I'm Going To Be An Aunt!!!
Okay so I've known for a few weeks that I was going to be an aunt, but Jen and Jaron just emailed me a picture of their first ultrasound at 8 weeks (she's now 9 weeks along)! We are so happy for them! Phillip and I guess it's a boy! Here is Baby Fletcher!

And My New Calling Is...
So Phillip gets a phone call from the bishop this week asking if he will support me in a new calling. He told Phillip what it was and Phillip said yes of course. So today I get called into the bishops office and my new calling is......... the Mia Maid advisor! I'm really excited and it should be a neat calling. Girls camp is this week and although I can't go because of work (I'm taking a week off for a family vacation the next week) I will be making journals for the girls and hopefully getting up there Friday night. I have one worry and that is that I have 8 girls, but only 2 come regularly, the other six only come to sacrament. So, any ideas would be more than welcomed! It's funny because I had a feeling when we first moved into the ward that I would be called to Young Womens and I feel like it is exactly where I sould be right now! I'm also, once again, over the scrapbooking enrichment group (go figure). We'll see what Phillip gets. Oh and to make matters funnier, our records still aren't here. I asked the Bishop and he goes are you kidding, we don't wait for records to get here, we just give callings! Love small town folks! On a sad note Phillip and all the guys have to drive 4 hours to a stake preisthood meeting. Bummer, huh?! Us women are all getting together for dinner. Our stake is supposedly one of the biggest in the country. Can you imagine all the driving that will be done for stake conference?! Yikes! Luckily all the men are carpooling so I need to go whip them up some snacks. Have a relaxing Sunday!
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head!
Okay, so this is what I love about living here in the beautiful mountains! It can be sunny and warm without a cloud in the sky, and by afternoon it can be 59 degrees, sprinkling, with a breeze and look like this!
This Is What We Woke Up To!

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