Today was a great family day. We went to the young women fundraiser Memorial Day breakfast. We went to a park, got 49 cent slushies from 7 eleven, and went to the cemetery. About a block away before we got to there, Joslyn started saying "papa." That girl is so cute. I am grateful that our loved ones on the other side are close to us. I felt a lot of peace driving up to the grave site and as we spent time at the cemetery. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and for having loved ones in heaven looking down on us. Marion gave a really good family home ening after we got back from swimming at Jay and Jo's house. Her lesson was on improving relationships with family members. She's a keeper!
Today I saw God's hand guiding me at work and pushing me to be a better father and husband. I often pray for direction at work and ask to be guided to help someone. I know he allows me to serve others. I heard a mother today say during a session that she often prays for her children while she is at work. I wonder how many parents and people pray to God for help. I know I have waves of faith and moments of concern for my children in earnest prayer. Sad to say I often am quick to forget that urgency for the well being of my family and for my personal salvation. I hope that I am often reminded of God's goodness and grace. I love my Savior and am so glad he sacrificed so that I can be forgiven and that I can be with my family forever. Well, it's time to work out my salvation. I sure do love this gospel!
I love my family! Marion has been helping out so much with Scout Camp. We are going to Moab and she revamped our menu. It has saved me a lot of stress. I sure do love her! I got to sleep outside on the trampoline with the boys last night. I love doing stuff like that with them. Man they are getting old already. I remember when they were all so little. God has blessed me with a great wife and amazing children. I hope I can live up to my dream of being a great husband and a great father. That's the plan.
I loved being in the Nauvoo temple today. Marion and I love it down here. It is cute seeing her get into all the historic sites and stories. And we did spend over $30 I'm fudge today lol. It was really good.
I took Gideon home teaching with me. It was fun saying a prayer and then seeing the look on his face when I asked if he wanted to teach. He said that he wanted me to do all the work. I told him when he was 14 that I would have him do the lessons. I taught him how to shift gears in the car. He did really good and it was fun just spending time one on one with him. We spent the night watching home videos and looking at old pictures. I love doing that on Sunday nights.
We spent the day swimming here in Vegas. The kids loved it. We were there forever. It's been an interesting few days. As we travel in the car there is a lot of contention. Not too fun. More yelling and bad feelings than I like. It reminds me of road trips as a kid.
I loved today. We went to church in Vegas at Toa's single's ward for the Hannemann reunion. During priesthood the bishop had people share their missionary moments. He then shared about talking with a lady by phone while on hold for a work call. He shared the gospel by talking about family and family history. I am going to do that also. What a great way to share the gospel!
The testimony meeting was great and I have enjoyed being around Marion's family.
We drove back from Las Vegas today and ended up getting home at about 10:30 pm. We took our time and stopped in St. George and visited with Uncle Clayton. It was good to see him. He suffered from a stroke and can't walk right now but he is such a fighter. He's an example of physical suffering and endurance. During the family reunion Tanya shared that he has had his parents visit him and told him to fight. I hope I can bear trials as he does.
I loved tonight especially because Josly kept kissing me over and over again on the cheek. So cute! I sure do love that little girl. I see what people say about wanting their little kids to stay just how they are.
Another cute kid story: Isacc and Gideon were getting in trouble because they were yelling in the hotel room and fighting. As I started to threaten Isaac with a consequence Jarom runs up to me, grabs my leg, looks at me in the eyes and says, "I love you, dad!" It made me take a step back and think about what I was saying to Isaac. He didn't like me getting mad at the boys. I told him he was being a good peace maker. Too cute and good
lesson for me.
As I am typing Joslyn is singing in my ear and giving me kisses. Everyone is trying to sleep and she is wide awake. Now she's crawling all over Jarom (who is sleeping in our bed. I am about to move him to his room) and giving him kisses.
Today Marion and I have been going over our finances to see how we will pay for next year's reunions in Hawaii. The kids gave ideas how they will help save money and even pay for part of the trip. I am looking forward to it already. I am so excited that we are looking at paying off our debt more aggressively. We have less student loan debt than we thought and it's nice to look on paper how much we owe. Well, not actual paper, just a file on google drive.
Today I see how fast I can loose my patience with the kids. I really can tell that I need to be in the temple this week. I hope that I will have more patience with my family and more strength to get things done by attending the temple and by reaching my goals I have outlined in my Wood badge tickets.
Marion had her 26 week appointment today. Baby is doing great! I can't wait. We still haven't picked out a name. We will see.
We had the Paxman's and a bunch of neighbors over for dinner tonight. It was good to see everyone. Marion and I had a little verbal disagreement. Surprise, surprise, it was over the house and not getting enough done during the day while she was gone. Ugh.
Marion and I made up last night before we went to bed and I ended up folding laundry all morning. That's about how it works around here, lol. I tried to tell her to lower her expectations on how much we need to clean while she is gone. This girl sure does love a clean house! The boys respond really well to her expectations with cleaning and they do a good job doing what she asks. I guess I better get on board with it.
We went to Planet Play today in Sandy. It was fun, alright, to tell the truth, I hate places like that where they want you to spend your money on video games and stuff. It's fun to watch to kids have a good time but it's not really my cup of tea. I don't drink tea anyway. At least there weren't crowds of people like at Trafalga, ugh. We ate at Costco and went down to Provo to put up a client from Provo District in a hotel. Michael seemed to be in a good place. Hope he does well and feels better. I know God watches over all his children. I hope I can always pass the tests he sends my way. I hope to always be willing.
Today was a fun family day. We went down to Provo and walked around BYU a bit. It was fun telling the kids that Marion and I met there in the Wilk and that we dated and went to school at BYU. We let the kids run around in the terrace where the piano is. They played four corners, tag, and football with their shoes. Good times. I had to complete some grant stuff for work and so the kids waitin with Marion in the car while I did it. Isaac and I got to go to Chevron and then on a walk. It's fun doing one on one time. The boys really look forward to it.
We went on a back ride to Chevron today. Mar, Gideon, Isaac, Jarom, and I thought we were good to go. We made it there and had treats and stuff. On the way back the gradual hill killed us. Marion and the boys barley made it to the middle school. Isaac and Jarom took turns riding in the trailer with Joslyn with their bike on top of the trailer. They waited at the middle school as Joslyn and I rode back to get the van. I haven't been that thirsty and tired in a long time. Probably since two a days in football. Great work out but that leasurely bike ride sure did turn into a bit of a nightmare. As Joslyn and I were riding against the wind back to the van I said a prayer and there was a tender mercy of there being water in the water bottle. I swear it was already empty at one point. I was so grateful for that water.
Gideon gave a good FHE lesson tonight. It was cute having him ask me questions about how he should do it. I can see the valie of training the gospel in the home and allowing children to teach. It is good prep for the mission.
I have enjoyed time off with family and flexible work schedule. I got to start the day at the temple. Though I had to take a phone call on a grant that is being audited (ugh) I stayed home then went swimming with the fam in Cedar Hills. Hunts, Tilotsons and Leatherwoods were there. Good times. The boys and I are camping the back yard right now. Mar has opted to sleep in the bed upstairs, lol. Good night.
Day 2 of sleeping in the tent wIth the boys. It was so night last night getting down into the high 50s. Everyone is knocked out except for me and Isaac. That kid is a night owl! He is playing mine craft on the ipad. I don't get the point of the game but they enjoy it. I went back to the office today. It is bitter sweet, mostly bitter. I do look forward to improving what I do at work and helping people. I guess I really look forward to progression. There is something about improving and change that feels natural and right. I am very grateful for the plan of salvation and for the Savior's atonement that allows me to repent and to progress eternally.
Day 3 of sleeping in the tent. Last night then we take down the tent so we can water the backyard. I am so tired. I have been busy with Scouts lately. I really do enjoy it, I just need some help and to delegate much, much more. Good night!
CJ's girls came in today. We spent the night swimming at Jays. It was a lot of fun. I swam with Joslyn for hours. She is a fish. Isaac was the last one out of the pool. I think he swam for 4 to 5 hours straight. Glad the girls are out here visiting.
Gideon turned 9 today! We stayed the night at mom a dad's and woke up and decorated for him. He was so surprised when he walked into the kitchen. We had waffles a d French toast. After that we went to 7 peaks and then to Jay and Jo's house. I can't believe how much Gideon has a grown up. He is such a good boy and he is so mature. Love that kid!
We had family home evening tonight and father's blessings for the kids. I got choked up with each of the kids. It is such an honor being their father. They mean so much to me. I am excited for them to start another school year tomorrow.
Happy Anniversary!!! I can't believe that it's been 11 years since Marion and I were sealed. We had such a fun day today. I suprised her with roses, some signs and we watched our old wedding dvd. Once Gideon and Isaac went to school we dropped off Joslyn and Jarom to Rachel Luke. We went out to eat and did sealings at Mount Timpanogos Temple. After that we got shave ice and Marion got a pedicure while I got a message. Then we ate at Carrabas in Orem. After dinner we saw Iron Man 3 at Movies 8 in Provo. We finished up the night with shakes from Sonic and picked up the kids at Irene and Hy's house. It was so nice to spend all day together. I am so lucky to be sealed to my wife and children. I really look forward to the next 11 years and many, many more to come. I am so greatful for family and friends and all of the support along the way these past 11 years. I attribute a happy marriage to living gospel principles, having great support, and of course, each one of us always choosing each other. I pray that I may always make Marion and our marriage a priority. Happy 11 years!!!
Today in church I sat in primary with Jarom's class. It was cute to see all the primary kids and to hear their singing. I was so impressed how Jarom just sat there folding his arms and tried to help others to remember to be reverent too. He's so cute!
arom had his first day of kindergarten today! He loved school. I am so glad he is in school with his brothers. Jarom had his first soccer game of the season today too. I love spending time with the family. After the game I took Isaac out for our father and son time. They really enjoy simple things like a little time together.
I see how the Lord has His hand in my life. He is always there. I know God gives us opportunities to serve, to live, and to grow. It seems as though I have the chance to find ways to serve Him and His children better. Today I listened to a talk by Elder Oaks in 2009 conference, Love and Law. I feel like the message to me is that Father in Heaven stands by to bless us as we keep commandments. I kept thinking of the scripture in D&C, "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say but when ye do not what I say ye have no promise."
Jarom's prayers have been so cute lately. The other night he said, "Thank you for Jesus...and thank you for food." Tonight he said, "Please bless Jesus that they won't put nails in his hands and feet." I love it so much.
We had a good Sunday at home. Gideon fasted today. So cute. I did interviews with the boys and they didn't want to stop talking when it was their turn. I was gonna say closing prayer with Gideon and he asked if I could ask him more questions. I love it.
The boys were so cute today. When I told them that today is my day's birthday Isaac said we could kill a cake and send it to heaven for him. He cracks me up. I went downstairs and Gideon and put my day's picture up as a center piece. They insisted on doing a cake for him too. My dad would be 67 today. I really do miss him but I am so glad that he has been able to see my kids :)
Joslyn said her first prayer tonight! Well, she repeated words like baby and mom and hemly faer (Heavenly Father). She is so cute.
We went to Wingers for family night. The boys had a good time but I don't really enjoy restaurants with the whole family. I would much rather be out in a park with the family. The asphalt pie sure was good though. We had a lesson at home after we got back from getting pumpkins at the Tilotson's. We have a great family and a great neighborhood.
I saw God's hand in my life at work today. I really enjoyed meeting with students and families today. I know that people often feel alone and overwhelmed. I really enjoy working at a job where I am able to help people when they are in need. I love how God watches over his children.
I went out on a date with my hot wife tonight. No joke, we were gone for 10 minutes and Gideon calls with Isaac and Jarom screaming bloody murder. Marion talked them into peace and we stayed on our date. Just a quick date to the Ranches for ice cream. Good times.
I had a really good time with the boys and Joslyn at the EM 14 trunk or treat. The kids picked out what they wanted to be from the closet of costumes. Marion stayed home with Jaycie tonight. It has been so good having this new baby in our home. I was glad that she was able to come home when Mar got out of the hospital. That isn't always the case with our babies. Soon enough Jaycie should start to sleep more at night, at least, that's what I hope.
Marion and I traded off going to church today. I stayed home with Jaycie and Joslyn for the first shift. Marion said it was really good to take the sacrament. Joslyn is at such a cute age right now. She is really helpful with Jaycie and has such a sweet tooth. I turned around and somehow she had found the container of frosting that I couldn't find earlier and she had the lid off and was going to town on it. So cute! We have been blessed to have so many people making us dinner. I love this ward and our neighbors.
I got home from the temple and walked into the living room. My three girls were on the couch. Marion had Joslyn sprawled out all over her and she was holding Jaycie too. Marion does so much for our family! She has always been the one who keeps me grounded. I pray that I will always show her how much I care for her.
As I am getting ready for bed Jarom just woke up and was crying. I calmed him down a bit and told him to lay down by his brothers. I am typing as he goes back to sleep. It's kind of cute that he wants to sleep in our bed with us, but not really. I am so squished and sore when I wake up in the morning when he and Joslyn have made it into our room and into our bed. Lol, Joslyn is making noises in her sleep right now. I hope it's a good dream.
Jaycie is doing much better lately since she has been taking a bottle. She wasn't getting enough food nursing and was eating on the hour and really fussy for a few days there. It didn't help that she was tongue tied the first few weeks either. I can't believe she is four weeks old today!
It has been an adjustment for the family but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my kids and my wifey, even when I am in the dog house, lol. That's not really funny though.
Enjoyed movie night with the family tonight. They really enjoy the tradition. Even though my back doesn't like it much I do love hoe the kids get so excited to sleep down stairs.
We had a pretty cool family home evening tonight. Jarom showed us a video and then asked questions. He was so cute. "What did you guys learn?" He cracks me up!
I interviewed with Granite School District today. I felt really good about the interview. It would be for Kearns High School and Kearns Junior High. I love the thought of working in those schools. I was thinking last week that it might be those schools and that I would like that. We will see. I want to make sure I am doing God's will so we will see. :)
I can see God's hand in my life. My boys and my girls and my wife are who I live for. I can see that I should be more patient at home with the people I love the most. I can go to work and have so much patience with families and students at work and then come home and be short with them. Marion went to her relief society dinner and Jaycie wouldn't go to sleep. The boys kept messing up the house. I sure do love them and I sure do need more patience. I can see it as the test I am going to be judged on.
I can't believe that it's already December! I love this time of year. We had our first Christmas count down devotional/thought tonight. I am most happy right now because I am out of the dog house, haha. Mar says I need to do more on Sunday mornings. 10-4 good buddy. It was so exciting to park both cars in the garage tonight. I spent yesterday cleaning out the garage but the highlight was driving just me and Gideon to DI to drop off stuff. He's like another kid when it's just me and him. I have to make sure I do the one on one time often. I love my family!!!
We started to set up the tree for family home evening tonight. I really enjoy the Christmas traditions we do as a family. As I was sitting on the couch with Jarom he said, "Dad, don't die. I don't want you to do." I asked him why he said that and he said that when people get old they die. That kid is so cute!
It was so snowy today. I saw so many accidents on the way to and from work. I was grateful to travel safely. Gideon, Isaac and Jarom all got in the car with me as we headed off to Gideon's bball practice. Gideon asked if he could say the prayer (I didn't plan on a prayer but was glad he wanted one). He asked that we would not slide off the road and that we would not be late. As he was saying it I thought, well it's 5:26 and practice is at 5:30 we are late already. I got a text from Sam on the way there that practice was pushed back to 6 instead. I told Gideon that his prayer was answered. That is some faith he has. After practice we finished putting up the Christmas tree. Good times, just need some egg nog!
Marion and I checked out the boys and drove up to Granite School District Offices for my gang prevention interview. The interview went well and I gotta say that I love the thought of working gangs in West Valley and Kearns. We will see how it goes.
We all went to Zeke's birthday party. The boys love seeing Tor's kids. They all went sledding and Tor made chili, cocoa rice and did hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls and cake. Good times!
I got to go to Gideon's class today for his county fair project. It was short but I was glad that I was able to get off work for it. It's fun to see how he interacts with his friends from school.
I went to roundtable tonight with Will. It's good to talk to him each time we drive down together. He's a really good guy, not to mention he bought me In-n-Out. Mmmmm
We had movie night with the kids tonight. Jarom got scared of the movie the boys picked, The Grinch. I couldn't understand why he was so scared of it. That's one of my favorite Christmas movies now. I brought home the projector and we had egg nog!!! It's so funny to me that the boys and I love it and Marion thinks it is nasty. All the more for us! I really enjoy time with the family.
Marion ran errands all day today. When she got back I put up the Christmas lights (in the snow) and then took the kids sledding at Silverlake. Draek and Zeke came home with Marion and we all had a good time. Draek and Gideon did a good job taking Joslyn down the hill with them.
Marion and I watched a movie later on while the kids all watched a few movies on the projector in Gideon's room.