If you know anything about Tom, he has plane on the brain--always. We can be having a conversation about our children or something serious, and next thing you know, his thoughts have derailed and he's suddenly talking about motors, speed controllers, ailerons, etc. And no, not for the 747--for the remote control models. I have always said I would find great pleasure in taking a baseball bat to the 20+ planes in our garage, but I don't think that would make for a happy husband (and if Tom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy).
So, since he loves flying nearly as much as he loves breathing, I have to put on a happy (or maybe tolerant would describe it better) face and go with the flow. On Tom's last break at home, he spent one week in Utah to humor me, and the other doing absolutely nothing but working on the d*!# airplane in the picture above. It was a pipe dream (oops, I mean just dream) from nearly a year ago, and he was even bright enough to offer to build his brother, Gary, one as well. (Something about grand memories from the Trainers they had back in the golden teenage years.) His "goal" (if that's what you want to call it) that week was to "maiden" the Trainer. Hour after hour, day after day, was spent in the garage--cutting, covering, sanding, and building. On his last day home, with only two hours of precious daylight left, we (the whole fam damily) headed to the flying field to watch old glory take flight, and that she did.
I was armed with the video camera to record such a momentous event in the history of our family, while Sammie was armed with the digital camera to take still shots. While Sammie and I played along, Tommy was obviously mesmerized. (Is this a taste of what's to come??!)
P.S. If you think I'm a tad bitter about the models, you'd be absolutely, positively, 100% correct!