Friday, November 7, 2008

I am jumping on...the bandwagon that is!

Okay, So I have decided to go private. Why, because everyone else is. No, but really it seems smart. I have been thinking about it for some time but it seemed like somewhat of a hassle. Plus, I didn't want to make it difficult for all my many readers out there...I do it for my fans really!

(chuckling to myself here)

Please respond to this post and include your email address if you want to check out this blog from time to time. I would love to add ya!

Monday, November 3, 2008

On the Scene at Halloween!

Just a couple of witches. Like mother like daughter.

I DEFINITELY have received my love for every holiday from my parents. This is my mom and dad dressed up on Halloween. They do it right. Their entire front yard and garage is decked out. They make hotdogs and hot chocolate for ALL the trick or treaters and pass out candy and usually glow sticks. My kiddos love going to Nana and Papa's after they trick or treat around home.

This is my little lady bug. Man I just want to squish and pinch those cheeks. Man she is a total sweetie cutie pie. Love her. This is her riding a pony at a fall festival.

This is the cutest sweetest witch in the whole wide world. She was so cute and so stinkin excited to wear this costume. She had an absolute ball trick or treating this year. She kept telling me in her high pitched voice..." I not scared mom I go up and say trick or treat and get candy." then we would walk to the next house and the same conversation would follow.

This is my little Captain Jack Sparrow. He actually had a pretty awesome pirate hat with hair, but why in the world would he want to wear that? It is one of those times that I am SO thankful that we borrowed this costume instead of paid for it. Thanks Jules by the way! Even with out the hat he makes a pretty stinkin cute pirate if you ask me!

This year was probably my most favorite Halloween ever! We had dinner and went trick or treating with fun families in our neighborhood. We love you all. Thanks for the good times! I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tag you're it!

Kalie thanks for the tag...sorry it has taken me so long to get around to this. My life kind of goes that way though. I seem to procrastinate at times, why should blogging be any different.

4 random things about my husband
1. He can get emotional when he is talking about his family or the gospel (he would probably deny this one!)
2. He is an excellent break dancer...totally sexy...seriously!
3. He is the best dad in the whole wide world!
4. He is a pretty funny guy! He has got an excellent sense of humor and has made me laugh at least once every day since we have been married. :)

4 movies I could watch more than once
1. Enchanted
2. While you were sleeping
3. What about Bob
4. The Family Man

4 TV shows I watch
1. The Office
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. QVC... I view this channel for purely comical purposes. I use to watch this when I would get up in the middle of the night and nurse Allie. I would just absolutely crack up at how detailed they would describe the products they are selling and also how much they LOVE them. I remember the best was this fold up pen they were selling. I remember recording it and showing it to Dave the next morning. I just lost it at how excited they were about this pen. I's a pen. It writes what more can you say and really how excited can you get? If you are lucky enough one day I will show you my QVC impression.
4. The Food Network...I love that unwrapped show when you go behind the scenes of how they make your favorite candy and stuff like that.

4 places I've been
1. Jamaica
2. Upstate New York
3. Niagara Falls
4. Yellowstone

4 people who email me regularly
1. Paige
2. Trisha
3. Amy
4. Oprah's book club because I haven't gone in to remove myself from the email list

4 places I would like to visit
1. Hawaii
2. New York City
3. Hawaii
4. um.....Hawaii

4 things I am looking forward to this year
1. Day after Thanksgiving Shopping!!
2. Putting up my Christmas tree
3. Not being able to sleep because we are waiting for Santa to come
4. Watching my cute kiddos open up presents on Christmas morning
(okay I just realized everything I am looking forward to for the rest of this year is very materialistic and commercialized...I really am much deeper than that I just am a TOTAL KID when it comes to the holidays!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My boy is all grown up (and no I am not talking about Carter)

So my cute Dave decided to dive into the world of blogging. He has an opinion about pretty much everything so it should be pretty entertaining to read. I am excited for him to have a place to jot down all those things that are on his mind. He decided to go with wordpress instead of blogger because he felt blogger was a little to pretty and girly for him! :) Justify it however you want babe! :) Anyway, if you want to check it out his address is

Happy Reading!

Warning: I am only his wife, not his mother, and therefore have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL of what comes out of his mouth. Read at your own risk!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Has anyone seen my voice??

So my cute Carter man has developed a bit of a cold. His voice was starting to go and get a bit raspy. He came up to me and said, "Mom, I think I am losing my voice."

And I said, "Yes, you are."

It was moments later that I looked at Carter and he was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said...

"I am sad that I lost my voice, I will miss my voice." He thought he would NEVER get it back.

Poor kiddo, I tried to comfort him and share in his turmoil while trying to hold back laughter at the same time. I told him that I have lost my voice before and it CAME BACK.

He immediately wanted to know how long it took me to get my voice back.

Priceless parenting moment!

Get better kiddo, I sure love you!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh Yea Baby!

So that sweet picture you see up above came from my darling In-laws. Oh, I loved them before but they really jumped to the top of my favorites list with this sweet delivery! I really consider them as my second set of parents and some of my very best friends. They just stopped by today to bring me diet coke and lemons. They said we know you love these so we thought we would drop them off. Can you believe that?

I don't think they know how needed that was today either. My cute Allie didn't go to sleep until around 1:00 in the morning and then I got a wakeup call at 5:45 with Jacey throwing up all over me. (A moment every mother looks forward to!)

At 5:45 Carter decided it was time to be up so we got up and watched Cars. Who doesn't want to get up at 5:45 to watch a movie?

Anyway, Thanks Chuck and Cathy for your thoughtfulness, it really meant a lot to me! I Truly Love you with all my heart and feel completely blessed to be a part of your family! Thanks for always accepting me with open arms! I love you both! And now I am off to enjoy a diet coke! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

You call me a witch like it's a bad thing!

This is Jacey in her witch costume that I made her for Halloween. We decided to venture out to Gardner Village for wee witches night out. So here is my cute little witchy woman.

This is Jace and Me on our girls outing to Gardner Village. It was fun to have a day with just her. We went with some friends and one of her MOST FAVORITE AUNTS! We love you Lex, Thanks to her I have these cute pics. I of course forgot my camera.

You would think she is just pulling a out though...she is actually casting a spell.

Jacey and her friend Kylie.

It was a beautiful day at Gardner Village and we had such a fun girls outing!

Here we go.........

This is my first time blogging. I am officially a blogger, I guess. I am using that term VERY loosely right now. This is all very new to me. I sm still trying to learn how this all works. Wish me luck, as getting me this far has taken me much more time than I will ever admit! :)