Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So I finally created a new blog today. Not much on it yet but add this to your list for checking our blog now!! http://www.thecarpentersix.blogspot.com/ I had to create a new one because I ran out of space on this one and they want to charge me to add more pictures so sorry for the inconvenience but we have moved from Carpenter five to Six almost 2 years ago so I guess it is a good time for a change!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Ok so today I was trying to upload some photos and before it finished it gave me a popup that says I have used all my space for storage and I can purchase more??? What I thought blogging was free!! Has anyone else ran into this? Do you pay to have more storage each year? Please if anyone has dealt with this will you tell me what you did.

Happy 8th Birthday Carson

Carson's birthday landed the day before he got baptized. We had lots of family that was able to make it to our house for his birthday and stay for his baptism. He got to open some birthday presents on his birthday and we saved the cake and "baptism" presents for the next day. He got the needed items for his birthday scout shirt, scout book, baptism towel, a game, and a new shirt and tie. I didn't want him to have no treat on his birthday so we cooked him up some cookies and just had cookies and ice cream!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

300 Squares

A couple weeks before Carson's birthday Briana's favorite skirt started wearing thin. I asked my mom if she could fix it and so instead she decided to make Briana a new one. It was quite a surprise or Briana and she just loves it. My mom spent at least three days working on it and she said it has over 300 squares but I think it is just right. It is big enough she can wear it for a while and long enough too I am sure Briana will get a lot of use out of it she has already wore it 2 or 3 times since getting it. Thank you Grandma!

13 YEARS!!

Amelie and Sierra watched the kids while Steve and I went to lunch out. When we got home they had cleaned the house and made us brownies for our Anniversary treat. Thank you girls for all the hard work it was so nice to come home to a clean house.

Serious Snow Storm

This was just at the end of February and one Saturday morning we woke up to this. It had been so nice the day before that this was quite a shock. We were just hoping it would warm up and melt soon so everyone could come for Carson's baptism the next week.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Temple Square

We took Amelie to see temple square and the conference center. Then we headed to lunch at Tucano's. We had a fun day showing her some of the things that are important to us. Our tour guide at the conference center took the picture of us by the waterfall window shere we are like shadows it was really cool.