Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Fantastic Find

This is my new toy and can i just say I love it. My mom and I were driving one day and we were just about home and I saw this fabulous machine sitting on someones driveway and so I turned around to look at it. It had a sign on that said FREE, but just needed a new motor which is about 300 dollars. It was totally clean and didn't have anything missing. I took Andy back and we picked it up. I figured I would save my money to get a new motor or my dad said he could probably have it rebuilt.

Well to my surprise Andy plugged it in and messed with a switch and it works GREAT. No motor needed. YAHOO. I promptly put it in my room and have loved using it. As a lot of you know I am really trying hard to lose weight and exercise regularly. Well I have lost 16 pounds and have really enjoyed exercise with my new machine and also going on bike rides with the Andy and the boys. I am really excited to accomplish my goals of being healthy and finally getting this weight off. I want to be an example to my family and to my boys. Wish me luck and hopefully I can report more weight loss as time goes by.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

first day of school

Today was Jay and Logan's first day back to school. They were so excited, Logan was even up at 6:45 and asking when we could leave for school. I was so happy that they were so excited to go. Jay had his backpack ready and on 1 hour before school. They are in the same class again this year and I wouldn't want it any other way. They are such a comfort to each other that the anxiety and fears seem to subside when they know that the other one will be there. I was very pleased with their teacher and think they will do great.


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