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2015 first update! X)

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful...

It has been 7 months since I published a post (the last one was published when I was still in the UK T_T). Oh well, the biggest update? Is definitely my wedding. I was a crazy bride-to-be back then in October and November. Try to plan a wedding in 8 weeks, and you'll know exactly how i felt. Haha. 

The solemnisation was on the 5th of December 2014, which was held at the Dewan Nikah, Masjid Wilayah at 10 p.m. I don't really experience the overwhelming sadness, the crying, etc. (which I think was rather weird). I was just tired but at the same time, I was happy to be married to the person whom I have loved for the past 4 years. 

A couple days after the solemnisation, we went to go on our honeymoon in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Paris and Barcelona. Sure, I have been to all of those places (when I was still 'single'), but it is very much different when I went there with my husband. :') The main reason to go back to the UK, was that, I wanted to attend my Congregational Ceremony because I have missed the ones in IIUM. 2 weeks passes by so fast and I enjoyed every moment of it. To summarise, Paris is just breathtaking! Barcelona is the place for you to shop until you ran out of money! I will definitely visit those places again (hopefully soon X)).

After the honeymoon, we had a short break and the craziness continues. I had to recover from jet lag, the exhaustion and I had to execute the necessary things, since the wedding reception was just a few days apart. The big day was set to be on the 27th of December 2014 at Felda Villa, Kuala Lumpur. It was a garden wedding concept. Very classy and simple. Just the way I liked it.

The outdoor photoshoot was conducted at Taman Tasik Keramat. It only took about a couple hours. Then I had something craaaaazy in mind! We took the chance of going around in KL Festival City in our white wedding gown and suit. Complete with the veil, the shoes and the bow tie! Yes, seriously! I mean hey, it's not every day that you will get the chance to do that. :p  It was funny because people can't stop staring at us and whispering when we walk pass them. Haha. We went to Dr. Cafe Coffee and the lady behind the counter thought that it was just a costume that we had put on. We showed our wedding rings and she gave us a free drink after we ordered a piece of white chocolate cake and a drink.  

Then the sambut menantu was held in Kuala Terengganu, on the 3rd of January 2015. It was a short ceremony and the outdoor shoot was done at Masjid Crystal. Everything turned out pretty well. I miss my wedding and if I could rewind and do it again, I would have. :') 

The following update is about life after marriage. I currently living in Paka, as a housewife. It has been 3 months since I've survived here. And my time being a jobless wife is about to end in 7 days. I will be reporting my duty with IJM Land on the 6th of April 2015. 

**Will be reviewing the wedding and honeymoon soon. with pictures.



Less than 3 weeks

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful..

Well, hello there. Updates?

Alhamdulillah. I have submitted my Dissertation and have gone through Viva. It is good to know that I have passed my Dissertation :) I've had good feedbacks and reviews..and I really hope that I did well. 11 months passes by so fast and I'll be going back to Malaysia in less 3 weeks time. It is so sad to leave Birmingham. But I will definitely come back here one day. InshaAllah :) 

Since I pretty much enjoy studying, I might be considering to pursue PhD, in the next couple of years. Maybe in the States perhaps? :) 

Happy 4th anniversary Mr. Q. 280810. :)

Work is definitely waiting for me. Lol

**96 days to go, inshaAllah. 



University of Birmingham

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful..

Alhamdulillah..it was a great experience being here, in the University of Birmingham. I had the time of my life. :)
The Old Joe Clock. UoB 22.07.2014.



Summer in the UK

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

It is now summer and the weather is really hot. And its ramadhan! This is the 22nd day and I am as limp as a starfish on the shore. 19 and a half hours of fasting, is definitely a challenge. But alhamdulillah, so far, I have made it through. Well, it has been almost 10 months since I came here. I will definitely miss the UK. and who knows when I'll be back here again? I miss my family. I miss my close friends. I miss my gangs. and I will see them in 10 weeks time. 

But first, I would have to find the will to finish off my research. It is super hard when I have to self-supervise myself because my supervisor refuses to respond to his students' emails and spend some of his time to have consultation sessions. Obviously he and I are not on the same page at all. During my undergraduate research, my supervisor would ask me to send drafts by drafts for each chapter and make improvisations to ensure that it is watertight. 

But now..? It is quite depressing because my boat is sinking and there is no one here to save me and i'll be drowning soon. Submission is in 5 weeks, and I pray to Allah that I have the strength to proceed and carry on with my work. I really hope I can pull this off. Blogger readers, do pray for me. And to my mummy, thank you for being there for me and thank you for your tremendous support by staying with me in the UK for more than 7 months. To my brothers, thank you for your visits and support. And to q, thank you for the time that you have shared. I wouldn't have survived this journey if it weren't for them.  

*Will be celebrating Eid in Manchester and probably in London as well. InshaAllah.
**Will have a photo shoot in the university campus. Hopefully it will turn out to be good.
 Class of 2014. 
Msc. Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering,
University of Birmingham, England, U.K
Trieste. May 2014.

Yours truly,

0036 (GMT 0)

Of thoughts and Prayers

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

I keep telling myself that, when someone fails to be there when I needed him/her the most... 
Allah will always be there for me. 


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...


University Life Updates! 240214

In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

Last year, I realised that I haven't had much time to blog because I have been quite pre-occupied with classes, dissertations and preparations, etc. Continuing masters was harder than I thought. Why? 

Because you would have to compete (really,really compete) with other students from all over the world and not to mention, with those who happen to have years and years of working experiences. And to topped it off, about 90% of them are engineers/ from the engineering background. Then again, you would feel inferior and...erm..less intelligent at times, because you have no clue about what they are trying to explain .(YES!because I'm a fresh graduate and have no actual working experience at all!-erm..except for the 4 months of industrial training. +_+). 

Source: Google

But what's the best part of this programme? You get to meet with loads of people from all over the world! Korea, China, Indonesia, Libya, Spain ,Iran ,Greece, Saudi, France, British, Kazakhstan..and the list continues... :) 

Just a tip here..for those who plan to go to UoB,(for Msc. Construction Management).. well, think again! Why?

Cons : 
1. Classes are held everyday. Morning and afternoon sessions. Normally its 10-1pm, and 1pm-4pm. From what i know, Uni of Manchester students have classes - 3 times a week. Liverpool John Moores -  2 times a week! So do not come here, unless if you are really hardworking and motivated to go to class everyday!
2. Modules were quite heavy. And normally one module is divided into two parts. E.g Construction Management (Consists of Project Management and Contract Procedures). So we had one week (5 days) to learn all about Project Management and one week to learn about Contract Procedures. During our undergraduate years, we learned 14 lectures in 14 weeks. Here? 14 lectures in 5 days. Phew. I could tell that my brain was completely fried.
3. The admission board and steering committee members were very strict. They were giving me a hard time..well, I remembered that I was about to give up on UoB because they kept on asking me for proof that I have completed my studies, even when I gave them the Unofficial Transcripts (which were completed), together with a letter from the Department (KAED) and my Graduation Audit. I kept on calling and emailing them and finally they gave in after a few weeks. In the end, it delays the whole process of getting everything done for MARA. 
4. Too many group assignments and courseworks. I dislike group works.
5. The semesters' schedules aren't that systematic. In IIUM the semester goes like this.. Lectures->Revision Week->Exams->Holidays->New Semester. In UoB? Lectures->Revision Week->Holidays->Exams->New Semester.

Pros :
1. After two tiring weeks, the following week is free (no classes). BUT normally, professors would allocate the week for submission of courseworks, academic review, presentations, quiz, meetings/ consultations, etc.
2. Submission of all courseworks are done through Turnitin in the the university's portal. So we do not have to waste money and energy to print, bind and submit at the office.
3. Its a campus University. Its not a compact city University like UoM. 

Apart from the University life, I have a lot of things on my plate at the moment. Hopefully Allah eases every single journey that I would have to go through in life. :) 

Turned 24 last week!(160214). Happy birthday to me! Lol. That is all from me today. Cheers!

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

Source : Islamic sayings (Tumblr)


Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

In 2013, I have definitely learnt a lot. There were ups and downs in 2013, but we have to let that pass us by. Because life is a challenge and we have to keep moving on. Highlights in 2013? 

Became a Final Year student of Bachelor of Quantity Surveying at IIUM

Turned 23!

Mr. Q came back to Malaysia for good

Graduated & received an Award

Became a student of Msc. Construction Management at UoB

Alhamdulillah. Thank you to those who have helped me throughout the years. Mummy, daddy, siblings, Mr. Q and my close friends. I owe you. Hope 2014 has a lot more to offer. InshaAllah. 

**Happy belated birthday to Mr. Q! (13.12.13) and Happy 40 months! (28.12.13) :)
May Allah bless you always. Previously, we were 5321km apart and now we're 10654km apart. 
Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold :) Stay awesome. ;)
The Diary of Truth | TNB