Tom had two significant "firsts" today/yesterday. When he headed to the airport last night to jumpseat to Wisconsin, he was able to wear an Atlas uniform for the first time. He was proud to wear it, knowing how far he's come in ten years. (I personally think he misses the Mesa uniform just a teensy bit though; the familiarity of it all--the hometown airport, familiar planes and familiar faces.)
His next first--his first trip ever to Oshkosh, and he gets to meet up there with his dad--double bonus! "What is Oshkosh," you might ask? Yes, it is a popular children's clothing line, but to an aviation enthusiast, it means much more--it is a Mecca to the wacky world of airplane lovers. For an entire week every summer, tens of thousands of airplanes flock to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for a week of displays, vendors, air shows, and even entertainment such as the Beach Boys.
And a great part of it (I guess depending on who you ask) is camping out under the wing of the airplane you brought in. Ah, there must be nothing else like it . . . the humidity, the heat, using outhouses (which mind you, sit in the heat and humidity!), sleeping on an air mattress in a tent like you are homeless.
At least he's enjoying the thrill of it all with his dad and not me. I'll watch the highlights from my laptop while sitting on my comfortable bed in an air-conditioned house that contains a toilet with running water . . .
La Salvation
3 years ago