Monday, July 23, 2007

There's A First Time For Everything

Tom had two significant "firsts" today/yesterday. When he headed to the airport last night to jumpseat to Wisconsin, he was able to wear an Atlas uniform for the first time. He was proud to wear it, knowing how far he's come in ten years. (I personally think he misses the Mesa uniform just a teensy bit though; the familiarity of it all--the hometown airport, familiar planes and familiar faces.)

His next first--his first trip ever to Oshkosh, and he gets to meet up there with his dad--double bonus! "What is Oshkosh," you might ask? Yes, it is a popular children's clothing line, but to an aviation enthusiast, it means much more--it is a Mecca to the wacky world of airplane lovers. For an entire week every summer, tens of thousands of airplanes flock to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for a week of displays, vendors, air shows, and even entertainment such as the Beach Boys.

And a great part of it (I guess depending on who you ask) is camping out under the wing of the airplane you brought in. Ah, there must be nothing else like it . . . the humidity, the heat, using outhouses (which mind you, sit in the heat and humidity!), sleeping on an air mattress in a tent like you are homeless.

At least he's enjoying the thrill of it all with his dad and not me. I'll watch the highlights from my laptop while sitting on my comfortable bed in an air-conditioned house that contains a toilet with running water . . .

Monday, July 16, 2007

Home At Last!

After eight weeks of training (and not seeing the kids!), Tom was finally able to come home last Saturday. We were all excited to say the least. Although Tommy was shy for a minute, he warmed up quickly and hasn't at all forgotten "Daddy."

He climbs up on Daddy's lap, follows him around saying "Da-da," and still screams when Tom heads to the garage without him. Tom commented that Tommy got taller in his absence, but as evidenced in the photo, his hair didn't get any taller! I think he enjoys the "Mr. Clean" look.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Naughty Boy (again!)

Mom should have known I was too quiet for my own good!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Let's Celebrate!

After seven frustrating weeks of eating, sleeping, and drinking the 747, on July 6, Tom took his final simulator evaluation and passed with flying colors. At only 31, he is now type-rated to fly a Boeing 747-400.

But the best part (for us at least) is that he gets to come home on Friday!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July with the Masons

Sam and Lyn waiting for the parade to start

Tommy mesmerized by the firetrucks (forget the candy!)

"Linus" following the parade route

Spencer waving the Australian flag on America's birthday

Pictures from Utah

No more Tommies jumping on the bed!

Carly and Sam having a sleepover

"Toot, toot, chugga, chugga, big red car . . ."

Tommy Tinker and Granti-grew

The Top Three Reasons I Dislike Parades . .

As a child, I always used to enjoy the festivities of the 4th of July--parades, carnivals, and fireworks. However, in my old age I have come to be a bit of a party-pooper (or so I'm told). It could have something to do with the fact that Tom usually has to work the 4th of July, which leaves me to take the kids around by myself. And, by the way, it is HOT!

Anyhow, I agreed to take Sammie and Tommy to the Clearfield parade since cousin Spencer was in it. And now, I present to you the top three reasons I dislike parades:

Derby Dames named Hannah Bull . . .

Man doing tricks on riding lawn mower . . .

Exciting entries such as this one!