Wow it's been 5 whole weeks! I think I'll just blame my lack of updating on facebook. It's facebooks fault. Cafe World has taken priority over updating my blog. Wow....maybe I should come up with a better excuse. Yes, it's because I'm busy with keeping my home and schooling my children and training the next generation and entertaining guests and cooking fancy meals and baking splendid deserts and....well, that wouldn't be exactly 100% true. I do keep busy though. I am finally feeling MUCH better in pregnancy. So far everything seems to be going great. I haven't had an ultrasound yet but look forward to that. We are waiting until April to find out the gender. We are happy with a boy or a girl. This one will break the tie so I am eager to find out who will have the upper hand. I think we've finally chosen names. We've had "Silas" picked for a boy for almost 3 years now and "Madeline" (so far) is our girls name choice. I know I'm asking for it by using another "M" name. We're trying to decide still if that's a pattern we want to keep because honestly after "Madeline" there are not many more "M" names I like and what if God gives us like 5 more girls! I'm not presuming, I'm just saying. So your suggestions for "M" names are wanted. I do love the name Madeline though.
Josh did not get the big account he was bidding. We know that God is in control and He will do what's best for us so it's something we're grateful for. Since then he has gotten other smaller commercial accounts and business is doing great!
Macy finally saw the allergist. It wasn't too tramatic of an experience for her. She does have a bit of a milk allergy but seems to be outgrowing that. It has only affected her by causing a skin rash around her mouth and sometimes under her eyes. That has improved a bunch and seems to be clearing up. I am just in awe over my little girl and how BIG she is getting. She's definately outgrown the baby stage and is more like a toddler. I have to constantly watch her as she is soooo adventurous and tries crazy things like climbing up the bunk bed ladder. Yikes!
We had a wonderful time in Leavenworth. It was sooo relaxing, almost too relaxing! Here are some pics....Enjoy!
Karina's Detox Soup Recipe with Coconut Milk
3 days ago