Monday, June 30, 2008


Okay, so I never went to my second glucose testing because my midwife gave me the option of testing my glucose levels myself for a week. I went to Tacoma to pick up and learn how to test with the glucometer. It took me about 5 minutes to gain enough courage to push the eject button to prick my poor little finger. Once again, I don't like needles whether they be teeny skinny little things or huge. These happen to be sooooooo tiny and skinny. I was so shocked that it actually didn't hurt! It's just so nerve wrecking knowing you're about to make yourself bleed by poking yourself with a needle. For the first couple days of testing my numbers were way too high which had me pretty bummed. Without any change in my diet they started going down into the "normal" range so things are looking really good! I don't know what the "glitch" was but things are looking good now. I still have a couple days of testing and I'll call the specialist on Thursday to report my numbers. Hopefully no more needles for me.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Boc Boc

I'm such a chicken. I don't do needles. I've never even had an IV while in labor. This is one reason I opt out of getting an epidural too. I couldn't even watch the anesthesiologist give one to Stephanie B. I chickened out of going to my appointment today. I was supposed to have my 2ND glucose testing done but when Jenny told me they're going to stick me 3-4 times in one day........!!!!! Honestly, if I might justify myself a bit, I've passed out twice while having blood drawn and that just really scares me so I'm sooooo afraid of passing out, and I started getting really sick this morning from trying to fast so I cheated and ate a banana then called the doctor to see if that was okay or not but while waiting for her to call me back I ate a bowl of cereal. Jenny, I know you told me not to cheat but I don't think my body can handle going that long with no food. When I'm not expecting I actually get so busy that I FORGET to eat but my body won't allow me to forget when it's busy making a baby. So...please pray for me to not be such a wimp and also for physical strength to fast for the 10-12 hour period. Thanks!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Okay, Tuesday I had my glucose test. Today they called me and told me my numbers were too high and I have to go back for a 3 hour glucose test. I guess it came out at 160. I've NEVER had to be retested. Someone please tell me if this has happened before to you and what in the world does this mean? I'm not 100% worried about it (okay a little cause I really don't like needles). What does the glucose test determine anyway? I've never asked, just did what they said to do. So........I'm confused and need help. Thanks!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Celebrating my hubby!

Here's my husband. He's the most wonderful man in all the world! He posesses so many wonderful qualities. Shall I name a few? OK, I will......Godly, hard worker, very much a visionary man, funny, sensitive, compassionate, handsome, loving father......I honestly could go on. These are some of the reasons I love my man. I love him most of all because God loves him and has a plan for his life. I'm so thankful for God's omniscient working in our lives that caused us to meet at Heartland. This post is supposed to be about celebrating his 32nd birthday but I think it'll be funner to share how we met. I always love hearing how the Lord brought two people together.
I was saved in 2001 and shortly after realized God's leading to go to Bible college. I counseled with my pastor about which college to attend. My options were BBC in Springfield, MO or HBBC in Oklahoma City. After prayer and counsel I knew I would be attending HBBC. My parents gave me the option of staying home and attending a local community college. They promised to buy me a new car and pay my way to school if I stayed but if I decided to move to Oklahoma they would have nothing to do with it and would not support me. (They weren't happy with my decision at first but I will add they did end up helping later on when needed financially, not to mention care packages and phone calls. Thanks mom and dad!) I worked hard to save the money for my first semester of school but came up short when it was drawing nigh to go. I remember praying that if God wanted me there he would have to somehow make provision so I could get in. We ended up having a terrible storm one night with hailballs the size of tennis balls. (Not at all an exagerration.) One of the hailballs ended up crashing right through the hatchback on my car. There was literally no more glass except for the hundreds of tiny pieces in the back seat. My thoughts...."I'm leaving for school in two weeks and I don't have all the money. I don't know if they'll let me in when I get there and now I need to pay to fix my car!" Anyway, (because I'm getting way to detailed on you) the insurance company ended up paying me enough money to replace the hatchback window and there was enough left over (the exact amount) to register for school. Praise God! Though art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power! I know I really need to get to the point but I really wanted to share that part of the story because God is sooooo good. When I got to school I immediately made friends with Jeanette, who used to go to WBC. I noticed Josh on numerous occasions :) but never thought to say hi or introduce myself. I didn't want to get involved because I was way too busy with school. Honestly, I had already decided he was too "out of my league" He was upperclassman and several others had their eyes on him already. Besides all this, I tried once to shake his hand in Sunday school and he completely blew me off so I had an opinion of him already. I didn't like him too much. After chapel one day, I went to say hi to Jeanette who happened to be talking to Josh. Once again, when formally introduced he acted as if I was wasting his time and offered to show Jeanette his new car. So my mind at that point was completely made up that this is absolutely the rudest guy I've ever met. I turned and headed toward the cafe for lunch. When I got to the door of the caf and reached to open it, another person opened it for me. This is custom at HBBC for the guys to open the doors for the ladies so I thought nothing of it. I didn't even turn around to acknowledge the person (which was probably quite rude of me). That's when I heard him ask me, "What are you doing for the graduation banquet?" I turned around and sure enough it was my honey. Okay, those weren't my thoughts at the time. I so wanted to be rude to him but I couldn't because he was so sweet to coming running after me to ask me to the banquet. Of course, I agreed to go with him and well, it's all uphill from there. We went to the banquet and I left for summer break 2 weeks later. He bought me a cell phone before I traveled home to MO and we talked through the summer. He drove from OK to MO in August and proposed and we married that December. My cup is so full and running over I get overwhelmed sometimes. My life in the past 6 years has been a wonderful chain of events. I was saved in 2001, married in 2002, firstborn in 2003, moved to WA and joined WBC in 2004, secondborn in 2005, another baby in 2007, and another baby in 2008. WOW! Oh, this is supposed to be about Josh. Well, I know it came as a suprise to some that knew Josh growing up at WBC to hear of him marrying. Some before meeting me even thought, "poor girl." Maybe so, but I'm not sorry for one second for marrying my sweet hubby. He's my partner in life and ministry. I'm so glad God's in control because I know I wouldn't have picked Josh for me. What a joy and blessing it has been to be his wife and helpmeet. Okay, so that was fun sharing our story. We're not perfect but our love is for the Lord and our desire is to bring Him honour and glory.
I'll go ahead and post some birthday pics just because my hubby just celebrated 32 years of life. We had pizza, cake, ice cream, and Guesstures at "The Casaus House" with Josh's family.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Celebrating Samuel

Our precious boy Samuel turned 3 on Tuesday, June 3. Josh took off work on Monday and the family went to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma. Sam used to love horses but after our trip to the zoo he's become a fan of elephants. Myah LOVED the fish tanks (is that a tank leak in the pictures?!) and Greyson liked the sharks of course. On Tuesday, we celebrated with grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, birthday cake, presents, and fellowship with family and church family. I want to thank my wonderful mother-in-law for opening up her home for Sam's party as the weather didn't allow for our previous plans. (It's been so cold and wet here lately.) Of course, you know I couldn't stop snapping pictures at the zoo so here's my trademark blogger slideshow but I completely forgot to take pictures at the party. I don't know how I would've even served the food if it weren't for Charrissa and Auntie Cathy. (Thank you soooooo much.) I tend to feel like a chicken with my head cut off in larger crowds.
Well, I just wanted to personally say what a blessing Samuel is to our family. I know with each pregnancy I've felt the "not so ready for this one" syndrome but I look at each of my wonderful children and can't imagine how things would be without them. Thank you Lord for our precious Samuel and for lending him to us for 3 unforgettable years!
Another note: Josh's birthday is Sunday (don't forget to wish him a happy b-day) and then.............Baby Casaus!