Friday, November 21, 2014

Resolve/ Catch Up Part III

September!: We fixed our lawn, and repaired our toy room! I was so excited! I posted a pic of the toy room in my August post, but it was actually September... oh well...

Now looking though the pictures, I think the lawn was planted late August and the toy room was fixed in you even care about the actual months...

The kids also started school...

Lydia cheered in the Spud Day Parade:

October:  I took the kids up and took "professional" professional I mean I took pictures that are of mediocre quality but I love them anyway and they were free.

 Also Miss Kaylee Rae turned 8. Not cool..

I have pictures of her birthday, but they are still on the camera, and the camera is currently in my bedroom where my sexy cop husband is currently sleeping after a long night shift... I'll add them later these are from her baptism which was so amazing! Our stake does sort of private baptisms which is seriously awesome! All the kids from the stake get baptized on the same day, but they each have their own time, Kaylee's was from 10-11 and then there were more staggered through out the day, which was so special for Kaylee.  Kaylee picked every aspect of her baptism program, she picked the songs the speakers, who gave the prayers and led the music, who played the music, it was such an awesome program. We just had our family there since it was just Kaylee, but with just the family there were almost 40 of us and we were still missing Brent, Laura, Kellen, and Cody. 

I am so proud of Kaylee and the choice she made to get baptized, I know it will lead her to happiness, she is so excited to have the Holy Ghost, I know he will help her through out her life. I've been so blessed though out my life as I have listened to promptings and had the peace of the Comforter with me. 

Mike and I and the girls are still trucking along and have been so blessed in our lives and so lucky to be part of our amazing families, we love them so much!

Phew! I am all caught up! I really hope I keep posting.....only time will tell.

Also, I didn't proof read any of these before posting, sorry not sorry if there are any mistakes.

Resolve/ Catch Up Part II

On we go to June! The kids got out of school had some friends over, we went on a picnic to fall creek!

This may seem like a lot of pictures, I toned it down a lot. I took a ton up there, I love summer and miss it terribly! Chandler and I also had a stick balancing contest that damn near got us kicked out of the campground.  I love all my nieces and nephews! We have so much fun when the family gets together!

July:  Lydia broke her arm in July so there went summer.... You'd think I would have more pictures of it...well I don't which is crazy because I threw her a cast signing party and I don't have one single picture from it! She had a ton of signatures on it and was a trooper during those hot summer months when she couldn't get wet.  Poor thing .

July was actually a crazy month...Our water main broke so ya....

 see Lydia's sad arm?

It was a crazy month, our yard was torn up until late August, we had such a rainy wet August that it was impossible for us to work on the yard because it was such a muddy mess.

August:  Lydia got her cast off in August, so we celebrated by taking her to get wet at the splash pad, it rained on us the whole time, seriously August was so wet.  The kids were awesome up there and she had a great time with her cousins playing in the water.

We also planted grass and repaired the toy room:

This may have actually been in September...

Resolve/ Catch up

As stated in my Disneyland post I have a new resolve to start blogging again.  I feel like facebook and Instagram have let me away from blogging.  So here we go! I'm going to play catch up here for a bit. My last post was about our Disneyland trip from March...... So I'll try and go through the months of the year and see if anything "blog-worthy" happened....

March: Lydia's 5th birthday!
So that was March.

We bought and put together this beast:
April must've been a pretty quiet month of the kids playing on the new swing set. I don't have many other pictures from April.

May:  I had a birthday I don't have any pictures to prove it, but I promise I did.

Kaylee had her gymnastics showcase in May.  She is getting so good at gymnastics! I love to watch her, she makes it look so easy....

We also had the girls' dance recital Kaylee did a hip hop number and Lydia did a ballet/jazz dance: