well,its been four nights since i was down with fever.terrible cough.and runny nose(penat kejar).bila fikir sakit,everything nak buat tak larat,sakit kepala,sakit pinggang,sakit belakang,sakit kaki,sakit leher,mata kuyu,tangan asyik meremang.tapi takpe,itu satu ujian dr Allah kan :) jadi jgn complain,myra. anyway,these 3 weeks,we had a bunch of assignments.and practically the whole week,i wasnt really focused during the lectures.ohh note to self :
measurements : study and look at examples on slipsorts.
ungs : article review
building construction : group of 3.(me,ila,nadia)assignmnt-report on site organization activity.
estimating : group of 4.(me,um,syd,inaz) assignment.get 4 tender documents
structures : study for quiz.do exercise in notes.
working drawing : group of 10.(me,nadia,syikin,fiza,del,ida,hadi,saiful,moes,aus) trace.site plan,location plan,follow letter block. *reminder : buy drawing block and felt pen 0.2,0.4,0.6.
environmental and material science : individual assignment,get details on the chosen building.(cac) do report.
currently addicted to naby's song - mungkin.idk why...try listen to it.click here.
6 years ago