Thursday, July 31, 2008

There's still time........

Okay, I think some of you are being party poopers. I asked in a earlier post for guesses on baby's weight, gender, and delivery date. For the record, heartrate is 150's (I know it doesn't matter but if you think so there's a bit of info for you). My baby's are small (6 lbs 3 oz, 7 lbs 1 oz, and 6 lbs 13 oz). At my ultrasound a week ago they said baby was about 5 lbs 10 oz. I usually go about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks early but....who knows? So with all that into consideration take a stab at it just for fun and the closest guess will hold the baby.........or coffee.......or the satisfaction of being the closest guesser. Come on guys, it's just for fun!

36 weeks

I can't believe I've come this far already. Where has the time gone!?! I blinked and now there's only 4 weeks left and we'll have another little Casaus in our home. What an exciting time! Okay, I'm excited and really nervous all at the same time. It turns out because of the gestational diabetes I can't have my waterbirth. For me, waterbirth is my epidural. Here's me in water=pain, panic, feeling of helplessness vs. water=relaxed, peaceful, ability to concentrate and visualize the baby. I know some think the whole waterbirth idea is dangerous or wierd even but I LOVE it. Atmosphere in labor is so important. I know no other way to have a baby without the jetted tub, peaceful music, dim lights, and hubby for support. Well, enough of my sob story. I know God knows and really all that matters is a safe and healthy delivery for baby and mommy. So here's me at 19 weeks and then at 36 weeks. I remember posting at 19 weeks and talking about being stretched to the max already. What was I thinking? Now, I really feel stretched to the max!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This and That

I know I'm way behind on the 'ol blog posts so to make up for that and because there's not been a whole lot going on around here I decided to post some miscellaneous pics. Soon I plan on sharing some of my hubby's latest landscape accomplishments. I am so proud of how hard he works and how he's been taking on new projects that he's had no experience with before. He's been working extra long and hard hours lately so when he's freed up we'll sit down together and do a post about Green Earth Inc. In the meantime, here's something else........

The kids and I had an opportunity this week to visit Josh at the job site. We had a picnic while he worked. I think it's good for a wife to see how hard her hubby works. It helped me to appreciate him more and be a whole lot more thankful for my role.

Myah with not one but TWO empty iced mocha cups. That girl is a caffeine addict. :)

Two future Green Earth employees

Myah "the sneak" getting into the bus candy.

Greyson engrossed in (what else) spider man play.

My handsome Samuel (needing a haircut really bad)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Myah's 1st Baby

Here's my little girl with her very first baby given to her by her cousin. She LOVES this baby as much as her blankie. It took a while for her to want to play with babies so when I saw that she fell asleep hugging her baby I had to snap some pics. I'm soooo thankful my little girl is 100% girl. You have to worry about that with 2 big brothers. She's just what I prayed for...what a blessing!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun in the Sun

On a super hot day, Steph and I decided to get together to take the kids to the waterpark downtown. What's better than fellowshipping over Starbucks while the kids play? We were planning on leaving at 11:00 to allow the kiddos plenty of time for play, lunch, then head home for naps. As always with me, she showed up at my door and I was running a little behind. Okay, so we were delayed about 30 minutes because of me running late. Oh well, stress free day, it is what it is, right? So we got the kiddos all loaded up and headed downtown. Being that my car won't go in reverse anymore it took about 20 extra minutes to find parking. I ended up parking at a bank about 3 or 4 blocks away from the waterpark. I decided I needed a good walk anyway. So we get our babies loaded in strollers and start walking. Sometimes I feel like I can conquer the world in one day but I forget how pregnant I am and even walking that much while pushing 2 in a double stroller in some serious heat.....whew! So I'm making myself maintain a good attitude because of 8 pairs of little eyes and 1 adult pair of eyes, not to mention all the pairs of eyes looking at 2 women, 1 being with child, setting out for an adventure with 8 youngsters. (Wow, Mrs. Emily!) Besides that, there's a prize to be won (or payed for) at the end of my journey, a super unhealthy Mint Mocha Chip Frap. With all the construction going on we had to squeeze through a skinny walkway where Greyson decided to get his foot stuck in the fence. So after freeing my son we continued on in confusion as to how to get to Starbucks. 11:00 turned into 12:30 and now we have hot, hungry, tired children who have to go potty. We found the restrooms and took turns making the kids go potty. My potty training child ended up peeing on me and himself. (you know how little boys trying to "sit" and potty sometimes don't always make it into the potty) So everyone's used the lavatory, now off to Starbucks we go. To shorten this story a bit, yes, we eventually found Starbucks and eventually figured out how to get to the waterpark with strollers. We ended up having to ask 3 different people who seemed just as confused as we were but in the end we made it. Our 11:00 adventure turned into 1:30 but once our hot, tired and hungry kids laid eyes on the water fun they were about to experience it seems they found their second wind. Here are some pics.... (I don't think we left until 3ish) Lesson of story: adapt and overcome....with a good attitude. :)

Waterpark pics

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sandbox play

Just wanted to share some pics of the kiddos in the sandbox. We've been having really nice weather lately that's allowed for a lot of outside play for G man, Sam, and My. My kids are getting beautiful farmer's tans just like daddys. While I know they're loving the sunshine and heat, bring on the rain and cooler weather for me. This is my first Summer pregnancy. I can't complain too much as Summer weather has been delayed this year. I do enjoy spending the time outdoors though.