Friday, May 7, 2010

Much Needed Update! (This is LONG)

It's been awhile! I'm still here...just still adjusting. Life is great with 5 kids. I cannot believe the constant comments and stares from people. While at Wal-mart today a lady came up to me in the parking lot, offered me her cart and after asking me "are they all yours?", asked, "have you figured that one out yet?" I tell ya...the comments aren't very original that's for sure. As busy and loud and crazy as it gets most of the time, I always ask myself, "which one of these precious kiddos would you give back?" NONE!!! Yes, MANY days I end up singing "Jesus loves the little children" and reminding myself that these little children are the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. I do feel so honored and blessed to be their mommy! that I've shared my thoughts on that...I am such a procrastinator! My Silas is already 1 month!! He is great! For the most part he's a very content and patient baby. I will tell you I was completely shocked when we "saw" that he was a boy. The ultrasound tech said, "There's HER leg..." when we had the ultrasound done so I was pretty much prepared for a girl. The first thing I saw when the doc handed him to me was a full head of black hair so I still thought I had a 3rd daughter...until I looked. What a suprise! I am overjoyed to have another son! I am slowly venturing out BY.MY.SELF again. It's a challenge at times since my 6 year old is having to learn to suck it up and help me out. :) At times he has a difficult time with things like walking when everyone else is getting to ride in the cool Fred Meyer car cart or buckling his 4, almost 5 year old brother who still has a hard time buckling himself in the car. But, he is beginning to understand he has MUCH responsibility as a firstborn and he will reap rewards if done with a good attitude. I'm learning that he is only 6 and there's only so much he can do! My first time out with 5 kids was...TIRING! We went to the eye glasses place since this sleep deprived, brain drained mommy has now lost a pair of glasses (Macy's) and left a pair in Yelm, WA (Greyson's). That went alright :) Then we went to Fred Meyer where (of course) my 4 year old and 3 year old had to potty. SO...down the long hallway to the bathroom we go, all 5 kids crammed in the car cart. Of course the cart is too big to lug into the bathroom so I leave my oldest outside the door with the baby and Macy. I explain to him that if ANYONE touches the cart to scream with everything he's got. I watch Sam and Myah walk into the bathroom (not concerned about Sam, just Myah as she still needs help wiping and, since it's a nasty pulic restroom, constant reminding not to touch things) and then poke my head back out the door (to check on the other 3). Run to help Myah on the potty, run back to the door, run back to see if Myah's done, run back to the door, back to Myah, over to Sam to see if he's done, back to the door, back to Myah only to find out she's locked the door on me, back to the door to find Greyson covering Macy's mouth with his hand to stop her from squealing, back to help Sam wash his hands, over to Myah to make her unlock the door, back to the door to check on the other kiddos...we did eventually get out of there but I'm sure I looked like an overwhelmed mommy. I'm really really working on NOT looking that way when we're out and about. At times I am overwhelmed but my new motto in life is, "It is what it is." I'm learning to take everything as it comes and TRY to keep a good attitude. After finishing up at the bathroom we went back to the clothes because I cannot escape a store without first looking at the clearance racks. That can get overwhelming when you have a family of 7 to shop for, especially when all 5 kids at once are in need of some clothes right now. :) I found some good deals and then headed over to find vitamins. After searching for a couple of minutes and being too tired and lazy to keep looking by myself, I asked an employee where the vitamin isle was. "What kind of vitamins", he asked. "Like, prenatal vitamins...but I'm not pregnant." OH.MY.WORD. Did I just say that? How stupid of me! Like the guy cares or even if he did, why should I care! I'm also working on having a good testimony when we're out and about. I tell the kids before going anywhere that b/c we have 5 kids so close in age people will be watching us and we are to let our lights shine by obeying, keeping our hands on the cart, etc. We're not to draw attention to ourselves by being loud and obnoxious or crying and whining when you don't get your way. I need to be reminding myself to have a good testimony. After the lady at Walmart made her comment about figuring out why I keep having so many kids I responded with, "I've heard that comment before." While not mean or bad, I want to say things like, "They are all a blessing from the LORD." It's not that I am worried what they will think b/c I'm at the point where I don't care. It's mainly that in my flesh I get so irritated with people having their opinion about the choices our family has made and feeling the right to voice them. Oh, well, on to other things.
BUSINESS! Josh is doing GREAT! He has doubled in size in 1 month, now has 2 work trucks and 2 guys. He is thinking he needs one more guy. We know that the LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away so we're very greatful and thankful for what he's blessed us with. He is always faithful to provide beyond what we need or deserve. While Josh is in his busy season and working late hours I'm learning to be a supportive and thankful wife. In my flesh I struggle with him working so much but I am quick to remember what a great blessing it is that he works so hard to allow me to stay at home so I can complete the vision for our family to raise a Godly heritage. School's really still something I feel like I shoot for and miss the mark so often. We are still doing school but I will not lie, I am a bit discouraged about how my first year of homeschooling is going. Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE homeschooling my son. He's reading now! He's so so smart and loves learning. I am thankful that since I've been so inconsistant with my first year it happened with Greyson and not Sam. Greyson has been able to handle my inconsistancies and adapt. He has not been quick to forget what he's learned. He's retained everything and basically taught himself to read with me helping him with basic principles. I will be doing school all summer b/c of my lack but I WILL get it done. I'm also learning that the curriculum is only a guide to help me and not required that I follow each and every word written in the pages. Samuel will definately require more consistant teaching and more one on one with me. That's his learning style and I look forward to starting him in school soon. It is such a joy to teach my own children! Greyson's doing great in piano too! He's starting to enjoy piano which is something I've been looking forward to. He will have his 2nd recital this month. I'll have to post a video. He's also lost his first two teeth. I made the mistake of giving him $5 when his first tooth came out so now he keeps reminding me that since his 2nd tooth came out I owe him $5. HA! To which I replied, "how about a quarter?" :)
Samuel's birthday is coming up. He'll be 5 June 3rd. I'm thinking we'll make a trip to Seattle for his birthday. Josh's is also June 8. I really can't remember if he'll be 34 or 35. Let's see...born in 76 so that means he'll be...34. Yes, I just used the calculator on my computer. Hee :) If anyone has any cool ideas please give them to me b/c I'm at a loss with what to do to celebrate my man! I just love that guy! I remember the first time I saw him was at HBBC. We were both in the College and Career sunday school class. The class was crowded that Sunday morning so a few gentlemanly men got up to give their chairs to some ladies that walked in. He was one of them standing against the wall for the remainder of class. I poked my friend Elisabeth and pointed him out. I had no idea who he was or what his name was but I whispered in her ear, "That guy could be a male model." :) I WAS paying attention to the teacher but I tell ya this guy had my attention from the first moment I noticed him! I thought he was such a gentleman for giving up his chair and so handsome. Then one day after chapel I saw him talking to my friend Jeanette. I went to say hi to Jeanette (ha ha). She introduced us to each other and them he invited her and I to sing at the prison ministry. I then left the auditorium to head to lunch and he followed me! He asked me to the banquet and I said yes and now here we are 7 1/2 years and 5 kids later! Wow, this post is getting lengthy! That's what happens when you don't update for over a month. I will end it here and post some recent kid pics. Love everyone and I hope you still follow my blog. I will try to start updating at least once a week...TRY, I said. :)