

Hey you!

Yeah you!

Do you take pictures with your cell phone?

Please watch THIS quick video.

You won't regret it.

It might just keep you safe!


Not The Best Helper

Sometimes it's hard to get work done around the house because Liberty isn't a fan of the vacuum...


Imagine My Surprise...

I had a coupon for these new Wheat Thin Sticks. Imagine my surprise when they were on sale and I purchased this box for a whoppin $.28! Now imagine my surprise when I tasted them, then realized something didn't taste quite right. I read over the ingredients and realized the "kick" at the end is jalapeno juice! So I read the front of the box again and the flavor is "Cinnamon Kick" not Cinnamon Stick! They are good still, but even better dipped in cream cheese!



I found a fun way to use my fabric scraps! A while back I saw someone post a monster baby toy that combined the idea of a ribbon rag and plush toy. I loved it and stole the idea for a baby boy gift. The mouth was super hard to do but I ended up doing a crazy stitch and zig zag stitch all the while telling myself that it made it look like a crazy monster mouth. The perfectionist in me had to just let go and say yeah, it kinda looks monsterish! For a made up pattern it eventually came out ok.


Easter Brunch

Saturday was our traditional Easter brunch at Grandma & Grandpa Harmon's house! It is the only time we are allowed to have ice cream on our waffles (what happens at Grandmas stays at Grandmas)! We had a huge spread of food (as always)!

Brunch was followed by the Easter egg hunt. I didn't get any pictures of Phil and I, but I followed my nephews around to take pictures for my brother and sister-in-law.

All the great grandkids had a blast searching for eggs in the backyard. In years past the grandkids knew that if we held out long enough, then Grandpa and Grandma would start offering money for the harder to find eggs. This year they surprised us by saying that the front yard was just for us...and they sure didn't disappoint. We were vicious trying to find those $20 eggs! It was so fun!

The Easter Bunny is always so creative! This year each child had to follow the color of string that was attached to their name. Eventually it led to their basket!

This video isn't the greatest quality, but it is hilarious nonetheless! This is my nephew Jaron who recently learned what "astonished" means from the scriptures!


Happy Easter!!!


Scrumptious Sundays

Oreo Truffles

1 pkg Oreos
1 pkg cream cheese, softened
1 brick Bakers chocolate

Blend Oreos to a fine powder. In a mixer combine Oreo crumbs and cream cheese. Mix thoroughly. Form each truffle with a 1 inch cookie scoop. Place on a wax lined cookie sheet. Melt Bakers chocolate and dip each truffle. Add sprinkles if desired. Place in fridge or freezer to harden. Store in fridge.


Shelby vs Liberty

We had it so easy with Shelby! The few times she ever did something naughty we said no and she never did it again. Liberty, on the other hand, is a repeat offender and we've resorted to a little time out area for 1 minute, then we show her what is a "no no" again and tell her so firmly. Today she did something naughty and I stood there with my hands on my hips without saying a word and she put her head down and slowly walked to time out. I tried so hard not to laugh! When her minute was up I said "ok" and she went right over to what she knew she had done and sat and waited for me to talk to her. I think it's time to figure out a new discipline technique!

We LOVE Miss Liberty, don't get me wrong! She is super smart! We put a bell on the door for her to ring so we could know when she needed to go out to go potty and she just figured it out! Shelby on the other hand will sit quietly by the door for 30 minutes then finally ring the bell. The girls are night and day different, that's all. Shelby is very passive and listens incredibly well. Liberty rules the roost and has selective hearing. We love their unique personalities though and wouldn't have it any other way!


Scrumptious Sundays

Avocado Smoothie

Before you freak out on me and leave this page, just hear me out. The name of this recipe is enough to make me click the 'close window' button too. While we were in Vegas last weekend we stayed with Phil's sister Julie and she shared this awesome concoction that I have been dying to share with you.

I HATE FRUIT and therefore I HATE SMOOTHIES! That is until I gave this recipe a try. Guess what...I liked it......like a lot! I rushed home and made myself a batch. In fact this recipe makes about 3 days worth of smoothies for me (which I just keep in quart size jars in the fridge). The cool thing is you can't taste the avocado, but you are getting the healthy fat. I like to throw in a packet of Green On The Go with it too (but be warned it changes the flavor a little). It took me a few times to get used to the consistency (again I hate smoothies), but yeah for a healthy start to the day!

3 apples
1 avocado
1/2 can frozen juice concentrate
1/2 cup raw almonds
1 cup water

Blend for 1-2 minutes. Serve chilled. Store leftovers in fridge.


What Happens In Vegas...

...doesn't always stay in Vegas because I'm about to share with you what we've been up to lately. So, Phil applied to UNLV and got an interview (yeah), and ironically a job we stumbled upon (which was totally written for us) wanted to interview us that same weekend. Off we went in my aunts cute little car (thanks Sherlene)! We were laughing and I was quizzing him on what questions the school interviewers might ask when we both realized that the last sign to Vegas said 70ish miles and we were coming to an odd state check point. Long story short, we missed our little turn off and we made a slight detour through California, but we still got to Vegas about an hour or so later than planned. No biggie, but we laughed forever about it. Because we weren't paying attention, we put a few extra miles on my aunts car than planned and we helped her immaculate 2004 hit 20,000 miles! Ya, you read that right! Here's the proof (and sadly the only picture from the entire weekend)!

His interview went well, but we found out he was wait listed. Our job interview went awesome and it was pretty much what we had expected, but it wasn't until the drive home that we both had to have some pretty serious conversations about it. The job is a once in a life time opportunity, but it would mean pushing his schooling back for a minimum of a year, and sadly, we would need to find a home for Liberty. We did as they told us making lists of priorities and pros and cons. Well, as luck would have it, we were offered the position, which is what we decided was best for our family right now, and if all our background checks pass, we will be moving to Vegas around the middle of May! When we know more, we will share more about our plans and the job. Thanks for everyones sweet comments and support!

UPDATE: Vegas is a no go...but it is for the best!