Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another Funny Jay moment

OK, I totally cracked up this afternoon when I took Jay shopping with me. He wanted to go with me and needed some alone time with mommy ( I think he thought when I said shopping that I meant toys.) We headed over to the women's department to look for some capris. I went to go try them on and this is how the conversation went.

Mommy: I like these capris

Jay: Those are pretty

Mommy: Thanks Jay

Jay: Mommy those are pretty, pretty small.

Wow, I died laughing he thought he was so cool. We laughed for at least 5 minutes.
Jay and Logan hate to go shopping for clothes, I don't blame them they are 3 year old boys. Needless to say I don't think either child will be joining me on any shopping trips anytime soon.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Funny Prayers

As we all know 3 year olds can say some pretty funny things. We were saying prayer thee other night and this is how it went. Mind you we were having a rough couple of days with attitudes. I proceeded to say the prayer as normal and went on to say,

Mommy: please help Jay and Logan to have better attitudes

Jay: I won't have a better attitude

Mommy: Trying desperately not to laugh continued on with please help us to speak kindly

Logan: I don't want to speak kindly

Mommy: Closed the prayer and looked at Andy with a look of disgust on my face but also trying so hard not to laugh.

So needless to say we had a long talk on attitudes and speaking kindly and they have definitely improved.

Another funny situation. I was at the boys school for moms night and I was having a conversation with their teacher about the boys and how they love singing time. She said they always sings a song right before snack and then proceed with a little prayer. She asked me how we prayed at home. I told her what we do and she started to laugh. She told me that Jay and Logan tell her she is not saying the prayer right. ( They attend parkcrest preschool a christian school) She just says a simple prayer on the snack and says Amen, well Jay and Logan have been telling her that she has to say In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. We laughed and I felt a little bad, but also a little proud that they have been paying attention to how we taught them to pray.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Spring Time

10. Reason I love Spring ( I might be a little early)

1. Amazing weather, cool and not so stinking hot.

2. Daylight savings time, it stays lighter longer

3. Cool evenings to sit outside

4. Walks on the beach, exercising outside

5. Taking the boys to the many street fairs

6. Family home evenings picnics at the park.

7. Riding with the windows down

8. Movie night in the backyard on the big screen

9. Long evenings on the backyard swing with my sweet husband

10. Spending quality time with my family.

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