Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The correct way to eat a donut.. don't believe me just ask Aubree.

Aubree has some really funny things she does while eating certain food items, donuts is definately on the list of weird ways of getting food into your mouth.  She does not like to have the mess of the donut on her hands so she face plants her donut and eats bites off of the top.
She is very careful to take little enough bites that it does not get on her face very much either.  Once one side of the donut it chewed off enough, she flips the donut over using just the papertowel so as not to get any glaze on her fingers.

Here is the donut after it was just flipped over to the other side and she had started working away at the other side.

And here is the completed donut, this is all she eats, once it looks like this on both sides it is not worth eating anymore and she is finished.  Man I love my little Aubree she is a crack up.  Maybe she has a good thing going, clean fingers, clean face, and not as many calories in the belly.  Thanks for the lesson Aubree.

Aubree's Birthday

My little Princess turned three years old.  She is such a fun crazy girl.  She goes goes goes all the time but has such a cute little personality.  She is always cracking us up with the funny little things she says.  She knows what she wants and when she wants it and lets you know.   Depending on the day she will either chat you up and tell you all about her day or pretend to be so shy that she can no longer talk, just point to everything.  A little pill but we love her tons.

Aubree loves her Princesses because she is one and she know it.  When we were in Disneyland (hopefully soon I will get those pictures posted)  we found the perfect birthday present for her.  We found a polly pocket Minnie Mouse.  It comes with Minnie Mouse and all her accesories different dresses, shoes, and all sorts of other stuff that you can play with Minnie, she absolutely loved it. 

Then the other day when Aubree, Ben and I were hanging out at Target she saw a Sleeping Beauty Polly Pocket set that she fell in love with.  It had the prince plus the carriage for Princess Aurora in it.  As soon as she saw it she insisted that we get it for Christmas.  I negotiated with her and said why don't we get it for your Birthday instead....she agreed!!
Check out that way cute bear sitting next to her.  The night before her birthday she got to go to Build-a-Bear with Grandma and Granpa Camp and Aimee.  First they went to chic-fil-a and got her a kids meal.  Grandpa wondered how so many bites could be taken out of such a small chicken nugget but give it to Aubree to accomplish that.  She loves her new bear she has named it Strawberry and it sits on her bed right next to her Minnie Mouse!!

Because of our crazy Tuesday night schedule we had Aubree's birthday party at Grandma Camps house.  Half of the family is already there because of dance so it worked out perfect.  Good thing we have such a good Grandma to always crash her house.  Aubree is a very picky girl with her food, especially snacks.  She does not like chocolate, cake, or icecream so we definately have our hands full when it comes to finding stuff for a birthday treat.  As soon as I said why don't we have donuts she was very excited.  She got to go on a little daddy daughter date with her daddy last Saturday and they picked out her plates, napkins, and awesome Cinderella candle for the middle of her donut!!  It turned out perfect, the Cinderella sat right in the middle of the donut like it was meant to go there.

Unfortunately Aubree has never loved all of the spotlight on her.  This makes her go into her I'm really shy moods.  So after we all sang to her she just stared at her donut and refused to blow out her candles.  So Sarah and Rachel were kind enough to help her blow out her candles on her donut.  What nice cousins, thanks girls.
Here are pictures of the remainder of the party...Aubree opening her presents.  She loved all of them.  She spent the entire day today switching back and forth between what she was playing with.  Overall I would call this party a success.  Happy Third Birthday Aubree.  We love you.

My big boy is sitting up 'or oh so close'

I love getting my Benjamin ready for church each Sunday, he always looks so dang stinkin cute!!  The last couple of days he has started to tackle the sitting up thing.  Those I must say it is very hard to caputure this fancy trick when I only have a couple of second window to do it in but I got this shot right before he toppled over.  The consentration on his face says it all.
I decided to give him a crutch and prop him up against the couch so that I could get a picture of him in his cute tie and sweater, even snuck a smile out of him!!  This sweater cracked me up it made him look so bulky.
Aubree wanted to take a picture with her Buddy really bad.  She was so worried about Buddy smiling he took several pictures before I even got this somewhat look at the camera from her.  By that time her poor Buddy was so stressed. 

Even since I took these pictures 3 days ago he is much more of a pro with sitting.  I think I can actually get a much better picture of him sitting.  I will put that on my agenda of things to do tomorrow!!

Benjamin Smiles

I love taking pictures of my babies smiling.  I mean look at this face, is it not one of the cutest thing you have ever seen.  Benjamin is starting to get so much fun the smiles, and giggles.  I love being his mom and each day I am grateful for him being here!!

Kids have at it with the camera

I always love when I get on to download pictures from the camera and I find pictures like these.  I love my girls they are so very funny but need a little help with holding still while taking a picture.  (I guess it probably would have helped if the flash was on)
Abbi at first was not thinking this was a very fun game while Aubree was in charge.
Then she decided it wasn't to bad.
Say 'Cheese' Abbi
This is Abbi deciding that it was her turn to have the camera, after a short rumble between the two Aubree kindly turned it over.
Abbi thought it was pretty cool that she could see herself take a picture if she took a picture in the mirror.
The pictures Abbi took did not turn out quite so good because she was trying to chase Aubree around trying to get her picture.
And believe me this girl will not sit still for very long for you.
Thanks my girls for the funny photoshoot you took for me.  Love Ya.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Making a hut with our Umbrellas!!

Abbi is all about making huts.  She thought it would be a fun idea to make a hut using the umbrellas that they got for Christmas.

Aubree is always ready for an Abbi adventure so she quickly went, well as soon as she had her awesome Snow White socks on, and got the umbrellas and opened them up so they were ready.

The girls quickly realized that it would be much funner to surround Benjamin with their umbrellas and make a hut around him.  He loved starring at all of the colors that he was seeing around him.  The only problem was that Abbi couldn't fit in there with him and she was very bummed out.

Yeah for sledding!!

Sledding...Whoot Whoot.  We decided to go sledding the saturday after Christmas.  The sleds have been sitting in the garage since Santa brought them last Christmas so we decided we better put them to use.  Abbi has been wanting to go forever.  We headed over to the amphitheatre at Silver Lake to go down the big hill.

Jake sat on the bigger tube with Aubree (who giggled all of the way down the hill), and held on to Abbi with the other hand.  Man we have a talented daddy and husband!!

The girls had a blast.  They wanted to go over and over and over again.  Aubree thought this was the best thing that has happened to her since she had mashed potatoes for dinner. 

When you get to the bottom of the hill you run right into hay.  Doesn't look much like winter at the bottom but makes it so you don't hit your head on a pole or hit the back of the cement amphitheatre.

Benjamin and mom got to hang out in the car.  I didn't mind it much sitting in the car instead of being in the cold but it sure looked like a lot of fun!!

The girls went down a couple times by themselves with a little push from dad after one of the tubes went flat after one time down the hill.  Overall it was a ton of fun, the girls had a blast.  'One more time'  was Aubree's words over and over again until we could convince her that it was time for lunch.