Since I stink at blogging there are a lot of things I never blogged about in 2012 .
Time to catch up through pictures...
Valentine's Day. Loving the cookies from Grandma.
Jarom being cute in his Valentines' mask
Annual friend camp out. Kids being crazy by the fire.
Proof of camping = Dirty Kid
More camping proof
It was so hot this year that the kids finally convinced us to
let them play in the water.
Muryha and Jarom playing jail.
Family couponing time. Koki's favorite...NOT!
Jarom had a lot of allergy problems this year :( We learned to always
have Benadryl on hand.
Isaac decided to be the cop of the house
Jarom lovin' the uke and Gideon just being cute.
Camp out in the backyard. The boys loved sleeping on the trampoline
with their dad and watching movies.
Another backyard camp was a little too bright for the boys.
Koki took the boys ice fishing for the first time with a co-worker.
This was their only catch of the day.
Jr Jazz family time
Joslyn snuggling with a bear
Cousin sleepover with Zeke
Gideon's 2nd grade dance performance
People know our kids fall asleep in the most random places
at the most random times. Here is the proof.
I couldn't resist putting this in
Koki was getting frustrated cause Isaac wasn't
listening to him...this is why.
After a long day of swimming
Joslyn keeping up with the tradition
Isaac in the hallway