Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sandbox Love

Chad came home the other day with a Rubbermaid and a bag of sand.  He wanted to surprise Carson with his own mini sandbox.  Carson is in love with playing in his new sandbox.  Pretty much any day that's had good weather we have spent time outside playing in it.  He loves driving around his dump trucks and bulldozers through the sand and making sand castles.  Hours of fun in one little box!

Brooklyn usually happily plays on the grass with her toys and sippy cup.  We are all so jealous of her gorgeous olive skin.  She's already tanner than the rest of us.  So lucky!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sleep, aging, and breakfast with friends

Sleep is something that we have been severely lacking around here lately.  Both of my kids apparently decided that sleeping at night wasn't a necessity for them.-Unfortunately, it is still a necessity for me and I've been a bit of a grump.  Two nights ago Carson was up the first half of the night crying out about every 20 minutes.  Brooklyn then was up the second half of the night doing the same thing.  Last night  they switched things up a bit and Brooklyn was up the first few hours and Carson was up for the next few.  It's after 9 o'clock now and Carson is still not asleep (even though he was put to bed at 7).  I am exhausted and so are they.  I wish they would realize how great sleeping really is.  Maybe one day.  Hopefully that day comes soon!  

Monday morning I was going about doing my usual morning exercises before I hit up the gym.  I was doing a cardo/strength circuit that included doing some jumping jacks.  As I was doing my jumping jacks all of the sudden something went out of place in my back.-How old am I?!  I felt about 80 years old not being able to do a simple jumping jack without hurting my back!  Sheesh!  Anyway, I went to the chiropractor on Tuesday and that helped, but then the pain started to radiate into my shoulder and arm.  Hopefully my trip to the chiropractor  today will help that and I will be able to get back to normal again.  

Carson is starting to really get into playing pretend and I love it.  This picture was taken a couple months ago and I forgot to post about it.  He insisted that Bear and Mickey both sit at the table with him for breakfast.  Sometimes he'll say things like "Mickey wants a drink" or "Bear wants a snack" and will pretend to have them eat it.    It's so fun to see his little imagination at work!