Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!

So I realize that it is the middle of February and New Years was six weeks ago.  Regardless I worked long and hard to create a "Happy 2010!"  video to share friends and family.  It was completed by New Years Day and I couldn't wait to share it.  There was just one little problem (isn't there always something?).  I could not find an online service that would host such a huge file and let me use the music which I had incorporated (and meticulously timed).  YouTube = no music.  Flickr = too big of a file.  So I was thrilled beyond belief when Vimeo entered my life this week.  And now, in the middle of February I can finally wish you all a collective
Happy New Year!!

Wishing you all a blessed 2010!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hey, Hey, Hey, What's Goin' On?

You may have noticed that I have been terrible about updating the blog.  In fact, my last entry was over a month ago, in December.  Not a single entry in January.  I would like to think I took the month off to recover from all the December activities.  Truth is I just couldn't find an extra minute to upload photos and type updates.  Alas, now that February has arrived I can give a brief recap of our uneventful January.  The month was filled with the less-than-exciting activities experienced by a family with young children.

We ate breakfast.

We built enormous train sets.

We kept up with the latest celebrity news.

We played outside.

We had friends over to visit.

And learned that unconventional bubble baths can be tons of fun! 
Unless you run out of bubbles.

All in all, we are happy, healthy, and blessed beyond measure.  I am so grateful for every moment.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas usually is a stressful time around the Cox household.  We spend the 4 weeks after Thanksgiving running around battling other shoppers to find the perfect gift for everyone in the family.  This year, things were different.

Instead of focusing on gifts, we focused on having some Christmas fun.  Every morning Caden would race to his advent calendar to read a special Christmas message.  The message would always outline a Christmas themed activity.  Caden painted ornaments for his friends.  We watched Christmas movies such as Christmas Vacation and Home Alone.  We shopped early and efficiently for gifts.  We said prayers for the less fortunate.

The kids are allowed to ask Santa for two items.  Caden chose a car garage and a train.  Natalie didn't say much which left Santa to decide her gifts.  Caden helped bake and decorate cookies for Santa.  He put out water for the reindeer and spread Magic Reindeer Food all across the yard.

On Christmas morning, the kids awoke to find that Santa had brought Caden the garage and train he requested.  Natalie received a doll stroller and a squishy neck pillow similar to one she always swiped from her brother.

Papa stopped by in the morning.

Caden was mesmerized by the train catalog

Of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without a trip to Dallas to see Grandma Penny and cousin Parker!

In all, it was a wonderful blessed Christmas day!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

We're Goin' to Disneyland!

Caden is at a wonderful age where he in many ways he is still my little boy yet he is quickly growing up and away from us.  Before I know it, he will reach an age where holding my hand in public is an embarrassment.  Kisses and hugs will have to be perfunctory and only permitted where they cannot be seen by others.  The time we have to enjoy each others company as we do now is fleeting.  I wanted to capture some memories of him while he still has an innocent outlook and can be amazed by magical events.  It seemed the time had come to take Caden to Disneyland.

We sent Natalie to visit Grandma Penny in Dallas so that Ben and I could create special memories with Caden.  Don't feel too bad for her.  She charmed her way across the third largest city in Texas.  I'm fairly certain her Facebook Fan Page now includes serveral stewardesses, a couple of pilots, hundreds of airport travelers, and countless numbers of residents of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.  She would easily pass Ashton Kutcher in the number of Twitter followers if she could only figure out how to use a Qwerty keyboard.

As for us, we flew into San Diego so that we could treat Caden to something special - a train ride along the Pacific Ocean.  For years Caden has asked to ride the "train on the beach."  Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner fit the bill perfectly.

The weather in Anaheim was surprisingly not perfectly sunny and warm.  It was overcast and cold.  It did not stop us from having a great time.  When we arrived at Disneyland, the entire park was beautifully decorated for the holidays.  Here's a shot of Main Street, USA. (I love the Mickey wreaths)

 There was so much to do and so much to see that I cannot possibly recap our entire trip.  I will say that we met some great characters, such as Goofy.

We learned that Caden is most like Jiminy Cricket...

and that riding in the cockpit of a blue monorail is "awesome"

 and that if you get wet on the River Run ride, you might was well go all out and ride over and over again until you're soaked.  Unless, of course, you're me and would much rather watch from the sidelines.  By the way, Caden's wearing a yellow raincoat in this picture.

 We also learned that our son is a fearless thrill seeker.

We rode Space Mountain FOUR times, Big Thunder Mountain THREE times, the Madderhorn TWO times, and Indiana Jones just once (due to stringent height restrictions which we were able to "work around" once but were unwilling to try again).

In the end, our trip was everything I hoped it would be.

Memorable.  Wonderful.  Magical.

We were short on time but long on memories.  I am already making plans for when we can bring Natalie so that she too can experience the joy that is Disney.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Trick-or-Treat, Smell my feet...

Just two weeks after Caden's 5th birthday, we hosted our annual neighborhood potluck Halloween party.  It was a lot of fun, and a lot of chaos.  Lots of families joined us this year - The Derr's, The Heitzman's, The Newton's, The Quin's, The Rodriguez's, and The Tinsley's.  Thirteen kids in all.  With all the madness, I forgot to take photos.  Most of the pictures below are courtesy of Datra Quin.

Natalie dressed up a ladybug

Caden was Indiana Jones

The Heitzman's came as Jon and Kate

Molly came as Alice, her cousin Tirsha was the Queen of Hearts, Marshall was the King of Hearts (LOVE the pencil thin moustache!)

All the kids gathered on the couch  for a group shot.  I would like to point out that trying to take a group photo of this many kids is like trying to herd cats.  I'm sure years from now I'll look back at this photo and fondly remember the fun of it all.  As for now, all I remember is how terribly loud it was while the Momarazzi tried to snap a few photos.

In the end, the kids had a lot of fun.  The parents had a lot of fun.  And there was a nice supply of delicious treats to enjoy when the kids went to sleep.  Happy Halloween!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey, we want to party!

On October 19th Caden turned 5 years old.  It's amazing to think how quickly the years have passed.  He's growing up so fast.  We wanted to celebrate the big day with a fun-filled celebration.  We invited all of his friends and classmates - to the tune of 25 kids.  With parents and family we had about 60 people expected to attend.

When asked what type of party he would like, Caden replied "a train party!"  Well, at least the kid is predictable.  The City of Tomball's train depot (now museum) and park was the perfect venue to hold such a large crowd.  To keep the party upbeat and fun we had a bounce house as well as party planners to host activities for the kids.  Here are some of the highlights.

There was a bounce house and slide.

which even Natalie enjoyed

There were hula hoops

and face painting

The kids played musical chairs

and a modified version of the limbo

There were lots of presents

and even a train cake.

In the end we had one very happy, very tired 5 year old boy.

Happy Birthday, Caden.  We love you so very, very much.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Visit to the Oil Ranch

I'm very far behind in posting updates on the blog.  October is a very busy month for our family.  We managed to survive, but I have a lot of catching up to do!

On October 2nd Caden and I made a trip to The Oil Ranch in Hockley, Texas.  The Oil Ranch is Houston's largest guest ranch.  Activities include pony rides, hay rides, a train, milk a cow, a baby animal area, and an indian village.  The weather was great and the crowds were few.  Caden enjoyed the train ride the most.

The hay ride was the most, uh, interesting part of our visit.  The ride stopped in a pasture filled with cattle.  The cows would walk right up to the hay ride to eat food pellets out of your hand.  They also eat all of the hay off the wagon. It's a little strange to be swarmed by 25 large bovine.  They're stinky and slobbery.  I did not get in touch with my inner-farmer.  Caden, on the other hand, seemed to have a lot of fun.  I'm glad we went to the ranch together. It was another fun adventure!

Look!  Aggie scarecrows! 

swarmed by cows

preparing to ride the train

Caden got to ring the bell

smiles all around!