Sunday, May 15, 2011
Moving Day!
Yep that's right! We are moving to Utah! Chad was offered a job at a patent firm in Salt Lake City on Thursday and we jumped at the opportunity. Our plan is to leave Tuesday.-I know it's been a crazy whirlwind and it's weird to think that just a week ago we had no idea that any of this would happen, but we do know that the Lord definitely had his hand in this. We wouldn't have gotten this job if it weren't for all the prayers and fasting in our behalf. Tomorrow we will pack up our U-Haul and say good-bye to Nebraska. I am very sad to be leaving all our good friends here, but we are also excited to start this next adventure. Wish us luck!
Friday, May 13, 2011
I should really be packing right now, but I needed a break and so I'm blogging instead. Last Saturday, May 7th, Chad graduated from law school! The celebrations began the night before on Friday with a MBA graduation reception. Then on Saturday they held the graduation at the Lied Center down town. Usually I think graduations are far too long and boring, however, this one proved me wrong. There were only about 130 law grads and the speakers were awesome. One of the speakers was actually Clarence Thomas from the U.S. Supreme Court and he gave an amazing speech! Both of our parents were able to come for the weekend to be there for the graduation and it was so great to have them here. We are grateful to all of them for all of their support and encouragement through all of school. I have to admit that I cried a couple times at the graduation because I realized we made it and we are done with school. When Chad started law school three years ago it seemed like it would last forever, but it didn't. It is amazing how fast these past three years have gone. We have loved living here in Lincoln and have meet some great friends that we are going to miss dearly!
Just this week Chad received a job offer at a firm in Salt Lake City, Utah and so we will be moving next week. We had fasted and prayed about jobs for so long and stressed way too much about it for the past year. I stressed so much about it that I was losing sleep at one point. A couple months ago I finally realized that I just needed to stop stressing about it and put my trust in the Lord that things would work out for us. I was able to feel peace about the whole situation and I knew one way or another everything would be ok. Chad had a job working for a firm in Omaha and we had assumed that is where we would end up. This week that all changed. Chad received a phone call from his friend at the firm in Utah asking him some details about his current situation and about the job in Utah. We both had an overwhelming good feeling that the Lord was taking care of us. Then on Thursday he was offered the job at the firm in Utah and we knew immediately that was where we were suppose to be. It really is a miracle that things worked out this way. So here we are packing like crazy so we can leave for Utah on Tuesday.
Here are a few pictures from Chad's big day:
His mom made this awesome Husker quilt for him. It's amazing and we love it!
Chad opening some of his graduation gifts.
Us at the MBA graduation reception.
Chad and Mike McArthur
Chad and Matt Mellor. These two became great buddies and we already miss the Mellors like crazy!
One attempt at getting a good photo of all of us after the graduation.
Carson wasn't quite sure what to think of Chad's cap and tassel.
Chad shaking Clarence Thomas' hand before he received his diploma.
Chad being hooded.
Monday, May 9, 2011
This year we had a great Easter! The celebrating seemed to go all week long which made it even more fun. Early in the week my friend hosted an Easter bake at her house. The kids did an egg hunt and then we had a picnic lunch, followed by an exchange of baked goods. It was so much fun and Carson loved doing the little egg hunt. Too bad I forgot my camera to document any of this.
Since it was during a stressful time at school for Chad we missed our opportunity to dye eggs (which is something I always look forward to) but the Easter bunny still managed to come on Saturday. We had a little easter egg hunt for Carson inside our house and he loved it. He picked up on the whole concept at the easter bake and our friend's birthday party and so he was a pro. On Sunday we got together with a few friends and had a big dinner together. My friend Torrie made this adorable bunny cake for our dessert. Too cute!
Carson checking out the eggs for candy.
He loved hunting for his eggs.
Look who found his Easter basket!
I love this picture of him stretching up on his tippy toes to get the egg.
He loves these balls that the Easter bunny brought him.
Just relaxing reading his new book. So cute! I love this boy!
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