Friday, May 30, 2008

Lucky Girl

I just had one of those moments. I know we've all had them and they usually come when you least expect it. We just finished dinner. Jarom was spitting up and I had the thought...this is a great life. I'm surrounded by 3 great little boys and one amazing man. I know some of you don't like to read mushy stuff so I'll spare the details but I have to say I feel very lucky to be Gideon, Isaac, and Jarom's mom. I also love my husband and am so glad my boys have him for their role
model :)!

(I promise I'll only do cheesy post once in a while.)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Going Backwards

Okay, so I convinced Koki to not make our blog private at least for right now.  Most of my family couldn't even get on unless they started their own account.  I know that's not going to happen anytime soon.  

For the time being.  Its going to be a free for all.  Of course I will still be following strict posting guidelines so Koki can feel at ease :)!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday Drama

Oh my goodness church on Sunday was crazy! We finally took Jarom. I think we would have waited another week or so but we were asked to give the prayers so what do you do. Anyways, 5 min. before church starts we are just getting in the van to go. I hurried and shoved some diapers and wipes in my primary bag and off we went. We actually made it into church during the prelude music. What a miracle!!! We found our seats and we were good...for like 5 seconds.

Isaac started to escape right as we sat down. He is my very independent child. He will go and do whatever he wants and you can't stop him. Well you can but there's going to be a lot of screaming and kicking in the process. So, as he attempts to escape Koki looks at me to get him something to play with. I didn't really come prepared. I was in too much of a rush when we left. I reached for my primary bag in hopes that maybe I'd pull out Michelle Pfeiffer's bag from "One Fine Day" (if you haven't seen the movie Michelle Pfeiffer makes Halloween costumes from the stuff she just happens to have in her bag) . I literally was digging for creativity. What can I pull out of this thing to entertain my 22 month old? Ta dah...MAGNET STRIPS!!! I gave them to Isaac and showed him how these two cool black things can stick together. That ought to entertain him for a little bit. Not! He put them in his mouth and when he realized it wasn't food he threw them and started his escape again.

Now if Isaac were the only kid we needed to worry about then sacrament wouldn't have been so bad but we had two other kids and both took their turns at needing our attention. At one point Koki and I were both sitting on the couches in the foyer with the kids in our laps.

Man, how do people get anything out of sacrament meeting with kids under 4? Hopefully, we'll figure this out sooner rather than later.

(The pictures were taken right after church. Both boys were still really moody and I thought you all should see what we were dealing with in church.)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

This is Crazy

I'm still here.  How in the world do you work this blogging thing? There is so much.  And you wonder why its taken so long for me to do this.  Man, I really can't afford to be on this computer more than I already am.  Between Craigslist, KSL, Hannemannaiga, and hotmail my time is spent.  I'm just going to have to leave it how it is. 

 For all you people I just invited to this blog.  In time there will be more than just text on this thing.  For now that's all I can give till I master this unknown world.

And so it begins...

Okay, so we have finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon.  We've spent almost an hour trying to come up with some catchy name.  As you can see neither of us are too creative.  I did throw out a couple of names for my husband but all were declined for security reasons. LOL.  If you know my husband you know he is the master at securing our families information.  We'll thank his dad for this lovely trait.  

When everyone else is throwing their unwanted mail in the trash my husband is stacking it in piles to be shredded.  After 6 years of marriage I still try to sneak a few credit card applications in the trash before he sees them.  It never fails he always finds them.  Then I usually will get a gentle reminder like, " Honey, we need to shred these they have our information on them."  

I'll tell you this you better believe this site is going private from the get go.  I already have been given " Security for Blogging 101" from my husband.  So, its okay if only 10 of you are allowed to read this.  At least I'll believe it's being read by the millions.