Thursday, April 12, 2012


Carson frequently perches on our couch and looks out our front windows several times a day. Today he was watching the rain. He's glued to the window, as you can see. But usually he is watching our neighbor's houses hoping that he will get to see their garage doors open. Yes, my child is OBSESSED with garage doors. I have no idea why he is so fascinated with them, but he just loves them. He talks about opening and closing the garage all the time, watches from the window to see our neighbors opening or closing their garage, pretends his toy silo is a garage to park his cars in, etc. One of his favorite things to do is to push the button to close the garage. He pushes the button and then his head jerks around quickly to see the door go down, all the while having a big grin on his face. He loves it! I have no clue what got him so interested in garages, but he thinks they are the greatest thing! It's a pretty random and funny obsession.-Cracks me up! It's so fun to see the different things he's become interested in as he's grown up. Maybe he has a mind like his Dad and is intrigued by how the garage works or something. Who knows. All I know is that he loves them and it makes him happy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April updates

I was trying to upload a cute video of the kids playing together, but blogger would not have it. So here are just a few pictures I've snapped of the kiddos lately. I've been a major slacker about taking my camera out with us on outings lately. Maybe I just need an Iphone. :) We have loved the warm weather sunshine days that we've had. We've spent lots of time out at the park already. Bring on the spring weather!

Carson being full of mischief.
Brooklyn loves eat everything. Carson likes to hand her different toys...all of which end up in her mouth.
Carson is really into bubble baths lately. Which is good because he gets all stinky and sweaty running around at the park and the bubble baths make him smell much better!
She is growing up so fast! Such a happy little lady!
And again eating toys. Love these two kiddos!