Thursday, September 29, 2011


We just got back from an absolutely FABULOUS trip to CA with my family!
I took TONS of pictures, so I'm going to let them do most the talking...
My mom, Alan, April and their kiddos all drove on Thursday to San Diego -
Where Kathrin, Erik and Kami met them to go to Sea World on Friday!
Michael, Tracie and I couldn't get away from Work/ School,
So we flew into Anaheim Friday night!
{All we were missing this trip was our Dad, who couldn't get away from his responsibilities at home,
He was most definitely missed so much!!}
Tracie and I in the taxi - SO excited to be in CA!!
That night, Michael, Tracie and I went to dinner and did a little exploring of Anaheim!!
But mostly, we were just excited for the morning when everyone else would
get there - and we could go to DISNEYLAND!!!!
Saturday morning they all arrived and it was time to get the
princesses and pirate ready for the park!
 After they got BEAUT-I-FIED and PIRATE-y ... We headed to the park!

This picture cracks me up... our big group waiting for Kat to get the tickets!
The first ride we went on was The Haunted Mansion! 
Disneyland during Halloween time makes me SO HAPPY! 
Halloween is my fave Holiday, so this ride is definitely one of my faves! 
{Michael was already sick of all the pictures - HAHA!
Little did he know, I was just getting started!} 

As we were walking to meet the others for lunch, you'll never guess who we found...
My fave is Pirate Brady! LOL!

For lunch we all had to try the highly recommended:
{WOW - In short, it's a sandwich dipped in egg and batter then fried! YUM!}
Erik and Kami had to leave that night to head back to San Diego to catch their flight.
So the 4 of us headed to California Adventure to go on my FAVORITE ride:
The Tower of Terror!
We played at the park till we were all completely worn out...
went to dinner and then crashed!  
{Hey, remember that one time we almost lost Brayden? Yeah, good times!}

Sunday after playing in the hotel pool, talking around the hot tub and letting 
 the weather warm up a bit... We headed to Huntington Beach!
It was a little chilly when we first got there... but soon warmed up to the perfect temperature!
{Sorry ladies, he's all mine!}

 We spent about 3 hours just playing in the waves, laying on the beach and exploring!
{Someday can I pleeeeease live by the beach?! It's my kinda heaven!}

We then headed to a DELICIOUS diner at the end of the Pier!

The sunset was seriously so gorgeous! Oh goodness, I sooooo love the beach!
That night April, Tracie, Victoria and I went and did a little shopping in
Downtown Disney!
{You can tell we all got some good sun that day!}
Monday we went straight to California Adventure!
We went on the few rides, then headed over to Bug's Life,
and guess who was there?!
{The kiddos also got their picture taken, but it was with April's camera, so I don't have those...yet}

Then it was time for Bugs Life movie!
{Isn't she the cutest little bug/princess you've ever seen?!}

After Bugs Life, we went back to the Tower of Terror
{some of us TWICE - gotta love the Fast Pass!}

My Mom's face is my FAVE!! SO funny!
Brady and April's faces are absolutely priceless!
Then it was to the new Little Mermaid ride for the little ladies -
 the ride is totally cute BTW!!

By the time we left California Adventure,
 it was getting close to the time M and I had to head to catch our flight.
So we all had to stop and get our pictures taken!

HAHAHA! These pictures crack me up... It really is so hard getting
11 people to look at the camera and smile all at the same time!
So I decided to post them both, combined they are 1 FANTASTIC family vacation picture!
We seriously had such a wonderful trip! Michael and I loved being able to see Disneyland through the kids eyes! And I think we all agree that we need to make sure we go on family vacation more often {But next time Dad HAS TO come! It wasn't the same with out him!} It was so great to be able to spend so much time with the family! I sure lucked out in the family department! I think I'm going to keep them... for a little while longer at least :).

And just because I think he's totally HAWT...
P.s. I didn't do a very good job of letting the pictures do the talking...
But whatev, I talk a lot, it's just what I do :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

{I SMILE Wednesdays}

As always, SO much to SMILE about this week....
 I SMILE because some of our best friends came in for a visit from North Carolina! We were able to spend an evening and go to dinner with them while they were here! {We went to the Copper Onion, downtown - if you've never been, we highly recommend it! YUM!} As always, the conversation and company was fabulous!!!

 We sure do love those guys so much and we were so happy to get to spend some time with them while they were here! Want to know what makes me SMILE even bigger than spending an evening with them?! After 3 years in North Carolina... they are FINALLY moving back to UTAH as soon as they sell their house!!! YAY!!!!!
***If you know of anyone looking for an adorable home in Raleigh, NC - let me know!! :)
 Also making me SMILE?? Fall TV shows started this week!! Including my favorite guilty pleasure shows: Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives and 90210!!! BRING ON THE DRAMA!

 Our favorite Thursday night shows also started this week... including: The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Community! Oh how I LOVE Fall TV!
P.s. How funny is this poster for The Office?! Definitely makes me SMILE!

 The fact that October 1st is this SATURDAY is DEFINITELY  making me SMILE!!! I am SO happy to finally be able to shop again... It's been a loooong go since July 20th! What on earth was I thinking grounding myself for 2 months?! But guess what... I DID IT, I have not bought one item of clothing or pair of shoes for myself since July 20th!!! {I did, however, get one accessory... see below :)} And now, let the shopping begin :)! I already have a shopping date set for Saturday with one of my favorite shopping partners, Jenna! Just check out the damage we did around this time last year in Denver! We absolutely LOVE to shop!!!
 I did allow myself one souvenir from Disneyland {Hey, I'm the one that grounded myself, so I can totally allow ONE souvenir when I go on vacation! And ummmm... one item in over 2 months, not bad at all if I do say so myself!} I chose this freaking adorable Giraffe print watch! Wearing it definitely makes me SMILE!
 Speaking of Disneyland {post to come very soon!} This freaking adorable little girl absolutely loved being held by this extremely good looking fella! How dang cute is this picture! I SMILE every time I look at it! I know I've said this 100 times before - but really, Michael is going to make such a good Daddy someday! He was so cute with the kids this trip, especially little Ellie, she had him wrapped around her little finger!
 And finally, I just couldn't resist posting this picture from our Disneyland adventure.... This picture and this little princess absolutely puts a huge SMILE on my face: LOVE her!

Friday, September 23, 2011

{Just kids!}

The other night Michael and I were looking through some old pictures, when we came upon our "Engagements". Because we eloped, we never had any pre-wedding pictures. So my fantastic sister, Kathrin, took these for us the day of our Open House, just a month after our actual wedding day - 1 day before my 20th Birthday! {See Kathrin's photography website HERE }.

I absolutely LOVE every single one of these pictures so much! We couldn't help but thinking, we look SO little... just like kids!! {Probably because we were! HA!} Anyway, we got to talking... who in the heck gets married at age 19?! {I was 19 for one more month, and Michael had just barely been 20 for a month!} Crazy, stupid kids, that's who! We both agree we were dumbBUT neither of us would change any of it for the world!

As we were laying in bed that night, I got to thinking... what would I tell my 19 year old, newly married self, if I had the chance??? ... Here are just a few of things I came up with:

***It's OKAY to go to bed mad! Sometimes, you just need a little sleep to clear your head, or calm yourself down! Many times, things seem like THAT much of a bigger deal - BECAUSE you are tired! So forget the "never go to bed mad" advice! Just stop talking AND thinking - and go to sleep! 9 out of 10 times, you will wake up the next morning with clarity on the situation - and probably realize, it was NO.BIG.DEAL anyway!

***BE PATIENT! Seriously, be patient with Michael AND yourself! Marriage takes time to get the hang of, even 6 1/2 years later - we still have things we are trying to figure out. And that's OKAY!

***The first year is HARD, but you will make it through!! I've heard it both ways, some say their first year was a breeze, and some say the first year sucks. For us, it was HARD, and it was A LOT of WORK, but {as cliche as it sounds} it is WORTH IT! 

***DON'T take Birth Control Pills!!!  They just make you crazy, and emotional, and definitely NOT yourself! {Yeah, this may have contributed to the first year being so hard ;)} It doesn't matter how many different brands you try - they just aren't for you! So skip 'em, and go right to the other form of B.C.

***You CANNOT eat as much as Michael! I learned this one the hard way... and now looking back, it sounds so dumb! But honestly, Michael eats often, and a lot more than I need to. I always thought I had to keep up, so if he had half of a pizza, I had the other half - just makes sense right?! WRONG! Just don't do it... those Newlywed pounds are a lot harder to come off than to put on!

***Michael is... well, he's just Michael! Your loud, annoying and will talk to anyone. He isn't. He's quiet, kinda shy and just doesn't say much. Which is why it works so well, so STOP apologizing for him! When you go to social events and he keeps to himself, guess what, IT'S OKAY! He's happy, so you should be happy - and stop trying to change him! He will never be the social butterfly you are - and that's why you love him! So no more sorry's! {I've learned this with in the last couple of years... yeah, I'm a little slow!}

Those are just a few of the MANY things I've thought of... 6 1/2 years later, and I feel like we've learned a lot, but I know we will continue to learn more every single day! {Especially when we decide to have kiddos - EEK!} I am so grateful to have Michael in my life - he really is the best partner a gal could ask for!
Michael really, truly is: 
Image via Pinterest

A couple more that are just for me... don't really have much to do with being a young married woman... But I still wish I could have told myself...
***PLEASE don't wear hoodies anymore! I seriously look back at pictures, and that's all I'm wearing! WHAT THE?! Buy a freaking Cardigan, they are just as comfy, but so much less sluggish! I remember wearing them out on many date nights too - ugh! There are so many things that make me cringe about my fashion back in the day... but oh well - it's in the past {I like to think I'm much better now :)}
***Don't wait so long to get a freaking Pedicure! They are not even half as bad as you think they are, in fact - they are pretty AMAZING! So maybe don't wait till your 26 to get your first one... deal? Deal.