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Survey 007

1. Where is the person you have
feelings for right now?
-he's at home.

2. What are you doing on Friday?
-sit at home

3. Did the last kiss mean anything to
-never been kissed.haha.actually,aisyah was the last person i kissed when we said goodbye.on her cheeks of course

4. Do you sleep with the TV on?

5. What are you doing right now?
-eating toblerone while doing this survey

6. What do you think of the last
person who sent you a comment?
-omar?he's nice

7. Name what you're doing/did today?

8. Do you have a job?

9. Are you dating the last person you
-no way

10. Have you ever been suspended or
expelled from school?
-i wish.lol.my school times are over

12. Have you ever crawled through a
-i guess not

13. Who knows a secret or two about
-lala.kakak.wawa.my cyg?huhu.soon

14. Can you handle the truth?

15. Are you too forgiving?

16. Ever have a sleepover with the
opposite sex?
-the same sex pun x penah.usah kan the opposites sex.thats crazy

17. Olive Garden?

18. Are you closer to your mother or
-mummy =)

19. Have you ever wanted to be a
-yeah.like in a million years

21. Would you live with someone
without marrying them?
-oh my.no.

22. Have your friends ever seen you

23. Who was the last person you cried
in front of?

24. Have you ever wanted to strip
naked in front of someone?
-eww!i am sane ok!

25. How many people can you say you've
really love,more than a friend?
-for the time being.just one.my sweetheart.

26. Do you eat healthy?
-definitely not

28. What are you listening to?
-i'll stand by you-carrie underwood

29. If you could pick one person to
disappear from the planet, who would
it be?
-my cyg?haha.weird though.why would i wanna be dissapeared

30. Have you ever cried because of
something someone said to you?
-yeah.sometimes i can be very sensitive.sometimes i can be partially deaf to what others say about me.

33: If you're having a bad day, who
are you most likely to go to?
-cyg or kakak or wawa

35: Are you confident?

36: Are you a good driver?
-yes i am.(perasan)

37.What will you be when you "Grow up"?
-architect?will i?

40. One person you miss?
-abg remy!


Kakak and Me
(I know i am not as pretty as kakak)

Kak Leha and roomates

Shafiq and Atira

I'm sorry,but i love this picture +)
My beloved abang and kakak

Nad and Me
(We had almost the same jubah)
Benci! i look so chubby!

The Annual Grand Dinner
IDEA Society
Holiday Villa,Subang,
Victoria Grandball room

Memories of FSCC 07/08

Note : Click on the picture to enlarge

We are like a family and i am definitely going to miss you guys!hugs!

Forwarded message

This is a forwarded message from kakak to me...(kakak's message to the particular someone)

"Salam. niat akak juz nak tlg damaikan keadaan jap.
lam hdp ni,bla kta hrpkan sumone utk brsma kta,
kta harus mnjaga dia,ambil tahu ttg dia,
kuatkan kpercayaan dia,bimbing dia,dan
tidak mmbiarkan dia hnyutdgn rasa ragu2 yg melampau,
rasa sakit yg dilupakan,rasa rindu sbgai manusia yg lemah..
kak ain harap ____ fhm yg manusia tu suka kn kasih syg..
suka dijaga dan gembirabila peluang yg ada diambil..
kerana ketidakpastiantidak mmbawa kpd masa depan..
dia juz berlaku adil pada diri dgn mngejar kebahagiaan.."

Cultural and Arts

Alifah,Azri Hilmi,Irwan,Azri,Arif and Myra
Cultural and Arts bureau FSCC 07/08

Just by looking at this picture makes me sad.we,the cultural and arts bureau hadn't contributed anything at all.we didn't organize any activities on our own.but we did plan some activities during the induction course in pangkor.singing competition?talent show?choral speaking?sadly,not even one activity was on.we did try to make one of the activities a great success in contribute to fscc.due to some major problems.me and abg irwan decided not to have any activities.i was kinda sad.but we can't do anything about it...hope the next cultural and arts bureau will be more active than us.last but not least,thanks a lot to abg irwan and the other subcoms for your contribution!i had a great time working with you guys!cheers!

Dedicated to...

Dedicated to my one and only....

I'm not the one for you...

I'm sorry i let you down.i promised.and you did too.but like you've said earlier,"not all of the things that we plan will turn out to be the way we wanted it to be..." right?i can't say it was my fault for not accepting you.but you were the one who made things difficult.i've suffered for 6 months.and right now you've made me feel guilty...event hough it was not really my fault.now all i could do is that,pray that you will find someone who is a better person than me.and the one who suits your soul.i am sorry because,i am not the one for you...please forgive me..."friends "is the only word that suits the both of us.


Why did you come back?
When i can't accept you anymore...
I hate you...
NOT because i really hate you...
Because you HURT me...
and because of you,
i had tears in my eyes...
But i can't do anything,
i'm sorry...
and please.....
don't wait for me anymore...

survey 007

Do you prefer decent or wild guys?
- decent

Are fat guys a
total ewww?
- ntah

What was the biggest lie a guy ever
said to you?
- that i am pretty.that's a lie

What was the sweetest thing a guy ever
said to you?
- i love u?hee

Do you
think guys is worth your tears?
- sometimes

One word to describe guys?
- undescribable.lol

Do you like guys
who smokes?
- no

Do you
prefer romantic or sweet guys?
- sweet and romantic

you prefer a popular dude or just an
ordinary boy next door?
- ordinary will do

Do you keep the presents that
your ex's gave yo?
- yeah.in a box.without opening it

Have you
ever sacrifice for a guy?
- erm.nah

Do you
hate your ex boyfriend?
- yes

What attracts
you to a guy?
- humbleness(true,aki)

Which turns you on? Cute
guys or hot guys?
- both.lol

The most painful
thing a guy ever did to you?
- he left me hanging.leaving me with no answer.but.. in the end he did come back to me.and i said...no...


Birthday wishes...

11.xx p.m-arif
11.57 p.m-ejat khalid
9.52 a.m-mummy
12.25 p.m-mastura lokman
9.06 p.m-putera nadzrin syah

11.59 p.m-Rezza
"epy bday 2 u,epy bday to u,epy bday 2 myra,epy bday 2 u..Slamat mnyambt ari jd y ke 18.semoge pjg umo n murah rezeki.Amin~"

11.59 p.m-Huud
Happy Birthday!Sweet 18!

12.01 a.m-Haneesa
Happy bday!!!may Allah bless u always!

12.02 a.m-Aqilah
eppy birthday!eppy 18th birthday!semoge pjg umo...murah rezeki..

12.03 a.m-Cikin
Hye myra!juz wanna wish u epy 18th bfday...huhu..may god bless u..wish u all da best in ur life..

12.12 a.m-Faiz
appy birthday 2 u,u were born in the zoo,with monkeys and kangaroos,they just look like u...

12.15 a.m-Mas
Happy birthday!may all ur dreams come true!

12.22 a.m-Meeja
Hepy burfday!!

12.24 a.m-Syibie
Hpy besday myra!Slmt hr tua.hehe...

12.24 a.m-Muna
May Allah watch over you.Hepi besday..All d best in ur life..

12.25 a.m-Bella
Happy birthday myra!!

12.53 a.m-Din
Salam..sori lmbt.Hepi besday..hehe

12.58 a.m-Ammar
Salam myra..ya Allah!sowi lmbt..hepi burfday myra!

1.23 a.m -Huda Saffry
Take care and happy besday sis..luv u very much..

1.33 a.m -Awe
Hapy besday..sweet 18..May Allah bless u my fren..

2.00 a.m -Kak Eryn
Myra,hepi bday.moga pjg umo n murah rzki..wish u all da best n syg sokmo..

8.01 a.m -Radzi
Make a wish..blow the candle..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

8.26 a.m -Azela
Alo myra!Appy besday!hehe

8.47 a.m -Yaa
Hey myra..happy birthday buddy!Ur 18 now..u can go watch 18PG,18SX,18 SL movie without getting cauught!hehe

9.32 a.m -Mummy
Happy birthday princess!

9.37 a.m -Emalina
hepi bfday baby!God bless u!Gud luck!

10.36 a.m-Aisyah
It's me to say Hepy bezday!

11.08 a.m -Kak Mun
Myra happy birthday!sweet 18 my sis!May Allah bless u!

11.13 a.m -Kak Acun
Myra~hepi 18th bday dear~sori lmbt.hehe.enjoy ur day 2day n stay cute!luv u gal!bole la tgk cite 18++ lps ni =P

12.21 p.m -Nabibah
Selamat hari lahir!

3.01 p.m -Petem
Hepi burfday!hehesemoge pjg umo n mrh rzki.frenship neva die.luv u.mmmuaaahhhx!

8.33 p.m -Cici
Halu..Happy birthday!

11.18 p.m -Kak Fika
Happy befday.he9 sowi lmbt wish.semoga pjg umur and murah rezeki.gudluck for final exam.chaiyo2.love ya.

11.57 p.m -Yana,Huda,Nani,Ecah,dayah
epi bday.smoga murah rzki n moga dirdhai Allah s.w.t

1.52 a.m-Unknown
Hepy bufday my fren.May ur life be bountfully rewards n blessed by ALLAH.Hehee..Sowi lmbt wish.Am i d last to wish u?

8.36 a.m-Izdihar
Myra,hepi belated birthday.Sory ar lmbt wish.

10.01 a.m -Abg(Kayant)
Myra hepi belated bday..sorry..abg nk wish dr smlm..Tp x berkesempatan sgt2..Plus abg tlalu bz..semoge bahagia selalu myra..

the rest of the msgs are sent through comments and im,and skype too(remy).

**and last but not least...thanks to my econs classmates and not to forget kakak,hawa,nad,zaf and everyone else who ws there to celebrate my 18th birthday...didnt expect all of this from u guys...frankly,i did have a great tyme...thanks for the surprise party in level 4 study room,including the powder and "soap bath" u guys!really3 appreciate it...hugs and kisses for u guys!luv yah!

Survey 006

What's the connection between you
and the last person you texted?
-my precious boy

What is wrong with you right now?
-im crazy

Do you ever miss your first love?
-not at all

When did you last cry?
-last tuesday.huhu

Who do you hate?
-no idea

What do you want in your life right
-happiness.wealth.a good paying job.a good husband

Are you happy?
-can u tell?

What are you listening to?

What perfume do u use?
-paris hilton

Are u hungry?

What time do you go to bed?
-usually 1/2/3 am

Who was the last person in your bed
besides you?
-no one

What do you wear to bed?
-t and pants

Do you tend to make relationships
-nope.never.especially not to the one i am with rite now.*grin*

What did you do yesterday?

What was the last movie you went
-ferryman.the horror.

Do you live near your ex

Are you scared of bugs?

Are you a cuddler?

How was your day today?
-okay.but kinda sad.

What do you think of David Beckham?
-no comment

Do you read?

Do you sleep with a teddy bear?

Favourite band ?

What does your Friendster shoutout
-hehe.the day when we were officially together

What is your current problem?:
-no idea

Who do you love most?:
-Allah.family.my cyg.gizmo

What makes you most happy?:
-when i see my loved ones are happy

Any celeb you would marry?:
-dafi?hua3..but pass.hoping i could get married the one i really2 love

Name someone with the same
birthday as you:
-adila khalidi.kak tiqah abu bakar

Do you hve a crush on someone?
-i love someone to be precise

Have you ever vandalized someone’s
private property?:

Have you ever sung in front of a
large audience?:
-yes.hua2.standard 6.memories

What’s the first thing you notice
about the preferred sex?:

What do you usually order from
-i'd prefer coffee bean

Say something totally random about

Has anyone ever said you looked
like a celebrity?

How old are you?
-will turn out to be 18 nxt week *smile*

Do you like to shop?

What was the last thing you paid
for with cash?
-cant remember.i went out with my family most of the tyme during the hols,so my parents pay the food,and stuff i needed

What was the last thing you paid
for with a card?
-hua3.i wish i had one

Do you have any weird relatives?
-yeah.i do

What was the last book you read?
-lets put on a show

Did you or do you go to college?

What is your favorite pair of
pants that you own?
-tom's girl

How do you prefer to be loved?
-im not so sure

What are your plans for the weekend?

Do you hate more than 3 people?
-nah.why shud i??

Favorite candy bar?
-time out.twix.mars

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
-idk.i didnt count

Do you own a Britney Spears CD?

Is anyone in love with you?
-*smile broadly*

Do you use chopstick?

When is the last time you went to the
-cant remember

Funny and cute .lol

Boy: I need someone to talk to.
Girl: I'm always here for you.
Boy: I know.
Girl: What's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much.
Girl: Talk to her.
Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me.
Girl: Don't say that...you're amazing.
Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
Boy: She won't like me.
Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: I can just tell her...
Girl: Well just tell her.
Boy: What should I say?
Girl: Tell her how much you like her.
Boy: I tell her daily.
Girl: What do you mean?
Boy: I'm always with her...I love her.
Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem...but he'll never like me.
Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Oh, some boy.
Boy: Oh, she won't like me either.
Girl: She does.
Boy: How do you know?
Girl: Because who wouldn't like you?
Boy: You.
Girl: You're wrong. I love you.
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
Boy: I just did.

Mad at you

ahaha...im addicted to such stories...read it from the net...

Girl: Hey baby i want to show you....
Boy: ( cutting her off ) Ugh I'm so mad
Girl: Why? Whats wrong ?
Boy: Ugh everything
Girl: Explain baby
Boy: Just lost a championship game,
parents flipped out on me for no reason,
and im catching a cold
Girl: Well hey there will always be other games,
you know I'll take care of you when your sick,
what your parents flip about ?
Boy: They are making me pay them for a car repair
Girl: Is it a lot of money
Boy: No it just sucks
Boy: But hey I dont feel well I'm going to go lay down
Boy: Bye
Girl: Wait I want to give you some...
Boy: Can't It wait 'til tommorow ?
Girl: Yeah, sure
Girl: Bye
Boy: Bye

2 hours later a friend of hers asks her to go for a drive ...she

Her friend swerved to avoid a truck....hitting a tree instead

Her friend was killed instantly....she's in critical condition

This is the conversation between her sister and her boyfriend.....

Sister : Omg ( crying )
Boy : What? Whats wrong ?
Sister : My sister...your girlfriend was involved in a major car wreck
Boy : Is she OK??
Sister : She's in critical condition

Boy : I'll be there in 10 minutes

He shows up to the hospital room ...standing outside the door going over the last conversation in his mind over and over as he heard the machines beep and beep and breathing tubes pump oxygen into her lungs

Boy : She wanted to give me something or tell me something
Girls mom : Yeah this...

It was an envelope smelling like she sealed it with a kiss in lipstick

He opened it.....

It said ..... You're everything to me....I love you with everything I am and everything I have...I want to spend the rest of my life with you

Sealed in it was a ripped movie ticket from the first movie they went to...

...and the first picture they took together

He kissed the picture as a tear fell from his face onto the picture

It looked as if in the picture she was crying

Then the machines flatlined....3 minutes later she was pronounced dead

Tragic love story

Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn't seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualise any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then... heartbroken, the guy agreed.

When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hardwork and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company...

"You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!"
One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realise those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!

Before the guy can realise, the couple was walking towards a cemetary,and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him.

She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept ...the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them but knowing you can't have them and will never see them again.
The End."


feeling rather empty...sad...angry...
a mixed up feeling at one time...
but i don't really know why...
im forcing back the tears into my eyes...
hoping it wouldn't rolled down on my cheeks...
because...crying means that im weak...

love story

this is part of our(me and my one and only's conversation on ym last night)he asked me to read this...here goes...


GURL : am i pretty?
BOY : no...
GURL : do u wanna live with me?
BOY : no...
GURL : will u cry if i leave u?
BOY : no..

The gurl vexed n started 2 cry...boy then pulled her close 2 him n said: u r not pretty but pretiest....i dont wanna live with u but i live for u...if u leave me i wont cry but i die...

thanks my dear.this story is indeed touching and sweet!je t'aime to u!xoxoxo!


Author Cecily von Ziegesar
Country United States
Language English
Series The It Girl
Genre(s) Young adult novel
Publisher Little, Brown
Publication date 2006
Media type Print (Paperback) & AudioBook (MP3 CD)
Pages 288 pp
ISBN ISBN 978-0316011877
Preceded by Notorious
Followed by Unforgettable

Reckless is the third book in the It Girl young adult series by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series is ghostwritten off of the original idea by von Ziegesar. [1] The series, aimed toward young adults, is a spin-off from the bestselling Gossip Girl series. It was released in 2006 by Little, Brown.

Plot summary

As punishment for being off-campus (and having a party), the girls are split up; Callie and Jenny are kept in their original room while Tinsley and Brett move to another. They spend most of their time and energy avoiding each other.

On the outside Callie is handling the break-up with Easy well, despite the fact that she is forced to live with his new girlfriend. She gets a new haircut and a new wardrobe. But these things can't help the fact that inside, she is really a mess. To add to the drama, Easy has asked her to dinner with dear old Dad (who he hates) for Trustee Weekend. What could this mean? That Easy is ready to break up with Jenny and get back together with her?

Jenny is terrified of what will happen if she is alone with Callie for even 2 seconds. Would she cut off her hair? Stab her with a pen? The possibilities are endless. But how can she be worried about a certain jealous ex-girlfriend/roommate when things are going so well with Easy? This is obviously true love. Right?

Brett can't believe how immature Tinsley's acting. But she simply ignores her and focuses on more pleasant things. Callie's is the friendship she misses anyway. But Jenny is so sweet, with the way she genuinely cares and talks about things other than herself. And Brett is certain that she will lose her virginity at last to Jeremiah, her one true love this weekend after the big game. But certain events might get into the way of Brett's plans...

When Tinsley helps Heath Ferro and the hot new freshman, Julian hide kegs of beer in her own dorm, she decides to use it to throw a dorm-wide girls-only party on the roof (minus Brett and Jenny of course), hoping the boys aren't too upset when they find out. The party was fresh until one of the staff heard the girls on the roof. Having immediately hid themselves in their rooms, the administration couldn't pin the blame, but the keg left on the roof was more than enough to hold against the dorm as a whole. But thanks to Trustee Weekend, the punishment is light - all Dumbarton residents are under lockdown for the weekend. No one can enter or leave the dorm, thus ruining Brett's plans with Jeremiah.

Upon hearing this, the guys of Waverly decide to make history by sneaking into Dumbarton while it is still on lock-down. They decide to throw-what else?-a party. This one turns out to be a turning point for many of our characters.

Callie doesn't know this, but Easy may have fallen back in love with her during the Trustee Dinner. But can you really love two girls at once? They start kissing in the closet of her dorm, but they stop before it can get any hotter. He realizes that he really loves Jenny. So why can't he keep his mind off Callie?

And Brandon swears off the girls of Dumbarton. No, it's not what you think. He meets Elizabeth, a girl from St. Lucius, and he may start going out with her. At least he's not psycho-obsessed with Callie anymore.

We also meet a new girl, Kara Whalen, who becomes another one of the elite at Waverly. Dubbed "the Whale" by Heath Ferro because of her weight in freshman year, she left school and everyone forgot about her. Now she's thin and pretty and ready for revenge. She gets it, and throws beer at Heath's humiliated face during the lock-down party. Ha. Serves him right. It seems as though they will get together.

During a game of "I Never", it is revealed that Tinsley and Brett are both virgins, Jeremiah lost his to that girl Elizabeth, and Easy took Callie to the Trustee Dinner instead of Jenny. Can you spell drama?

In the end, Tinsley loses another friend and Callie reconciles with Brett and Jenny. She bonds with Jenny over what a jerk Easy turned out to be. Brett breaks up with Jeremiah, and Tinsley somewhat warily finally hooks up with Julian, a freshman. Such a thing has never happened before. Do you think it will last? And will it be kept secret?

***i don't really read such novels but i had caught my eye on this book when i went to MPH bookstore.the synopsis attracted me to buy this book.will be buying it soon enough.

Leadtrain.AGD.Swimming Lesson.Econs.16th.

In the name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful

well a lot of things had been happening for the last two weeks.i had my leadtrain last week.and i have to admit it.i had fun.basically,because i talked a lot and i tried to be an outspoken person. if not,i'd be bored-to-death,trust me.lol.my fascilitators were the best!at least they do have a sense of humor.haha.at first,i was feeling kinda low,cuz i didnt get to be in the same group as arif.but then,my group wasn't that bad.*grins*.eventhough my group consist of mostly the type "yg tudung labuh" and sgt baik.it wasnt hard to get along with them. =) i can say they are cool!

and next.we had a meeting in nilai.for the first year fscc.we ought to conduct the agd specially for the 2nd year fscc.i was in charge of the certs and prizes for the night.at least it was better than getting tranportation and anything else,right?and aman asked me a favor,i was asked to collect the fees for the fscc in pj.(fine,i'll do it then).

and then a couple of days ago.i had my first lesson on swimming.i felt a bit lonely since i dont know anyone of the sisters who joined the class.pity me.but then i "tried" to talk almost all of the sisters while we waited for our bus to arrive.fyi,i hate it when i had to be in this kind of situation.i can see that all of them(well not exactly ALL) had their own close friends and their gangs.but then it turned out to be okay when i befriends with two 3rd intake(oops,2nd intake,first batch) stdents.it was kinda tough when automatically i had to take charge of the sisters.(again,i hate it).seriously.there,at the uitm shah alam,pool.we learnt basic stuff.like putting our heads in the water,how to float and so on.wow.the water sure is 'tasty'-you've guessed it.i guess drinking the water is normal for a person who doesn't know how to swim right?haha.

before that,me,im,um,yana, and haura(my group members for economics project) had a discussion on our agricultural industry project.they had planned to do about catfish.ever heard of it?(haha.its ikan keli)it was okay...i guess.lol.they started off the discussion earlier since i havent had my dinner at that time.when i joined them.they told me that they've decided to name our company 'Interlock'.they asked me."how was it?and what do you think?".frankly it was kinda lame.but i just agreed with them since i don't really have any other better names besides the name they had suggested.

and yesterday,haneesa a.k.a boo,sent me a message.it said

Slm myra.On mnday nite,d nilai cmtee 4 agd will be havin a meeting.
So we hav to update our biro's tasks by den.

**okay.that's fine with me then.and then when i scrolled down the message.....

Also on the 16th d cmtee wl b goin 2 d agd location.

**thanks for the message haneesa....but...but...but......why does it have to be on my birthday??and plus i have swimming class on the 16th too.i just wanna go out and spend some time with my loved ones.please?it makes me feel kinda upset though...

survey 005

1.Name. Age. Gender.
-myra.almost 18.female

2. What describes your relationship
-*grins* u guess?

3. Where were you three hours ago?
-in front of the stupid box

4. What was the last movie you saw?
-devil wears prada

7. Who was your last conversation
with ?
-my lil bro

9. Ever been out without underwear on?
-no way

10 . Color of your shirt?
-white n blue

11. What is your middle name?

12. Ever been to the beach at night?

13. Good advice if you ever go
-no advice

14. Are you a bad influence?

15. What was the last argument you had
-my bedtyme.lol.do i have one?

18. Rather have your name or your
siblings name?
-my sister's name is nice.but mine is better kut.haha

19. Do you like someone right now?
-love.to be precise

20. Does he/she like you back?
-ask him =)

21. Favorite colors?

22. Ever held a baby?

23. Last song you heard & why ?
-inconsolable.cuz its in my profile

24. Wear glasses?

25. Last thing someone bought you?

27. Does your best friend have a

28. Whose page did you visit last?
-my love

30. Where is your phone?
-beside me

31. Next event you're going to?

33. Do you have one or more Britney
Spears CDs?
-yeah i have two

35. Best event you've ever been to?
-my bday dinner with my family.huhuh

37. Emo or Scene?
-definitely emo

38. iPod or Zune?
-ipod of course

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
-err.does ir even exist?

40. Seen the Simpsons movie ?

41 . Do you read trashy romance novels
-define trashy.

43. Do you sing in the car?

44. Do you ever sing in the shower?

45. What's in your CD player right
-cd player?nah.ipod cukup

54. Last person spoke to on the phone?
-my one and only

55. Do you like to dance?
-do i even know how dance?i wish.haha

57. Have you ever written a song?

60. Ever been proposed to or proposed
to someone?

64. Last Pub you went to?

65. Ever stayed up all night?

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings,
or Star Wars?
-harry potter

67. Who is the next person you will
-my mommy kut

68. A recent memory?

69. Baths or Showers?

70. Looking forward to?
-my bday and agd fscc!
The Diary of Truth | TNB