Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pine Cove Family Camp 2013

Ask the Brown family about Pine Cove family camp, and we will tell you it is the best week of our entire year.  I've said it before, but there really is nothing quite like it.  One week of intentional family time.  One week of your children being loved on and ministered to by the most incredible college students in this country.  One week where Mommy isn't working her tail off to meet the needs of her family.  One week where Daddy isn't swamped at work and trying to juggle family life with office life. Truly...the greatest week of the year.  Here are just a "few" pictures to prove my point.

On Our Way!
This is the second year in a row where I have told Brad we need to be there by 2:30 because the gates open at 3:00.
You can tell by the sign I was clearly wrong!  Being there an hour early gets you a first place spot in line!
I LOVE this picture!  It's sad that they don't get excited when we arrive at camp.

first dinner of the week
Payton was terrified of the horses the first two years.   This year, she actually got on and rode one!
This was not staged.  Big sister was so proud of her for riding the horse!
LP and Hudson

Reagan's Group

Victory on the Battle Bridge!

Learning to Square Dance
Reagan and Avery
LP and Hudson
Date Night with my Honey

Musical Night

Brad and I always celebrate our anniversary while at camp!
Happy 14 Years to Us!

Watching a little pickle ball

Pirate Night!
Love how the counselors take the time to write an individual certificate for each of our kids!
Here they are.  Couldn't be more impressed with this group of counselors!
The Brown's counselor, "The Show"
Payton, "Anyawn" and "Sweeping Beauty"
"The Show" with my bigs

Already counting down the months until July.  Can't wait for Crier Creek 2014, Week 6!!!