Sunday, June 29, 2008


is my 30th birthday.

Why do I feel like I'm in a support group and saying it for the first time? Hello, my name is Sydney, I am 30 years old! Ugh, is really all I can say because UGH is how I feel.

Years ago there was a song by Deana Carter, "Strawberry Wine", in the song there's a line "I still remember, when 30 was old", yeah, because it IS! 30 is old. I know that because I AM 30!

I can still vividly remember milestone birthdays. There was my 16th birthday when my friends saran wrapped me to a pole at Brookside gas station {big hang out} and hung a big sign around my neck that said "Honk, it's my 16th birthday!", I remember my 20th birthday when I got FRIED at a golf tournament. I had blisters the size of ice cubes all over my shoulders which in turn had to be drained and scrapped off with a metal brush by the doctor. Yup, 2nd and 3rd degree burns all because I didn't wear sunscreen AND on June 29th. Happy Birthday to me. For my 21st birthday I received patriotic dinnerware for my "trousseau" which Jared in turn felt he had to salute every time we ate!

So I've obviously known my 30th birthday was coming and yet, I've been dreading it for, well, years...

Yes, I AM 30. I had a wonderful birthday with my wonderful husband and two incredible boys. First item of business this morning was a few presents. Jared picked out this adorable and perfect apron for me. I have wanted an apron forever and honestly didn't think Jared had heard me but yet, he found one that I LOVE!

{yes, I cropped out my face. I was making a less than pretty face and the focus should be on my new apron, not my trying to be cute but ended up looking a little odd facial expression}

I also got a gift certificate for a massage from my in-laws! {it includes babysitting, how heavenly is that!}

I was able to use the "you take him, it's my birthday" card to Jared at church when Easton was acting up and needed to be taken out in the hall. I also got a nap and we ended the day with homemade icecream and a chocolate brownie cake! Yum, yum.

{delicious homemade ice cream in my fabulous $7 thrift store find}

{yummy chocolate chip brownie torte. Large enough for a very large crowd....ignore the shiny face and nap hair}

As I thought about what I wanted for my birthday I came up with a list forever long. As I looked at my list and really thought about what I wanted, I decided that the only thing I really wanted for my birthday was a family picture. Is that a sign of maturity or what? We had our family pictures taken a few weeks ago and I just got the proofs yesterday. It's exactly what I wanted and they capture my family perfectly. The pictures show me {braces and all} at age 30. I have everything I could possibly want in those pictures. An incredible husband and 2 incredible kids. Yes, I am 30 and somehow, some way, I think I'm going to survive.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hang in there.....

Mr. iPod. I know we've had a scary last few days and I too am sad about having to say goodbye to Mr. Speaker, but I believe in you and I know that once your wounds have healed, you'll be good as new.

No one saw it coming. It wasn't anyone's fault and if I could have prevented the accident, I would have. I had no idea that our time outside enjoying the sunshine while weeding in the garden would come to a screeching halt when the SPRINKLERS came on in the middle of the afternoon.

Mr. Speaker took most of your blow, he protected you from the full impact that would have happened if he hadn't had your back. Mr. Speaker was a beloved member of the family. He was so willing to go where needed; the garage, the backyard, even in the suitcase to Grandma's house so that Easton could have music when he went to bed. He lived a good life and he'll be missed.

As for you Mr. iPod. I'm just not ready to replace you yet. We've got a good thing going and as much as I'd love a newer, bigger and better iPod, I'd also love a Dyson, a new phone and a new camera lens. So, I need you to hang in there. Take your time drying out and when you're ready, I'll take you on a run and let the music empty out of you and fill my ears with the sweet melody that I love and already miss.

Only the best,


Monday, June 23, 2008

Our pictures sneak peak...

Amanda, our fabulous photographer put up a sneak peak of our photo session on her blog. Check it out and leave a comment {on her blog}, please! If we have lots of comments, we get a free 8x10!

Click HERE for her blog.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Raft for the Cure

I wish we lived closer so we could attend THIS.
This is my brother's company who sponsor's it so if you can't make it down but your planning another trip to Moab- check out the Moab Adventure Center one of the friendly staff members you speak with just may be my little sister!

Friday, June 20, 2008

"E" for Effort

Why is it that when my kids act out in a setting when I want them to behave, I remember the "sweet" old lady with big red hair that told me "it's children like yours that end up in prison" as Gibson was having a meltdown at 2 years old? {it's a really long story and my blood will start to boil if I recall it completely...however, if you happened to answer your phone on that day, you remember it all too well!}

The prison inmate- 18 months old

Last night we had a family photo session. It had been planned for weeks. I even rescheduled so that I'd have time to go shopping to find the perfect clothes to wear for each member of the family. I didn't let my kids play outside all week for fear they'd get a sunburn and have red faces and I looked them over each night for unsightly bruises or scratches that would ruin the "perfect" family shot that I wanted/needed for some marketing we're doing.

I had high hopes for our pictures. My children were going to pose and be perfect models and sit/stand/behave just like we had talked about. Husband was going to smile and smile and forget all his worries until we got the "perfect" shot and then ever so sweetly suggest "that's a wrap, let's go home."

Ah, if only.......

I remembered that I have an 18 month old that can barely stand to sit in his carseat fully strapped in let alone sit still and smile at the correct moment. He'd much rather pull weeds or walk down the sidewalk glancing back to see if he was going to get caught.

could see the wacky faces and far off glances my 3 1/2 year old was making. It started well but soon he realized that the younger one acting out was getting all the attention.....

Or the roll of his eyes and eagerness in his voice as my dear husband tried to forget that he had a HUGE exam today that he needed to study for.

So, I've taken a moment today to realize that THIS is the stage of life I'm in. If I had gotten a perfect picture {a miracle may still happen, I haven't seen them yet} then I would constantly be telling the "do you know what we had to do to get that shot" story. Instead, I think I'm going to get some pictures of little boys being little boys and a husband who's showing his love for his wife by even showing up and smiling....yes, THIS is my life.

the current 18 month old....prison inmate #2?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

THE anticipation to go to grandma and papa's house was too much for Gibson. We had the car loaded, Easton strapped in his carseat and we couldn't find Gibson. We searched, we called out his name and then we spotted his little body sound asleep on the couch in the back room.


We headed to Utah to do some marketing for Jared as he's about to join his dad's dental practice as an associate. It was our big city festival so we rented a booth at the carnival, handed out toothbrushes and balloons and gave some cool stuff away. I had no idea how exhausting it would all be! The first part of the week was spent getting everything ready and the last part of the week was spent sitting at the carnival.


This was our booth! Our brother-in-law did the banners, we had custom balloons and toothbrushes and we tried to meet and greet anyone who'd stop by. It wasn't the easiest to compete against the "we're not a timeshare" booth next to us, but I think we did pretty good on getting the word out that Jared's the "newest and nicest dentist in town!"


There were many things for kids throughout the week. I attempted to go to a few of them but so did the rest of the town! We did suffer through the crowd and take them to the children's parade. Kids are the parade and they ride their bikes about a half mile and then get a ribbon and candy. Easton was really excited and moved very first. He got consumed with watching the other kids that we cut across the grass and waited for everyone else to finish at the end.


Sean, Tyler, Gibson and Easton at the end of the parade. Most parents decorated their kids bikes in red, white and blue with streamers, balloons, etc. Not us, we just went. We could have decorated their bikes with balloons that we had customized with the helium we had rented but that would have required us to empty the car to get the helium tank which was snugly on the bottom and frankly, it was too much work and required too much energy.


I love a good parade. Always have. I love watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade and I always look forward to our city parade. Now, our city parade isn't just firetrucks and horses. We actually have floats, bands, old cars, rodeo queens, baby contest winners, politicians, etc. It's a great time. The night before the sidewalks are lined with chairs and blankets reserving spaces and many a people show up! {We drove down from Idaho, my brother drove up from Moab....we love a good parade}

Aren't my baby sisters adorable??


After a long week we jumped at the invitation to a pool party before the fireworks. The boys LOVED it. Easton has NO fear and refused to wear floaties or a life vest. Gibson is a little more cautious and clung on one of us at all times. It was a perfect evening. {thanks Kirby's for the invite}


We ended the week with a family dinner at my parent's house. All my siblings were there and my grandparents too. I've missed spending time with my grandparents since we've been gone for seven years and seeing them this trip made me realize how time has not stopped for them and I'd love my boys to remember them like I remember my great-grandpa Sidney {my namesake}.

It's weird to think that after all these years we may only have one more trip where we have to be a guest in someone's home, live out of a suitcase and have our kids sleep in foreign beds. Can I even express to you how excited that makes me!!!

It was a very successful trip. Jared had 4 busy days at work, we got to see some great friends from dental school the Gronemans and the Wettsteins whom we haven't seen in a long time, our kids got to see their cousins and we got to see and spend time with our family.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ick, it smells green...

Grandma's house is 5 hours away and we've been making the trip every 6 week since November. We're getting pretty good at it but 5 hours for an 18 month old is torture. Well, this last go around, we were in Ogden area {busy 8 lane interstate} and Easton was getting VERY fussy. I was half turned around in my seat trying to hand him toys, and Gibson was helping me find the snack bag when all of a sudden, Gibson starting throwing up green.......I'll spare the details but let's just say it was EVERYWHERE.

We cleaned it up and cleaned it up and then once again cleaned it up- yet Gibson got in the car today and said "ick, it smells green"

On the bright side?? Easton was fascinated with the proceedings and didn't make a peep the rest of the way!

Another bright side?? The 5K I ran 6 hours later, I shaved 5 minutes off my time! Woo Hoo!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Preschool Graduate

Back in September, the day after Gibson turned 3, I dropped him off at preschool for 2 hours. I was such a wreck during those two hours. He was SO young and I just kept seeing his little tears as I walked out the door, leaving him with a classroom of complete strangers.


Fast forward 9 months and here he is graduating from preschool! Ah, what an incredible experience it's been for us. He LOVED his teachers and every night when I told him he had school in the morning he'd say "what am I learning?"

Mrs. P. and Mrs. K. taught him so well and he looked forward to seeing them every week!


They gave him a darling book of some of his artwork and a certificate along with a CD of pictures that Mrs. P had taken over the year.



After he got his diploma, he was heading off stage when suddenly he stopped. He turned around and ran to Mrs. P. and announced "Mrs. P, I need a hug." {Oh, melt my heart}


We will miss preschool and we'll be counting down the months until we start again. This time we'll be in a new town, with a new teacher and he'll have to make new friends. I'm sure when the day comes, I'll once again be so nervous and apprehensive about leaving him. That is until I pick him up and see his smiling face when he tells me "guess what I learned today."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

An Everyday Moment

It rained ALL day. We were very excited after dinner to see that the rain had subsided for a moment so we went on a bike ride. Gibson didn't make the entire bike ride awake. He fell asleep about 15 minutes after we started, which means, he fell asleep around 6:15 p.m. and has yet to wake up {it's now 10:45}- I wonder if he'll sleep through the night or if someone will be watching cartoons in the wee hours of the morning!

I feel so bad for the kid. Since today is Tuesday, he woke up, put on his green Toy Story shirt {the one he wears every Tuesday} and then asked what he was learning at school today. He has yet to understand that school is out for the summer. Swimming lessons don't start for another few weeks and then I may just have to get him in a summer camp of some sort. He loves structure and loves to learn!


Easton. Easton. Easton. This kid is a mess. We are constantly telling him to get out of the street. {we usually play in the backyard that is filled with toys, a trampoline, and countless other things to keep 2 small kids busy but they love the front yard that has no toys..just a sidewalk and a street} "No Easton", " Get back on the sidewalk", "Get out of the street"- Whether he's on his bike or his feet, he's always walking a thin line. Many times we'll find him with one foot on the sidewalk and the other in the gutter just waiting for someone to notice him.

Well tonight, he decided a new technique. He got onto his stomach and was inching his way to the street. We went inside shortly after this picture was taken.

Like I said, this kid is a mess.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dog Gone Fun

We've been dogsitting this past week. Our neighbors went to Disneyland and asked us to care for their dog Nala (Nella if you ask Gibson), their Beta fish and to do the mail run, put out garbage, etc.

Nala was a lot of fun. She's old. She's deaf. She doesn't mind being tackled by two boys who love dogs but who's mom won't get them one.

We had Nala over to our house each day to play in the backyard and we took her on walks around the block {I should probably say she took Gibson on a walk.} It was fun and simple to care for her.

Since Nala is a member of their family and they were SO grateful that we took care of her, they brought us back presents from Disneyland!! They brought Easton a remote control Lightning McQueen, Jared and I got a hot pad in the shape of Mickey Mouses' hand and some dishtowels and Gibson got a Buzz Lightyear Laser!!!

Once Gibson opened their present he immediately disappeared into the back room. He went and got his Buzz' and set them up and began playing. The laser has a flip up lid that has some sort of microphone in it so when he talks into it, it sounds like he's a space ranger. Too Cool!

We totally didn't expect gifts since we were just doing our neighborly thing but they picked out the perfect gifts for the boys and they couldn't be happier.

Now we really want to take them to Disneyland....anyone want to join us....anyone, anyone???