

Go VOTE for The Organized Chef (aka me)!




Old Project

Last August I made my sister in law Malissa this adorable double sided apron for her bridal shower. I ended up using it to teach a class and folded it up and put it with some other fabric. Well lo and behold I found it the other day so I snapped some pictures for proof and fully intend to FINALLY give it to her tomorrow!



I did it! I can cross 'do a 5k' off my bucket list! Even Phillip and Shelby ran it in 27 minutes! I may or may not have finished last, but I did finish! Thanks for all the encouragement and pity cheers. Jessie was right, it was all worth it for the free t-shirt!


Bazzill App

Let's just say that I am one happy girl

because THIS was released!

5 Great Things About This App

(According to Heidi Lynn - her parents own Bazzill)

1. It has all the RGB and CMYK codes for all the current colors of cardstock (over 500) so match your font color to your page or project.

2. It can color match any photo on your device. So it will read your picture and tell you what bazzill colors would match your photo, or if you have an iphone and can take pictures then and there, you could take a picture of a printed paper or fabric and it will tell you the color matches. (halla!)

3. It also helps you come up with color combos that will work with the key color in your picture! You can even save the color combos on the app for later.

4.You can look up any cardstock color by name, family or color so way easy to use.

5. It is cheaper then buying an idea book or color glossary! The app is only $9.99!


A Special Day

Our next door neighbors are amazing! They are such great friends and this past week Phillip and I were honored to be their escorts and share in their special day as they went to the temple for their own endowments, and then were sealed as a family for eternity. What a sweet family! We love you guys!


Easter & Conference

We had a great Easter weekend and LOVED conference! We had lots of different friends join us each session and put some of them to work so we could finish these puzzles we've been meaning to do for years!

Between sessions on Saturday we went with the Archilbalds to Old Main Hill and made egg runs and rolled them down the hill. It didn't work so great with the snow that had recently fallen, but I can finally say I went sledding down Old Main - even Shelby went on daddy's lap!

We hurried back for the afternoon session of conference where we enjoyed a fun picnic. Phillip left early to go to the Priesthood session down in Salt Lake, but we all really enjoyed Elder Jeffrey R. Hollands talk!

Sunday brought more lounging and yummy food.

We had a big group of friends over for Easter dinner and even more show up afterwards, which was fun! We're so grateful for all our friendships and will miss everyone when we make the big move to Texas.



Baby boy project (don't mind the fuzzies)...

...baby girl project!


Don't Forget