Tuesday, July 26, 2011

March in a Nutshell

March was a fun month as I have glanced through the March pictures on the computer. So here it is in a nutshell. We had fun celebrating Lydia's 2nd birthday, had a fun St. Patrick's Day dinner, we registered for Kindergarten, completed potty training, and had a really nice weekend visit from our friend Charlie! March was a good month!! We started the potty training process over President's Day in February and finished up in March! He did amazing, it wasn't nearly as painful as I feared actually it wasn't painful at all! He really took to it and got it right off! After the nightmare that was my potty training experience with Grace, I was terrified, but thankfully there was no need for terror with him!! We had to have lots of practice though to fill up his sticker chart so he could get his grand prize - Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. We had lots of other little prizes along the way to keep his interest up! Jonas choosing a prize out of the prize bucket- thank heavens for the dollar store!! He was so excited for each accomplishment! What a big boy!

Well we made it! Grand prize achieved- he was so excited for his dragon! As a mom, it was so wonderful to watch his first accomplishment! He got such satisfaction from achieving this goal- he was so proud of himself- I loved it!

Savannah and I had a fun mother daughter double date with my friend Melissa and her daughter to Extravadance at BYU-I. We went out to dinner first, it was such a fun evening. Melissa is such an amazing friend and I love that the girls get along so well, makes for good times!
St. Patrick's Day dinner! Just made it a little fun evening for the kiddos! Green waffles and a rainbow fruit salad! They didn't see me making any of it so they were giddy when they saw what we were having for dinner!

The fruit rainbow up close - made for a really fun evening!

Happy birthday Lidders! It was so fun celebrating with our little St. Patty's Day girl!

Lisa made this adorable birthday cake for Lydia's birthday! She getting pretty dang talented in her cake making endeavors!

Kindergarten registration- Grace was beyond stoked!! I feel bittersweet for sure, I can't believe she is off to Kindergarten this fall- she is so excited though, and reluctantly, I must admit her enthusiasm is contagious- so I'm excited for her too!

We ventured out for a little outing to the river to feed the ducks - hoping warmer days are on the horizon!
Charlie's here! Charlie actually introduced us to Hot Diggity Dog, we had never been there until he came to town last year and introduced us to this little local joint- he'd heard about it from a friend on facebook. It really is delicious and we've made it a tradition when he comes to town we have to get us some Hot Diggity Dog!
Also while Charlie was here we took a little tip up to Bear Gulch and did some sledding! The kids had a total blast! Just look at those faces!

Savannah and Jonas doing a little sledding! So cute!

Hiking back up the hill! He was in the zone- this was exactly the way he would love to spend every day! He loves the outdoors, the cold, the hiking up the hill, the racing back down- he was in heaven!

Bye Charlie! The kids love Charlie and were so sad to see him go- in fact Jonas bawled the whole way home! I love that Charlie started out as a friend of Larren's and became my friend too! We love Charlie and love spending time with him!

Valentine's Day

I'm a little on the psycho side when it comes to holidays, traditions you know anything I can make a big deal over! Admitting it is the first step RIGHT!?! Not that I have any interest in doing anything about my crazy obsession- but at least I've come to terms with the fact that I like to go overboard with these types of occasions. I love watching the anticipation build on my kids faces as a holiday approaches and then I love doing my best to exceed any possible idea they have of how the day will go- crazy I know but it's sort of a little problem I have- anyway Valentine's Day is another fun day that I try to make special for the kids! After all they are my sweethearts- gotta let them know it right!?!

We always get little presents for them, Larren gets something for the girls and for the last three years I have had a little sweetheart of my own to surprise, yeah for little Jonas! Here are a few pics of the festivities that was our Valentine's Day this year!

The girls working on their Valentine's Day cards for their classmates. This is one of their favorite parts of Valentine's Day, they love picking out the perfect box of Valentine's cards and of course a little treat to go with it and then filling them out for each member of their class.

This year for Grace's card, Aunt Lisa helped us take a picture and make a card to print that looked like she was holding a lollipop out for a friend! The cards turned out so cute and Grace was so excited to pass them out at school!

Savannah had to make her own Valentine's Day mailbox this year. She decided to make an Ipod. I think it turned out really cute- she loves any sort of art project so this was right up her alley!

The girls woke up to a yummy heart attack breakfast! Yum! Larren and I literally awoke at dawn and somehow despite stumbling around bleary eyed managed to get breakfast together before any of the kids woke up! They were so excited when they came around the corner to the kitchen and saw breakfast all set our for them!

Larren got each of the girls a rose and a monogrammed silver bracelet! They loved their little gifts and of course put their bracelets on immediately!

Here's what I got my little wild man! Don't even lie- it is a super cute T-shirt!

Here's our little bachelor- what a cute little guy!

Emily and I took the kids on a little mom and kids date after school to a movie! We saw Yogi Bear- certainly not amazing by any means but the kids liked it! It was definitely something different than the usual after school routine- so despite the movie being less than stellar in my opinion, just being on a date with the kids was worth it!

Then it was heart shaped pizza for dinner when daddy got home! It was fun that Valentine's Day fell on a Monday so we had a fun Family Home Evening about loving one another and it was really fun to have Ronie and Emily there for the evening festivities.

Grace and I had made sugar cookies while the girls were at school and we decorated them after Family Home Evening. All in all it was a pretty spectacular day! Love my kids, love my hubby, love family time and traditions! And most of all LOVE making a big deal out of all of the above!!

Dance Season

I love that I am so far behind in blogging! What's a matter with me- oh yeah I've been busy living life instead of documenting it! Somehow I gotta get better at doing both instead of just the former! So as usual when I have to play catch-up I have to just hit a few highlights! So that's the plan- we'll see how it goes!

To start off- I'm going to catch up on Audrey's competition season! She had an amazing year! They finished first at every competition this year! She loves dancing, it's been such an exciting and fun year for her. She participated in two competitive dances a hip hop piece called Down, Set, Hut and a jazz piece called Hey Mickey. They were so cute! I loved watching her this year. Her first competition was Dance for Life in Ogden, Utah over Valentine's Day weekend. Savannah, my mom, Emily, Audrey and I went for the weekend and made it a girls' weekend! We had such a good time. I love spending time with my mom and my sister and my girls- we had such a fun time! We shopped, we ate out, we watched the kids swim in the pool and watched a lot of dancing! Loved watching Audrey finish first in both dances! And then the cherry on top was they took first for the WHOLE novice division! Way to go Tiny's!

Here she is waiting to hear the results after a long day of dancing!

A few members of the Tiny Team just before they went on stage to perform Hey Mickey! This is seriously the cutest dance! I loved watching it- so spunky and cute!

At breakfast at the hotel on the big day! Savannah was the best cheerleader ever. She looked out for Audrey and was so doting and concerned for her. Anything Audrey said, Savannah would say, "let me get it for you!" "Let me do it for you, you just worry about dancing!" I love Savannah's sweet thoughtful nature. She loves her sisters and is so caring and loving in every way. She does not have a jealous or mean bone in her body. She cheered louder, watched more intently and gave the most amazing congratulatory and encouraging words to Audrey. I so admire Savannah's loving nature, she is an amazing sister and daughter. I loved having this weekend time with the girls.

In the hotel room the night before the big day, back from swimming, out of the shower and snuggling on the bed. My 2010 Life 365 book had arrived before we left and so the girls were looking through it and reminiscing! Fun times!

Next we went to Utah Dance Championships in Roy, Utah in April. This time it was just my mom and I and the girls. Another great weekend away! Audrey did great again taking first in both dances! They're on a roll! Onto the final competition in Logan in May!

Audrey and her friend Livy! They are adorable, we carpool to dance together each week and they are really become super sweet friends! We love that little Livy!

Another cute pic of Audge and Livy!

Here the girls are hanging out in the locker room waiting until it's their turn to take the stage! So much silliness and giggling! Loves watching this crazy girls!

Last but not least Celebrity in Logan in May!! Way exciting and supposed to be the toughest one yet- not for those sweet Tiny's! Yet another top finish! Way to go Tiny's!!

This one was a family affair, finally daddy came along and got to see Audrey in action. We had so much fun as a family hanging out at the hotel and watching Audrey dance. Jonas loved swimming in the pool with his daddy! I love watching my family all together having fun and supporting one another! A wonderful weekend away!

Celebrity turned out be a lot crazier than anticipated. One of the girls forgot the skirt to her costume. Her mom ran to the store to buy a white skirt and two cans of spray paint to paint it yellow and pink, BUT by mistake she purchased a lime green paint instead of yellow. YIKES! With literally just minutes to be on stage we were on the front lawn spray painting every single skirt green! Insanity I tell you! Those poor girls went on stage in wet skirts. Audrey didn't get her right skirt back so I was back stage in the pitch black trying to pin it as they were announcing their name. I stuck myself with the pin and ending up bleeding on that dang skirt! What a day!! Gertie, their teacher was worried because they have never performed on stage without running through it backstage first- there was no time for that today and we were worried the stress and insanity of what just happened would totally throw them off! It did NOT, professionals I tell you- they nailed their performance! It was one of their best ever! What little troopers! It was a great way to end the competition season- Audrey's little team had such a fantastic year, love that they did so well and had so much fun together!

Jonas jumping in the pool to his daddy! He loved this mini-vacay and splashing in the pool- he didn't love watching dance so much all day, but he toughed it out and with a little break with daddy and Grace for a walk to a park he survived!

Here's the green skirt- there way no drying time whatsoever so wet paint and all they went on stage! Whew at least they made it RIGHT!?!

Celebrity results!! Tiny's did it again and even took an overall award- what an amazing team!

Audrey at her end of the year recital standing in front of the table display of the trophies and awards from this year's competition season! What a fun year! A break for summer and the back at it this fall! Audrey loves it and can't wait to get back to it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grace's Birthday Extravaganza

Turning 5 is a big deal at our house- it's their first friend party! Grace has been excited about this birthday for months, talked about it constantly. When Audrey turned 5 a few years back we had a backyard carnival, which was so much fun but not really doable in sub-zero January, so we had to come up with another plan! True confession, I had no time to come up with a party scheduled for the first week of January on the heels of Christmas. Now a quick flashback- at the fair this past fall the girls all had their faces painted, while we were having their faces painted I was talking with the face painter who said she was also a party planner. After they were done (and their faces look so cool by the way) she handed me her card. I stuck it in my desk drawer- as Grace's birthday loomed closer and I came up with empty with ideas, I pulled the card out and gave Laura a call! Hands down best birthday decision I ever made! I hired me a party planner! The party was spectacular, the kids had a blast, the activities were beyond amazing and all I had to do was stand back and take photos of it all! It was so easy for me and I loved watching the party unfold before Grace's eyes, she only told me a zillion times it was the "Best day EVER!" Laura, the party planner, Grace and I settled on a Magical Princess Party involving a tale of an Enchanted Forest! It was the perfect combination for inviting both boys and girls, everyone had a great time!

Good morning Princess Grace, rise and shine to breakfast in bed! She is NOT an early riser as evidenced by those bleary little eyes.

There she is awake and happier with her sprinkle covered donut! She loved the balloons and once she got a little more awake she bounded out of bed so excited and ready to take on her birthday!
We met daddy at Red Robin for a birthday lunch! She loved the ice cream sundae for dessert.

Her invitation turned out so cute! She loved it- she was so adorable taking them around the neighborhood dropping them off to all her friends!
Here is the "Enchanted Forest" all decorated! The tissue paper flowers and streamers were so cute, especially once it was dark outside, the living room really took on a magical effect- the flowers and the ribbons were all hung at varying heights. It was so beautiful!

Another vantage point! The decorations were so much fun!

Laura came to the party dressed in a princess costume, she handed out flower hair clips with streaming ribbons for the girls and slide whistles for the boys, that looked like a medieval musical instrument. The girls all loved putting the hair clips in their hair and much to my dismay, the whistles weren't shrill, yeah! A headache free party!!
The first project was to decorate their treasure box, that became their "goodie bag." Laura had these cute wood boxes and markers and jewels to decorate them. After they finished decorating their boxes, they lined them all up on my entry table then as they collected little goodies throughout the party they put them right into their treasure boxes.

Next was story time, the party planner, Laura told an elaborate tale of visiting an Enchanted forest and some interesting creatures she met along the way. The first was a giant who had a birthday gift for Grace. The kids hung on every word of the story. I loved watching their little faces as she wove her tale, they ate it up!

She passed around the giant's present for the kids to feel and try and guess what it could be. The consensus was rocks - but it was not. . .

The big reveal! The kids gathered in close to see what it could be, I just love Grace's face in this photo! She was in awe of this whole thing!

See I told you! No rocks here!! What would a giant give?!? A giant M&M of course! The kids loved it and ran over and put their giant M&M filled with little M&M's in their treasure box!

Then back to the story and the exciting conclusion! Next she met a fairy who had a present for Grace for her birthday, but then a troll came along and turned the fairy's gift into dragon eggs! The kids faces were in total shock! DRAGON EGGS!! Are you serious!! Then Laura told them the dragon eggs were hidden throughout the basement, so they had to go on a search for them! Off they went giggling and shrieking all the way!

Here is one of the elusive dragon eggs! Looks pretty authentic to me!!

Here are all the kiddos with their dragon eggs! They were so excited and off they went back upstairs to find out how to turn the dragon eggs back into a present.

Come to find out you have to use unicorn magic to transform dragon eggs back into a present! So the kids got straight to work! The little vase next to each bowl was filled with unicorn magic so the first step was pouring the unicorn magic into our bowl.

Then they had to stir it and stir it! It turned the water (it was actually vinegar) blue and sparkly!
More stirring!

In goes the dragon egg . . .

And now starts the magic!!

Whoa!! Look at all that magic happenin'! Alexa didn't know what to make of it all!! YIKES!! The kids were totally caught up in the unicorn magic, they couldn't believe all the bubbles and foam everywhere! It was true magic to them! I loved it!! The kids loved every minute of it and were so fascinated! It was truly magical! Love that unicorn magic!!

Thanks to a strong dose of unicorn magic, the dragon egg is almost gone, what will the treasure be??

McKade showing it off to me, even though it was a jeweled bracelet, none of the boys seemed to mind, they were so excited by all the magic! Each child got a different colored bracelet, so neat!

While Grace opened presents, the kids got their faces painted! So cute- just wait and see. . .

Make-up! She was pretty excited about that! What a big girl!

She loved this Toy Story Barbie from her friend Alexa, do you recall her Christmas Wish List? She has an obsession with Toy Story! In her excitement she held up the Barbie right in front of Alexa, she is back there - thanks Alexa!!

She hit the big time with this present- a Nintendo DS!! This was the year of the Nintendo DS birthday gifts, beginning with Audrey in August, then Savannah in December and now Grace has one too! She was thrilled and the older girls will be happy to have theirs all to themselves!

Laura let each child choose how they wanted their face painted. Grace requested a rainbow butterfly!
Grace seeing it for the first time!! She loved it! She is pretty rainbow butterflied alright!

The birthday girl with her rainbow butterfly! I am so glad her day was so special and all she could have hoped for and way more than she imagined! I love seeing wonder and excitement on my kids faces, a huge thrill for me as a mom, I love that her birthday was so magical!! Happy birthday sweet girl of mine!

My niece Kaylee, she also wanted to be a butterfly!!

Andrew wanted to be a king! I love his crown and he had sideburns too - super cute!

Zaidee wanted a butterfly and a flower (see below).

The flower part! Zaidee had just recently had major surgery and we were so glad she was able to come, Grace most of all as Zaidee is one of her bestest friends!!

Here's Alexa out from behind the Barbie!! She also wanted a butterfly! She is in Grace's pre-school and dance class- double the fun!!

Ryan wanted to be a dragon! Was this inspried by the dragon eggs?? He looked so dang cute!

Nikki is the cutest little puppy dog ever!!

Taylor is adorable, alothough there has been some debate as to what exactly she is around our house. I think a cat, Grace says a wolf, maybe a mountain lion - you decide!?!

There is debate about Adrienne's design too - so I'll leave it up to you to decide, but it is cute whatever it is!!

Audrey wanted flowers along her forehead with sparklies on her face. She looked cute and she even persuaded Laura to let her borrow head piece for the photo - it actually didn't take any persuasion at all, she was so sweet to all the guests that way! Thanks Laura!!

Savannah got a butterfly on her face!
So sad to report I missed photophraphing one party guest's cute face and it was my own handsome nephew McKade!! What the heck!?! How'd I miss him!?! He had a red and black football helmet painted on his face because those were the team colors of his older brother Kendrik's football team. He looked really cute and you can see a picture of him in the cake shot below!! Sorry I missed you McKade! Love you so much though!!

Grace's birthday cake! She picked it out at the bakery because it looked like an enchanted forest cake. I think I'd have to agree with her.

Grace with her cake.

Let's have some cake!! Oh and some ice cream too!! Why not it's a party!!

Paarty's over! I woke up the day after to this- a sure sign of a good time was had by all!! I love you my sweet Grace, so glad you had a wonderful time at your party! So glad I had a wonderful time at your party, best idea I ever had, best money I ever spent- such a fun night!