...to Las Vegas, Nevada!

Let me rephrase that. Phil has moved to Las Vegas. Me and Emmalynn will be hanging out here in Arizona until mid December. After 2 years of waiting to get into the Marriage and Family Therapy program at UNLV, Phil got the phone call he had been waiting for just weeks after we had Emmalynn. When he was originally contacted, we thought the timing was perfect because I was due at the end of August and my doctor was going to let me have her 2 weeks early. Well, Miss Emmalynn had a different plan! We prayed about it, went to the temple, and talked to her doctors. Although it isn't the ideal situation being apart, we felt it was the right decision for our little family. We have had so many miracles happen along the way for this new step in our lives. We started contacting bishops in the area hoping someone might know of a member who had a house for rent. We had to be picky because of Emmalynn's medical needs. We were lucky to find a family right away who literally moved everything out of their house in a day within hours of when we pulled up with our moving van. The ward had us moved in within 45 minutes! And the ward is so great! We know it's a perfect fit for us! We had a whirlwind weekend getting things unpacked, pre-making Phil meals for his new adventure as a bachelor, and cleaning.
Here is a picture of the front of the house.
Here is a picture from the street and if you look close you can see the temple just under and to the right of the stop sign. Our ward building is literally right next to the temple!
December can't come soon enough and Facetime/Skype will be a life saver! Thank goodness Allegiant Airlines is only a $33 flight each way! Here we go for another 2 1/2 years! Gotta love being poor starving students!