
We Got The Offer

After a week of waiting, no sleep, and lots of anxiety...we finally got the offer! But now the real challenge begins. Negotiating the deal and of course the FINAL DECISION! So now we move into the next phase of waiting, no sleep, and lots of anxiety. Haha! I promise to keep you all updated!


New Obsession

While I was at the health food store I stumbled upon this yummy looking Granola! Can you say...TO DIE FOR?!!! It is so stinkin' good! Phillip even loves it and he isn't fond of cinnamon! It tastes good as a dry snack or in a bowl with low carb milk! MMMMM! Oh and I made some really yummy cookies tonight too. Low carb of course! Here's the recipe: 1 cup (low carb) peanut butter, 1/4 cup + 2 tbls splenda brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 2 bags (= 1 cup) of Russell Stover sugar free M&M's (walmart). Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes! So good! Oh and still no word on the offer. Hopefully tomorrow...cross your fingers!


Weird Sunday

So I'll probably be struck by lightening for talking bad about our sacrament meeting but honestly it was really weird. Amy and Drew sat next to us and we were kinda laughing about it. It just seemed like the whole meeting was thrown together. The speakers just seemed unprepared and the one couple (who are new) kept stopping in their talks because their kids were screaming for them. Everyone was side tracked. When the husband finished (early) the bishopric looked at each other like, do we just sing the closing hymn or what. They were giggling and we were like what's going on?! Then the organist was adding his own notes to "The Spirit of God" which made us and the Stewarts just giggle some more. The final straw was when the closing prayer was said and the child of that mother was screaming for his mom. It was just a weird Sunday I think!


Super Saturday

So my friend Tina and I cracked dawn this morning to hit the sales at some craft stores! We started the morning at Devine Memories where we both got the early bird special and were able to get 20% off our entire purchases! Here are the things I got from there:
Then we were off to Jo-Anns since we both had some great coupons! I used my 40% off coupons on a few scrapbook items. But the best deal of all was the paper! It was 4 for $1 so we stocked up! This is what I got there:
The last place we stopped at was Recollections and I hit their clearance area. Found some fun old things that are discontinued. Here were my purchases.

After dropping her off Phillip and I went to the ward party at the park. He was so cute playing football with all the kids! He actually out lasted the kids! I chatted with some of the ladies in our ward which was nice to get my mind off of the Colorado offer. Which by the way is making us totally insane! We just want to know what's going to happen. Anyways, we tried taking a nap later in the afternoon but just had to get out of the house so we ran a few errands. We went to dinner with Annie and Charley at Fuddruckers which was totally yummy! Loved their company! I've been tinkering around the last hour or so trying to teach myself how to do this blog thing! Haha!