Monday, December 15, 2008

Humble beginnings

I thought I'd post a few pics of our little apartment with our very FEW Christmas decorations.  Yes the key word is few!  But I am happy we have at least a few things to make it seem a little more like Christmas.  I'm especially grateful that we have our little Christmas trees.  Chad's mom had a tradition of giving each child an ornament every Christmas.  This has come in very handy indeed since we had no decorations for our tree to begin with and now we have exactly 24 ornaments!  Needless to say I am very grateful for that tradition because without it we would have two little bare trees.  Thanks Teri!  As we got out our Christmas decorations Chad got a little ambitious and decided he would decorate our apartment with Christmas lights.  Normally I am a little picky about decorating our apartment and prefer to do it myself, but Chad beat me to the punch and the lovely window decor is all Chad!  :) I thought it was too funny to take down and so this is what our apartment ended up looking like this Christmas.  

Our cute manger scene with no stable with Chad's random lights strung throughout.
This window light decor is Chad's master piece!  Although you can't see it in the picture, the left side blinks, but the right side doesn't.  Yes, it's a special treat to see this.  Too bad you all can't come to Nebraska to see it in person!
Chad next to our cute little trees with his 24 decorations.  You will have to ignore the green spot on the's been there since we moved in and the owners keep claiming they are going to "take care of it as soon as possible."  I think we've grown so accustom to it that we really don't even notice it's there.  Chad says it adds character to our apartment.  So this is our humble beginnings for our first Christmas together, it's not much, but we sure do appreciate what we do have.  We are so excited to be able to spend Christmas with family and friends in Utah this year!  Only a few more short days and we will be there!  

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Missouri Thanksgiving

Chad and I were able to go to Missouri for Thanksgiving.  All of Chad's family was together for Thanksgiving for the first time in about 9 years.  So it was extra special to be able to be a part of it.  We have fun playing games, watching movies, going shopping, and just talking.  I feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family!  They are such great examples to me!  I had fun getting to know all of them better too.  One of my favorite things was when we all piled into the car together to go Christmas shopping.  Of course the Thanksgiving dinner was delicious!  I have never been a fan of yams before, but this time I really enjoyed them!  So tasty!  We also were able to go out on a double date with Chad's friend Dan and his wife.  We ate at a little mexican place and it was delicious.  Chad ordered what Dan likes to call "the caldron of goodness" haha It was huge!  Then afterwards we went to the Christmas lights that you drove around through.  It was highly entertaining!  It was so great to be able to just relax and not have to think about school or work for a few days!  Thanks Teri and Steve for letting us stay with you!  We love you all!

Eating our yummy dinner at El Charro
Dan and Leisel
This car just cracked me up!  This car was decked out with antlers and topped off with a red nose.  Only in Missouri!  haha
All of us packed in the car together

David playing games
Me and Kevin
Megan, Alex, and Ethan.  What a cute family!
Kevin and me just being silly.  Kind of a scary picture
Mark and Chad playing a little fooseball
Megan and Steve working hard in the kitchen
Erica and Jeff
Cute Ethan during one of his many photo shoots :) 
Teri and Ethan