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well,its been four nights since i was down with fever.terrible cough.and runny nose(penat kejar).bila fikir sakit,everything nak buat tak larat,sakit kepala,sakit pinggang,sakit belakang,sakit kaki,sakit leher,mata kuyu,tangan asyik meremang.tapi takpe,itu satu ujian dr Allah kan :) jadi jgn complain,myra. anyway,these 3 weeks,we had a bunch of assignments.and practically the whole week,i wasnt really focused during the lectures.ohh note to self :

measurements : study and look at examples on slipsorts.
ungs : article review
building construction : group of 3.(me,ila,nadia)assignmnt-report on site organization activity.
estimating : group of 4.(me,um,syd,inaz) assignment.get 4 tender documents
structures : study for quiz.do exercise in notes.
working drawing : group of 10.(me,nadia,syikin,fiza,del,ida,hadi,saiful,moes,aus) trace.site plan,location plan,follow letter block. *reminder : buy drawing block and felt pen 0.2,0.4,0.6.
environmental and material science : individual assignment,get details on the chosen building.(cac) do report.

currently addicted to naby's song - mungkin.idk why...try listen to it.click here.


In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

im not feeling very well lately.Dear Allah,please grant me health and happiness to face my upcoming days.Amin.well,a couple of days ago,i was down with fever.it all began with a mild sore throat and suddenly,in the evening,i started to feel different.my eyelids,neck and body started to feel warmer and i feel weaker.

and during the night.i couldnt sleep.from 9pm up to 2 am.poor me.and then,yesterday,i woke up and went to class.i couldnt even concentrate on what the lecturer was teaching.last night,i went to the clinic with aisyah.and here i am.not going to class.since i received an mc from the doctor.

and another thing,stakat nie,the four of us,me,kak zyha,kak nana and din are ill.the kembara peeps from berkelah trip.weird.and scary.plus,besides the fever,my skin is darker too.im waiting for my skin to peel off its burnt layer.haha.boy,i really hate it.thats what i get when i betray the ones i love,my parents,my precious.huhu.


eleventy zillion times i cried.and now...im emotionless.stay away from me.tawar hati.


it feels great when someone makes us feel special.its as if you'd actually have forgotten everything and even the things which turned our days sad and gloomy.it is different from the way that i used to feel.i wanted to feel that way,all the time.because i dearly miss on how it feels to be happy and appreciated.

right now.im caught up in the middle.im playing games with my heart.juggling my emotions.and let my thoughts wander in the pale blue sky like a small bird flying around carefree and happily.my mind says i have to move on.but the tiny voice inside my heart is saying no.and im lonely...

i guess i am acting pretty weird lately...due to some reasons.makin lama makin pudar.makin kekok..dan diriku terus hilang untuk berkata-kata.aku tidak seperti dulu lagi.seringkali aku duduk seorang diri,melayan perasaan,mendengar lagu2 sedih dan membiarkan diriku hanyut dibawa lamunan.sedih...........


In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

two days ago,i was going through an extreme mental and emotional breakdown.rasa cam orang gila pun ada.everything i did,macam mimpi je.hati dekat tempat lain.that night,someone asked me to join him to the waterfall trip to berkelah.just to forget about my problems for a while,so that i wont do anything stupid or any tindakan luar kawalan,i took the chance of tagging along with them.

i met new older friends.frankly,they were scary instead of being funny.they asked a lot of questions.and it troubles me to answer them.i dont have any ideas to speak up with them.the not-so grown up talk i should say.asyik kene bahan adalah.dah la mata bengkak teruk,dorg gelakkan.terrible.

so,me,kak zyha,kak nana and din,travelled to maran.we had to stop at the masjid nearby and took the 15mins lorry ride.and the trekking began.i was one of the earliest have reached the 1st waterfall stop.it was nice.lovely.and very calming.everyone else jumped in the water and i sat quietly,accompanied.

the next stop was nicer.very beautiful.but still after a few short swims,and then,i received a call.trus hilang mood.ramai orang perasan.rasa nak nangis at that moment pun ada,tapi aku just tahan and duduk diam2.i let my mind wandered off.lagi ramai tanya,lagi rasa semacam.tak suka.sbb kene jawab mcm2 soalan.

but alhamdulillah.during the whole trip,i always had a company with me.mmg jaga habis time trip.i feel protected and secured.terharu but at the same time,i wish it was someone else....you know who.... :'( but its okay.

so when we were heading back to gombak,i couldnt resist anymore.i feel bad and guilty.i couldnt hold back the feeling anymore.jadi,aku biar je dia mengalir...layan...sampai dia nak berhenti sendiri.the overall trip was fun,tapi hatiku tak ada time trip tu.

week 1 semester 1 year 1

In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

listening : i will still love you - britney spears

alhamdulillah.the first week is overr.taaruf sucks.as usual.hectic schedule.tiring week.and pretty much.my heart didnt have enough time to heal either.and im at home now.terribly sad i couldnt join the mount rajah trip.i was looking forward to it.hmm.but i guess i'll try to look on the bright side.so,its okay then.when one door closes,two doors open right? :)

so,last week i've completed the level one climbing course.it was fun except a few 'highlights'(kan ain? :) )so anyway,met some great people,who shared the same interest as i am.and having arif is nice enough as i had dearie ain as my roomie :D the two day course was worth every minute and i learnt a lot of things.neat.

oh and as for my major,quantity surveying,i am taking 8 subjects(6 core subjects,2 uni course) plus study circle 1 which makes 9 all together with 19.5 credit hours.yeah,thats quite a lot.hoping that i'll score this semester to achieve my target.insyaallah.the lecturers are nice.my lecturers are all guys except for one subject,she's mdm nurul huda.very petite and comel.mesti the boys suka.

last evening i went to ijm with nadia.she's gotten the same great new as i did for the past few weeks.so we took the bus,putra lrt and taxi to reach the wisma ijm at jln yong shook lin to accompany her.huhu.and another great news.i'll be skipping the quest taaruf tomorrow.hahaha.too bad.explore race?sounds fun!but nah,i'll make a pass,please.thank you very much. :)

p/s : myra doakan syg selamat smpi and balik.enjoy and take care. :)

p/ss : submit the letter of guarantor to ijm.fast!


when i was deeply hurt by someone,sometimes i prefer to just keep my mouth shut especially when that person knows us better than anyone else.for example when someone tries to keep away from us,left us behind,ignored us like a piece of trash,stop spending some quality time and money has always been an issue.lastly,stop caring for us.
it feels different and things will eventually started to change.that is when i realize how unimportant and tiny i was.setting me aside in every event.keeping things from me.devastating.instead of being appreciated,i had teardrops,puffy eyes and a heart with deep wounds and a million stitches.

my confessions were unreasonably forgotten and i was teared apart when the truth which i voiced out seems to be such a waste.i truly understand that i am not that smart and am not that pretty either.but somehow,i know that my perceptions and point of views are right all along.but like i always knew...deny,will always be the answer to my answers...

i was supposed to publish this yesterday

playlist : britney spears' first album,baby one more time and michael jackson's kara collection 2004.

so,maybe.i'll be away today and tomorrow.the reason being?

Climbing Course for Level 1
Mont Kiara Sport Complex

and supposedly we(the first year) students will start our online course registration.im a bit worried since i really want to get everything right,according to what i've plan in my schedule.i'll try to find a way.ask my brother to do it or something.will be taking 9 subjects this sem.

update?erm,yesterday,a friend of mine said she had dilemma,in choosing her course.its either engineering or quantity surveying.she said she wants to stay in engineering because she likes the engineering subjects,physics,chemistry.i mean i love them,too,previously and i gave them all up.

my big brother once said to me,what is more important,is to think 20-30 years in advance.the job prospects.because the duration of studying is just the short period of time.4 years.and i had a deep thought about it too.before i made up my mind,and decide to choose qs instead of medic or law or architecture.

and now,i accept everything.the things that happen,they did happen for a reason.all along,the Allmighty mapped out every single journey and the path which i was supposed to go through without any frustration and regrets in life.and im sure some of my friends knew about it.and yes,i'd like to express my thanks and gratitude to Allah SWT for everything.

so on the 11th of august,i'll be attending the 'ceremony' at holiday villa subang jaya.my parents were invited too.and i'll be having the mentor programme soon.i guess it is pretty clear that qs is the choice for me.alhamdulillah.thanks to ijm as well :)

britney spears - email my heart

dedicated to you,dear.

beautifully broken

it hurts,
and im beautifully broken
right in front of you,
you left me alone,
in the cold dark sky,
with the lonely moon staring back at me,
letting the stars shine on my tears,
because you said goodbye,
so,i just close my eyes...
and all i see is
maafkan aku...



short semester result

the short semester result is finally out.
thanks for informing,eza.
i was kind of sad,but still,alhamdulillah....
next sem,double up your effort,myra.
you know you can do better than that.


its unbearable
try to be me
and i'll let you know how it feels


i like to observe.as much as i hate loud insensitive imprudent self centred greedy people.i may seem like i dont mind with what you did.and i say a lot of ''its okay''.but to be honest,i'd prefer quiet,low profile demure and decent friends.

oh come on,you cant fool me when you did something deliberately knowing that i wouldnt do anything about it.stop acting and enough with all the dramas.stupid dramas i say.and fyi im not absent minded thats for sure.

*p/s : its funny because sometimes what you did,will hit right back at you.sooooo,before you complain,take a good look of yourself in the mirror,pal.remember,what goes around comes around.

arggh!i loathe you!

random updates

In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

erm.updates?nothing much during this boring hols.well.erm,last evening my big brother bought a new wireless router.a powerful one.within 300metres range.and much faster compared to prolink!really cool.the old one is still functioning,but the signals are very low downstairs.oh yea,another update?have i ever mentioned rizal,my younger brother's is cfs iium pj.takin up bio science.medic's full so he was thrown into bio science instead.pity him.later maybe he'll get the chance to change course. :)

and erm,i received the agreement a few days ago,and i ought to send them back before 10th of july.and tomorrow's 6th!have to do it fast.i'll have daddy to send it in by tomorrow,early morning and by hand at that place.(much safer) :) and speaking of 6th.yes,arif will be back by tomorrow.*smile* wonderful.he did call me a couple of times and i was absolutely delighted. :)

another update?err...i am addicted to the old sitcom,three's company.and for 6 whole seasons,it ate 31gb of my hard disc!currently watching season 4.huhu.should buy an external soon.1tera byte,like my big bro's.what else.oh yeah,i did polish some of my cooking skills.haha.only a little.after all who would want to get married with a girl who doesnt know how to cook kan?mommy said,for girls,cooking is the mater of rajin and malas.haha.siapa terasa padan muka! :P *evil laugh*

on the 10th and 11th,i'll be attending a climbing course at mont kiara.yeay!something extra to do during the hols!terrific!arif's gonna be there and ain md nor too! :D more updates?okay2.beside my bed.try to guess what kind of book was placed there?r.l stine's nightmare room and the thick paper back of oxford's current english dictionary-1071 pages.yeah,i know my friends said its weird to read dictionaries just like that,but i enjoyed it and plus,i could improve my vocab.so,you should try it.its fun.

harry potter and the half blood prince

i just cant wait for harry potter and the half blood prince to be released on 17th of july!yes! :D in less than 2 weeks!click here,watch the official trailer of the movie! X)

final fantasy 8

oh,have i ever mentioned,i am a huge fan of final fantasy 8?huhu.i've been playing that game eversince i was in form 3,if im not mistaken.and i've finished it for a few times.4 cd's. and i never got bored with it.so for those rpg fan gamers,you should try. :)here are some pictures.squaresoft and square enix have such great graphics.


In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful...

a couple of days ago,i received a message...

''Askum,nabil mrwan(IQnig,DQgen7,uiapj08/09)shbt yg sgt kta cintai krn Allah S.W.T. tlh slamat kembali ke rahmatullah..mtk shbt hadiahkan alfatihah(7kali)& al-ikhlas(11kali)...smoga roh alayarham dtempatkan bersama par solihin.forward''


the new look *grin*

so,here's a new look for my blog.pink leopard spots and a black background.thanks fatin nadia for the tutorial! :)

a day at bella's

In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful
the pictures were upside down.look at the bottom pictures first.and click to enlarge picture :)
us.bergayut dkt pokok kemboja.kacau bella and radzi dating.

yg girls nak main sorok2 belakang pokok.tgk muka radzi.serious.sbb dia tak nak main.

the sisters.bella.nad.mar.me. :)

haha.i've no idea what we were doing too.esp.radzi.

dkt taman.radzi-''eh mar,ape kau buat?''

muke penat.sume boley senyum agy.radzi mmg dah tak bole sorok kepenatan beliau.

nad and mar. :D

bella dgn excitednye kupas bawang

me.tgh potong mushroom.radzi?tatau dia nga ckp ngan sape

shopping ingredients dkt giant.

yesterday.we had a great day.the gang anak bapak,as usual.me,nad,bella,radzi and mar spent a day at bella's house and we did some cooking. :D spahetti.bought the ingredients needed and yeah,we heated up the stove. :)) so,we put it this way,radzi said we look like a guy with 4 wives.and i said,i was divorced with him and married someone else.arif.haha.crap.

we had a blast,with all the cooking.and the meal of the day was spaghetti,roti paratha,fruit cocktails and twister apple juice. :) satisfied?maybe.hee.we ate and watched mj's video clips on mtv channel.nice.we were quite wiped out after the rush.we performed zohor prayers and later we had some ice cream before we head to the taman tasik shah alam.

we took and snapped some pictures.we headed to bella home around 530 to perform asar prayers.and bella's sister bought some cheesy wedges for us plus bella made some nice hot peach and passion fruit tea and ice lemon tea as well.lovely.around 645pm all of us decided to head back home.so thats the end of it.we should do this again some time. :D i really had a great time and enjoyed it.

The Diary of Truth | TNB