terengganu.and fill in my-bored-to-death-holiday-slots with something.yes.maybe i'd be baby sitting my cousins,bathe them,feed them,play and torture myself.phew.a good practice to the soon-to-be mommies.im no doubt,extremely ecstatic.lol. XP

last week had bc presentation.and afterwards there was this conversation between 2 girls...
fifi (not the real name) : hey mimi,u mix ke?
mimi (not the real name as well) : mix?no.why?
fifi : when you started to talk,you blew me off!wow!me and nini were like whoaaa,you really sounded like a british girl over there. 
mimi : haha.no,fifi you were the one who's good.better than me of course.
fifi : how come you could speak so well?
mimi : back then in primary school,my bestfriend was an indian girl and i was quite close with the chinese girls as well.so,we conversed in english.haha.
then someone called mimi. and the conversation ended.


i had 3 midterm papers this week.and i might say it sucks big time.today,i had procurements exam,i had no idea on the last question which consist of 10 marks.i said so bye2 10 marks,just fly away because i havent been able to grab hold of you.


bc?hahaha.i studied.and studied.but.oh well,the first question?it was not in the notes.so,basically,i wrote just anything which came into my mind a.k.a,i called it non-sense.lol.and the second question?we had to draw diagrams.and i practically made up the diagrams.somehow,i have a strong,a verry strong feeling...that i may be getting 0/10.huh.a new record perhaps.haha.foolish.


ungs?im speechless.yesterday,i had classes from 830-1100am.then 200-700pm directly.alhamdulillah there was no halaqah.so managed myself before i began to study for 6 hours straight.my brains were cramped with terminologies, facts,blah3.and pity,my brain can barely grasp all of the knowledge during the 6 hours.in my assumptions,i think i could only digest 52.4% out of the 248 slides.haha.slept at 3 something am.woke up for subuh.studied until i fall asleep.woke up at 8am.studied.until 9am.and then a quick shower plus the ironless baju kurung had saved my time.930am i was off to class,since its in irk.very far i should say.reached class at 947am.and alhamdulillah,the questions were not really difficult but they werent easy.lol.

so,my plans during the hols?
  • fatten myself up
  • study
  • do homework
  • bake3 :)
  • hafazan for tilawah
  • paint my room
  • hangout with gang anak bapak! :D
basically thats about it,like i always said,im not much of a planner. :)
okay im off.i need to feed my face.

cheers people!


myra,enough with the crap.
stop wasting time.
focus on your resolutions.
things are going to be different.
you need to beat up rizal's pointer.
3.81 is your target and benchmark.
note that nothing is impossible.
except for shallow ones.
they never have the effort to keep impoving themselves.
enough with the programmes.
they are nothing but a waste of time.
remember why you are here.
first class degree honour is the reason why.


slap my face and stab my heart.

let it bleed.

people are darn cruel.

i HATE them.

i live in crapville.

i have issues.i am too depressed.im out of my mind.

i need a shrink.i need a shrink.i need a shrink.

i cried.i have a big family problem.

im screwed.

my reputation is being torn apart.

*i want need new friends.im tired of the old ones.so,stay away from me.
**will be quitting all programmes from now on.i need to manage myself before i manage programmes.
***will not become the leader of any group/task.it drives me nuts.

-if only you knew,you'd be sorry for me one day...............

second chances

the warm evening breeze felt good against her pale face.the sound of the ocean was soothing.she stared in the deep blue sea and shut her beautiful deep brown eyes.the hijab which covered shura's pretty face was flowing behind her back.following the soft wind.the sand.. felt awfully nice underneath her feet.it was all gone.her hopes.her dreams.her wishes.burnt down and collapsed like a ruined timber house.

back then,a year ago.plans were arranged.she dreamed of having a beautiful grand wedding.with gorgeous white covered satin lacey dress with a hijab. and him..?the perfect satin white baju melayu with matching sampin and tengkolok.then the pelamin was lovely.the number of children she had planned with him.5 kids.a pair of twin boys,another boy and 2 girls.she sighed.and breathed heavily.

the guy,left her..over the phone....gave her invalid reasons.he did it just to get away from her.it reminded her,the song all or nothing.but look on the bright side,at least not all of her plans were crushed.probably the grass is much greener on the other side.positivity.maybe the All Mighty had better plans for her.had reserved a better person for her to be with.fate lies in His hands.

she had a lot of other plans.to graduate as a doctor.continue a year to become a specialist in paeditric.then to apply a work in the united kingdom.to settle,buy a house there,invite her parents and brothers to stay with her.she could still fulfill her dreams.one day.some day.....

shook her head.waking up from her imaginations.the sun was setting.how beautiful the view was.she stood.inhaling a deep breath.picking up her bronze coloured gladiator sandals.straightening her black tshirt.wiping off the sand from her jeans.a last walk along the shore before shura's getting home.slow.thinking.tranquil.clearing up her mind.

'life goes on and i have to move on'.she whispered silently.

suddenly,out of the blue,her heart started to race and she had an urge to turn around.

tears forming...there he was.standing behind her.

'..i....i dont know how to say this....but im sorry....for all of the things i've put you through.....could you please,give me one more chance....i wanna start all over again ...'

'....im sorry....'


'..because i dont believe in second chances.....goodbye....'

shura turned and walked away.leaving him behind...


this week and next week

  • last night,the iron burnt my arm which leaves a brown scar.
  • this morning,my kain baju kurung was torn and my presentation sucks.
  • last night,i quit nasyid due to loads of asssignments + meetings + study circle + night classes.
  • i havent studied my law subject,the legal studies.have quiz tomorrow.
  • bulletin!email to huzaifah by tonight!
  • havent print out my assignments yet.due tomorrow.
  • next week,i have 3 midterm exams.
  • and the week after,have hafazan for tilawah.
  • busy?yes.so and so.
  • plus i will be joining 4 programmes this sem.(so far)


this morning...
tok su passed away........ :'(


In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

i have loads of work/task/practice  :

- structure 2 - groupwork assignment (submit : thursday night)
- building construction 2 - groupwork report (submit : wednesday)
- building construction 2 - groupwork presentation ( present : wednesday)
- legal studies - individual quiz ( thursday)
- quest - edit bulletin ( due : tuesday)
- ungs 2 - groupwork assignment - (submit : next 2 weeks)
- estimating 2 - individual assignment ( submit : wednesday)
- nasyid practice (night - depends)

*i have priorities.new year,new resolution.and im working hard to achieve my target.Allah please grant me strength...amin.

something to ponder...
dalam dunia ni ada 4 jenis orang :
1. orang yang xpandai,dan sedar/tahu mereka xpandai.
2. orang yang xpandai,selalu perasan pandai,mereka sebenarnya xsedar bahawa mereka xpandai.
3. orang yang pandai,dan sedar/tahu mereka pandai.
4. orang yang pandai,tapi menyangka diri mereka xpandai,dan mereka tidak sedar bahawa mereka pandai.

dan sebenarnya rata2 manusia berada di kelompok yang kedua.jadi,bila nak sedar?

think about it

did it ever occur to you,that sometimes bad things happen to you as result or a punishment of what you did,as in something bad,to others?

think about it...

goodbye forever -story

april 11th.

she was feeling rather despair.all sorts of emotion was running through mind.she grabbed her thin wavy black hair.tugged it.hard.

'no its not coming off,you fool',she thought.obviously it didnt.

'why is this happening to me......?why?!'

she felt the rush of sadness started to rose up in her.suddenly,the innocent white w910i cellphone was thrown to the floral light pink painted wall and immediately fell on the marble floor.

she looked at it helplessly.after a few minutes,her w910i rang,glanced at the screen.'daniel' she shut her eyes as tears started to form.

eversince the day she received the answer from that 'man',it has been a wreck for her.people were gossiping.it was...unbearable.how hard it was to walk around the campus with a lot of eyes staring at her and talking about her and she received a lot of calls and text messages.but some,they did shared a sympethetic smile, which usually lightens her up a little.

she never thought it was going to end up so fast.'why?im only 19..'she thought.

but she knew,she shouldnt have questioned the littlest things to the biggest things which have been determined by the All Mighty.whats the time?21.09.she havent perfomed her isya' prayers.she carefully took the ablution and humbly performed her prayers.after she was finished.she lifted her hands,and prayed to Him with all her heart followed by the warms beads which dripped unto her white telekung.'i know its impossible..but who knows...miracles could happen..'her petite heart whispered silently...

then the white telekung and the yellow praying mat was neatly folded and was hung behind the door.the colourful album was opened.she flipped the pages,one by one.trying to recall.all the sweet memories she have had.she smiled.biting her lower lip as she was avoiding herself from crying again.

for all she knew,she had been seeing a man since the past few months.his words still lingering in her deep thoughts,still echoing in her ears.how clear his statement was.how he explained everything.but still.it was unacceptable for her.saying goodbye is the very last thing which appears on her mind...she still remembered the day.lifeless.speechless.and petrified.wishing everything he said was just a dream.a nightmare.

a knock on the door.she quickly wiped off her tears.'julia?' it was her mother.'yes mummy?','dinner's ready','i'll be right down' smiling sweetly.as she closed the door,julia grabbed a pen and a paper,and sribbled something on it.and puts it in her pocket,as she made her way downstairs.how great it smells.the wonderful aroma of the herbs in the spaghetti.her favourite.she sat and ate quietly.not speaking any word.

soon,she was finished and asked for a permission to have a stroll in the housing area for just a a few minutes.she made a grab for her blue sweater and carelessly put on a hijab to cover her head.the cold damp air felt really good.as she was walking,suddenly,she felt a stab of pain above her stomach.the usual place.and again,the pain was excruciating.julia dropped on her knees,gripping her left abdomen.searching her cellphone?no.'i forgot to take it'she remembered.the feeling of panic stated to take over her.she doesnt have the strength to screamed for help and to walk as the pain was getting ferocious.stabbing her repeatedly.vision was getting blurred.everything becomes darker.and darker.and totally blank.


thunder roared.rain started to pour down viciously.it was a dark,gloomy day.every pair of eyes were watery...and reddish.its time to say goodbye.forever.

the mother was in julia's room...pacing slowly...a diary was seated still on the neat study table.

february 7th
-dear diary,today,the usual routine. :) class was fun.had a new assignment pertaining the adaptation of the english law in malaysia.tonight,i will be having a meeting with the theatre club.daniel hadnt call for such a long time. :( its ok.i'll be alright and strong enough for tomorrow and the day after. :)

february 11th
-dear diary,today.i had a rough day.i was scolded by my lecturer.my groupmates were lazy,i had to do everything.EVERYTHING!and daniel?was no longer a part of me.....

february 12th
-dear diary mummy insisted me in seeing the 'man' tomorrow.i lost a lot of weight,vomited several times and i had abdominal pains which lasted for the past 5 days.

february 13th
-dear diary....today...it changed my life...i had become normal to abnormal...the doctor told me,i have cancer...a critical stage of pancreatic cancer...i only have approxmiately 2 months to live.............mummy cried.daddy cried...i cried.......why..?why me....?

february 19th
-things got worse...i had to miss classes...

february 22nd
-had my first chemotherapy

march 2nd
-people were talking about me....havent been able to do groupwork assignments....missed classes...didnt tell my friends the truth,i should hide it...Allah please give me strengh and help me...

march 6th
-my hair is getting thinner.

march 30th
-i stopped responding to treatments.....

april 7th
-daniel called 14times.i ignored him....

april 9th
-dear diary,maybe there wasnt much hope left for me to live like a normal 19 year old girl..the doctor said,pancreatic cancer patients had a low percentage to stay alive or recover...suffering from cancer,feels like a death sentence to me.as if...im waiting for my time to come.maybe today.or tomorrow...or even the next day.only He knows...i prayed a lot.hoping and wishing eventhough i knew that miracles its just not going to happen...mummy,and daddy, had been treating me like i was a baby...asking me things that i need...feeding me the food that i always liked.stroked my hair like im a child,waited me until i fell asleep... mummy,daddy,you know,i always love you with all my heart.im sorry if i couldnt be with you more than you wished.im sorry for the things that i've done wrong..im sorry i havent been able to graduate,to become a doctor,like mummy had always dreamed of...mummy,daddy..im sorry...if i had to leave you..forever....

daniel...do you have to know about this..?maybe..you will.soon....

april 10th
-dear diary.im scared...to death....

she closed it.and wiped her stream of tears.she had to say goodbye...forever...


copy and pasted from dear alya fathi

1. A man won’t let go if he really loves you.
Do not hold on to someone who has let go of you. He does not love you and does not value having you. Believe me, he will not let go if he really loves you. There is another reason he is not willing to tell.

2. Do not look for reasons why he ended the relationship.
There is only one reason why he ended your relationship. He just does not love you. Do not waste your time thinking of reasons or what you should have done. Move on and be open to a man who will truly love you.

3. Do not get hang up on your past.
Do not nag or distrust your current boyfriend just because your ex hurt you. Do not treat him or the relationship the same way. Do not compare. He will not react the same way as your ex. Do not be worried that your simple mistakes will cause him to look for another girl. What happened with your ex was not your fault. It was not because you didn’t guard him enough or you didn’t make him happy enough.

4. Do not look into images.
How many times have you met a girl who didn’t have the best image in school or at the office, but you get to know the girl and found out she was actually extremely nice? Do not rely on images. Oftentimes, it is far from reality. Do not fear men just because your “supposedly” perfect ex-boyfriend mistreated you.

5. Always have your own set of rules.
Set your limits on how far you’d go for a guy. It’s perfectly ok to give and do everything as long as it’s worth it. And it’s worth it if the guy is treating you right.

6. Do not be scared to lose him.
Don’t be scared that he’ll break up with you. Once you are afraid of losing him, you easily can be taken advantage. Be strong and if something is unacceptable, do not accept it and speak up.

7. Avoid calling your guy.
It’s a guy thing. The relationship will definitely be better if it’s the guy who’s calling, not the girl. He will get tired of you if you keep on calling. He will lose interest and challenge. More so, he will get annoyed. But it’s a girl thing also that your fingers get too itchy until you dial his number. But avoid as much as possible. Call only if really needed (like checking if your suspicions are reasonable).

8. There is a guy who will value you.
There is a guy out there who can make you feel valued, appreciated, and loved. And I mean, not just during your first few weeks together. So don’t lose hope. Don’t settle for a lesbian if you are not attracted to women. There is a man out there who can love you like a girl can.

Also, do not believe him when he says it’s just the way he really is. He’s not the sweet or expressive-type. Remember during your first few weeks together? Where has that sweet guy gone? He simply is not that into you anymore.

9. Always be the only one, no matter what.
Do not ever fall for a guy who has another girl, be it his wife, girlfriend, or any girl that he says he just can’t get rid of for whatever reason. If you truly believe that he loves you and for some reason, he can’t leave or let go of another girl, then you are no different from any ordinary mistress.

10. He must respect you.
No matter how long the relationship has been, he should always show respect towards you.

11. If he fooled you, end it.
Philandering once is enough. You can never trust nor respect the person again.

12. Never start a relationship the wrong way.
Do not steal another girl’s man, for whatever reason. Nor should you enter a relationship for the wrong reasons (loneliness, on the rebound, getting back at your ex, man-dependency, etc.) it is bound not to last. You will only end up wasting more years of your life.

13. Do not force yourself into a relationship.
Do not get into a relationship just because your friends are getting impatient with your dating escapades and the one hasn’t come yet. Do not choose who to say yes to based on superficial things like money, looks, cars, etc.. If you are even thinking of these things, you have not fallen in love yet.

14. Do not settle.
If you are not happy anymore with your relationship, break up instantly. He will not stay with you forever no matter how upright he might seem to be. Eventually, he will also want love and happiness in his life.

15. A relationship has to have love.
Love is the only thing that will push you to give your efforts into making the relationship work. And believe me, keeping a relationship requires genuine efforts of both parties.

16. Don’t be afraid to be single.
It’s fun to be single, try it. You can go out whenever and wherever you want. You are free. You can date whomever you want and you get to go out for free! Do not get a boyfriend just for the sake of having one. Do not settle.

17. Be a good girl.
Be a good girl to attract a good guy. Enter the relationship with sincere intentions. Take the guy and the relationship seriously with the plan of spending the rest of your life with that person (of course, this is after you had your bit of fun in your younger years). If you compare your flings from your real relationships, you will know that the latter makes you happier and more fulfilled.

18. Love without limits.
Whether you loved and gave everything or loved but held out for some things, if the relationship ends, you still get hurt. But if you gave your everything, you were happy and you could say that it was worth it. If you didn’t give your all, you get hurt for nothing.

19. You will get over him.
Love is over-stated. Love eventually ends and you are free to love another.

20. Be the one.
Act like you are the one. Don’t be a nagger. Don’t hinder his gimmicks. Don’t give in to him too easily. Make him treat you as important. Don’t be easy. Don’t be like every other girl he had in his life.

**sorry al,i copied and pasted it from you.if you dont like it,i could delete it from my blog a.s.a.p.no worries.let me know hun.

lost and found

oh yes,i fumbled through my things in my small cupboard.and i found this.

i need new headphones for my ipod.cant seem to find the old ones. :) the last time i saw it was a couple of years ago.heh.
The Diary of Truth | TNB