
2009 Photo Shoot

Happy New Year


Bath Time

Miss Shelby had to get a bath and she was so sad. She smelled super yummy afterwards though and was incredibly soft!

P.S. Even sadder she had to get her yearly shots.



Starting the morning off with my little brother reading his adorable family (and us) Luke 2.

Waiting in anticipation!

I think Santa found our house!

Shelby opening her stocking.

Shelby opening her gift from Santa (a squeaky toy with 16 squeakers in it)!

Shelby giving daddy a book we made him (he cried of course)!

And since he was still sick he spent the afternoon napping out in the sun.

We were incredibly spoiled this year! We are grateful for the generous gifts! We are also grateful for the Christmas miracles we were able to witness! This Christmas has been memorable in so many ways! Thanks you!



Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a pretty big deal in our family. We always have a traditional ham with augrotten potatoes, cherry salad, green bean casserole, homemade rolls, corn, and yams. This year was no exception! We also have a Christmas program where we all share a talent be it funny or spiritual. We had such a great time and a wonderful variety of talents!

Here we are about to begin.

My mom showing off yet another new cast (she had to get a new one because of a little water damage).

My hubby was incredibly sick with a dangerously high temperature so he spent the night curled up on the floor poor guy.

The Nielson's singing a funny jingle!

The girls singing a really pretty song.

Jaron and Jen clogging! This was so cool!

Jen and Grandma doing a duet.

Playing Sleigh Ride with instruments.

Grandpa singing!

What a treat! Sherlene rarely signs for us and she did a new song by Faith Hill called "A Baby Changes Everything." We all cried...even Sherelene! We always feel the Spirit so strong when she signs!

This moment is priceless! This is my nephew Stephen (Jaron & Jen's youngest) with my Great Grandma Rose so his Great Great Grandma. She still has the touch!

And this was little Jaron's favorite! We always have a birthday cake for Jesus and he was so excited about it. We practiced singing it and talked about it all day!


Grandpa's Grab Bag

With this time of year comes many treasured traditions, one of them being "Grandpa's Grab Bag"! As always Grandma out did herself and we all had a wonderful time! We had Ned's Krazy Sub and soup to boot! Lots of treats were shared and we LOVED the gift exchange! To top off the wonderful night, she even invited Shelby to join us...IN HER HOUSE! Yeah, we were just as shocked! Here are a few pictures from the night (sorry some are blurry).

Chloe screaming TA DA every time her daddy Peter lifted her up!

The gift exchange...

The Legacy/Temple tree!

Mom's new hard cast!

And although I didn't get a picture of our new hair cuts, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed getting pampered with my cousin Kristin!



The surgery went great and the patient is resting! Even though my mom ended up having to have emergency surgery on her foot the circumstances couldn't have been more perfect! She has me here for a few weeks to help cook and clean which will allow her foot the much needed time to get better!



As some of you may know my mom broke her leg a few weeks ago and has had to stay off of it 100% to keep from having surgery. Needless to say she wasn't been able to put up her Christmas decor so when we arrived we quickly got to work decorating!

Pulling all the decor out.

Finding a place for everything.

Shelby and daddy napping later on.

Shelby still napping but by the mock Christmas tree.


Random Update

Since this semester kept me busy with school, work, and my calling, the blog was a wee bit neglected. So in no particular order here are some crazy random photos/events!

My dear sweet handy hubby built me this beauty to allow more room for food storage in our tiny/modest pantry. It is designed to roll out so the new cans get placed in the back and the old ones roll to the front! Yes it is a knock off from shelf reliance but hey it only cost $35 to make!

In October my dad flew me out to Phoenix (it pays to be a daddy's girl) so that I could enjoy Time Out For Women (a gift from my mom). My stepmom Stacey joined us along with 2 of my grandmas (G-ma & Grandma Harmon), my step sister Ashley, my aunt Sherlene, and Linda my adopted grandma (Edie's friend)! After a spiritual retreat with the girls, my brother came with his two boys so I could finally meet my nephew Stephen! I don't have any pictures from this weekend but this one was provided by my G-ma!

I don't consider myself a total klutz, but seeing as it is that I had a severe sprain from just walking to the copier at work back in '07 (which I still have problems from to this day) would it surprise anyone to know that I busted my elbow riding my bike at school?! In my defense I was late for a study session with my professor and of course it was the day I had all but one of my books and my laptop weighing my backpack down. I went to get on my bike and put all my weight onto one peddle and the chain came off causing me to fall and land all my weight on my right elbow. This picture was taken 2 weeks after the incident. I was ordered to wear a sling for 2 weeks to protect my shoulder (which also landed funny) and to take it easy. HAHA! Easier said than done!

The last picture is just too funny not to include. Our sweet Miss Shelby is really good....I promise. This particular day I was crazy busy with Enrichment stuff and I was gone most of the day. Phillip had a lot going on with his non-profit counseling and had just used this borrowed tape recorder to do his final exit interview for a class. He spent hours upon hours transcribing it into 24 pages. He was to turn the papers and recording in to his teacher the next morning. That is until I came home to this. Yes the dog ate his homework and yes he collected the pieces and handed it to the professor in a ziploc baggie!



With so many things going on in our lives Thanksgiving was short and sweet and luckily someone snapped a few pictures so this is all I've got!