We got bees! Our friend James hooked us up with some bees! We built (or more accurately put together) our beehive and couldn't wait to get them! The day arrived and even though it wasn't an ideal time of day to do it we still did :) I was definitely unprepared because I had no experience. As you can see I wasn't wearing gloves. Most experienced bee keepers or "Beeks" don't wear gloves cuz they're tough as nails! Me on the other hand....well let's just say ignorance wasn't bliss! I got stung on the finger, leg and under eye. I borrowed their suit and didn't know how to properly fasten the neck hole and a few crawled up there. I was lucky I didn't get more stings! James had me shake out the bees but since I was slightly intimidated by the whole process he had to help a lot.
After I got my first sting ever on the finger. My lymph in my right under arm swelled up, from this sting. The sting under my eye made the lymph on the left side of my throat swell up. I got hives under both of my armpits and they hurt for days! The itching continued for about 2 weeks. It was crazy. Something I will not repeat which is why....
I dress like this now :)
This is the box after he shook the bees out.
The hive.
James installing the feeder.
We left the open box near the hive so they can figure out that this is their new home.
I swabbed the inside of the hive with lemon grass oil because they like the scent and are more likely to make it their home. James gave me Russian bees which are super aggressive, but the queen that they were going to breed with was a very gently Italian queen. Part of the reason they attacked me and later Cannon, was because they are just aggressive by nature, but they are a very hearty breed and can be more resistant to disease and pests.
About 2 weeks after this installation my bees up and left. Rude right? It's called absconding and it is not completely uncommon. I was devastated and worried about getting another package since it was so late in the season. Thankfully I found someone about an hour away and got a new bunch that have stayed put very nicely :)