So my AMAZING husband gave me my anniversary present early. This gift has a little history. A few weeks ago it was our turn to help clean the church. While we were there I grabbed a hymn book and began playing a few of my favorite songs. I almost burst into tears realizing how much I missed playing the piano. Then on Sunday I was loading a bunch of my church music onto my mp3 player and it was mainly instrumental stuff, but I got really sad for a little while because I missed playing those uplifting songs. Back in high school my best friends and I used to play for hours on end and sing. So my thoughtful husband called me downstairs tonight and had me close my eyes. When I opened them there was a piece of paper that said "You're the music that makes my heart sing". Then he turned me around to find this!!!

I must say, I have the best husband in the world, not that I'm biased or anything!!!