My poor ol' blog is about to turn moldy if I don't do an update. I have also removed the song that was becoming very obnoxious. I apologize if you felt irritated at my song. : ) I have no pictures to share but definately a new camera is on my birthday wish list. My birthday's coming up! I'm still a big kid about birthdays. I love them! I don't mind getting older. Besides, when I compare myself to my old hubby, : ) I feel young. Who am I kidding, 28 is still young. We're taking a week to go to Leavenworth.
School: I LOVE homeschooling! I feel so blessed to be the one to teach my son. I can't imagine what it would be like with him gone all day at school and me not knowing what influences he's coming in contact with. I had MANY bad influences in public school. I wonder if he were in kindergarten in the public school and the teacher was moving right along, would he be at the same pace? What if he didn't understand something? I love that we can go at what pace works best for him. I love that I know what he's struggling with and where he seems to be advanced. It is such a joy to teach my son. He has a love for learning and gets excited about school. He often asks on the weekends when we're going to do school. It is a learning process for BOTH of us. I'm learning to be more organized and structured and he's learning most of the basics of life.
Pregnancy: It's...coming along. I try not to complain because I feel blessed beyond measure that God has rewarded us...5 times! Sometimes I can't fathom that this is real and not a childhood dream. I am exhausted, sick most of the time, and experiencing some trials that usually come along with pregnancy (for me anyway) but I also understand it's to mold me to be more like Christ. It is challenging most days just to be a right example to my children but I'm thankful that there will be a joyful outcome (physically, spiritually, emotionally) if I endure what to me is "hardness". Pregnancy for me is soooooooo yucky in the early stages and around week 20 begins to be something I enjoy. Right now, I crave to feel the baby's first kicks, punches and tumbles. I think when that happens, all sickness is forgotten (unless I wait too long to eat : ) All that said, I totally wouldn't have it any other way! I know I'm exhausted because God gave my body the awesome priviledge of developing and sheltering a child. I know I'm sick because it is a sign that my baby (prayerfully) is thriving and doing well.
Business: Josh is waiting to hear about a bid he submitted recently. He should know by the end of the week. If God allows him this new account we can be debt free in a few short months. He would also have the opportunity to provide one full time job and one part time job. We are praying and desiring God's will concerning that.
Debt Snowball: Going great! Even without the new account we should be completely debt free in about 11 months!
Macy: She sees an allergist next week. Her doctor is concerned about her health. She feels the rash on her face may not be a food allergy but an outward sign that she may be malnourished due to a digestive problem. I pray she only has a food allergy. When I think of malnourished, I picture African children with protruding bones and potbellies. So I'm sorta skeptical but we shall see. I know when children don't match up with the "growth chart" and most other children their age doctor's worry. Macy's off the chart for growth and height. I am not worried as she seems to be a happy, healthy baby to me. Pray for the appt. that it will go well and we'll get some answers. : ) Thanks!
That's all folks! That should get me by for another two weeks : )
Karina's Detox Soup Recipe with Coconut Milk
3 days ago