Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lady in the Green Scarf

Yes, I'm back! :D

Dah lama tak update kan kan kannn? Sebulan lebih tak update! Haha.

Okay. Just sharing some photos of me in @cottonmoms latest collection, the green hearts scarf! Ngeeee!

Macam makcik² kan style ni? Euwww! Hahahahah. Tapi selesa & senang nak style. Ikat jer! :))

Like Mummy, Like Son! Menggedik depan camera adalah favourite kami! :))

Smoochhhhhh! Sayammm Ammiiii.. Awww cair! :D

Photos above were taken on Sunday evening masa kitorang on the way back from a photoshoot. Hehe.

This photo was taken this morning on my way to work.

Haaa another picture! :þ Terasa nak snap pix atas ni sebab nak tengok camne rupa diri sendiri hari ni! Hahaha. :þ

Actually this morning masa isi minyak kat Petronas, ada this one pump attendant (bangla) tegur & asked whether I'm Malaysian. Terkejut la jugak 'coz I am Malaysian!! Hellooooo? Hehe. Masa tu rasa geram 'coz mamat ni fikir aku ni bangla cam dia jugak ker? Tskkk. Then dia cakap yang I looked different. Nampak macam Iranian.. Wawawawa.. Pandai ko nak puji² & bodek² ekk. Malu kejap! Hahaha. Then he asked, ada mix blood ke? Haa sudah. Nak interview ke hape ni? I said no then he pointed to my nose. Ah'haaaa.. Yeah! Maybe due to my nose so dia fikir me ni Iranian. Then dia sambung la cakap apa ntah lagi pasal my face macam mix blood yada yada yada.. Tak ingat apa dia cakap! Hahahaah. Lawak! Sib baik menceriakan mood ku di pagi hari. :D

Hmmm. Come to think of it. Weird lah. Masa zaman sekolah tu, some people thought I'm a 'saudara baru'. They thought I'm chinese or mix blood gitu. Errrr.. Sebab mata sepet ku kah? Sebab nak kata kulit macam cina, mak aiiii. Lain bebenorrr. Kulit saya jenis tak cerah & gelap² gitu! Huhu.

And this morning cakap muka Iranian la plakkk. Hahahaha. Ni mesti sebab hidung 'terlebih'. Haha. Oh well, syukur alhamdulillah atas kurniaan Allah dengan muka ni. Hihi. :)

Okay lah. Dah banyak merepek. Ntah pape jer entry ni kan! Hehe.

Tu jer nak share. Oh yeah! Shawl I pakai ni masih available tau. Berminat? Do visit my blogshop at ;) Ada few pieces left! Hurryyyy.. ;)

Till my next post.. Ntah bila la nak update lagi kan! Take care now. :)

P.S. Pictures above (first 3) were taken using iPhone4 and the last one was taken using iPod. So sorry lah yer if quality gambar tak cantik! And... Please excuse kecomotan & kechubby'an empunya diri yang tak terkawal dah tu. Hahaha. :))

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

KL Bird Park 2011

I'm back with a new entry! Hihi. :D

End of 2011 memang my husband banyak cuti and me pun amik peluang la cuti sekali with him.

So we were both on leave since 30th December 2011 until today. Esok pun kitorang cuti & kebetulan esok monthly birthday AF. :)

Due to few factors, kitorang tak jadi nak gi bercuti luar KL and decided untuk jalan2 dalam KL-Selangor jer. Hehh.

So a day before 2011 ends, we brought AF to KL Bird Park! Wootttt.. :D

The last time I went there was long time ago. Kali ni special sket 'coz pergi with dear husband & son. :)

We went out awal pagi and had breakfast somewhere in SK. Then by 9am terus shoot gi KL. *ahem* Daddy dia yang lagi excited rasanya 'coz nak amik gambar. Haha. :p

Okay.. Malas nak merepek banyak.. Meh nak tempek some pictures! Some?? It's overloaded with pictures sebenarnya. Enjoy viewing!! Hehe. :D

Love the parrot's color. :D

Baru 9.40am tapi panas terik jugak la. Tertinggal kipas tangan kat rumah. Tskk!

AF kalau tempat dia tak biasa memang dia tak nak jalan. Nak dok stroller jer. Sabar jer lah! :p

Sempat kasi AF main kat playground jap. Few years back takde lagi playground ni tak silap.

Awesome snapshot! A baby bird tengah menetas dari telur dia. Auwww! First time tengok live depan mata. Subhanallah.. :)

Up close. Like reallyyy close tau! :D

Merah sangat cam kena dye jer. Hehe.

Haaa. Nak tengok full album, gi tengok kat FB my husband yer. Hehe.

Yayy! I'm done with this post. Rasa nak update lagi la. Tapi ada lagi ke yang baca blog ni lepas dah lama senyap? Huuuu..

Take care now. :)

Ehh wait! Just to note this down.. Today is Day 3 of #PottyTrainAF. Alhamdulillah.. Hari ni dia terrrrbabas pee once jugak cam on 1st and 2nd day. Not bad at all. Esok kita try zero pee during diaper-less okay, son! We know you can do it! :D

P.S. My husband does have part-time photography bizz too. If interested, do email me. I jadi 'Manager' dia. Haha. My email is ;)

*** All pictures are courtesy of my darling Husband. Mwah! :D ***

New Year & Potty Training

Hello 2012!! :D

Miss us? :p

Wow. Lama betul tak update blog ni. Sampai CikNana tegur kat FB baru lah teringat nak update. Haha. Ampunnnn CikNana. Bukan taknak update, tapi memang takde time nak squeeze untuk tulis kat sini. Lagipun kat rumah takde laptop nak online (sejak kes pecah rumah dulu) so depends on laptop office husband jer. Huhu.

Oh well.

Now, here's an update from me after sooooo long. Hihi. :)

How am I doing?

Well, I'm good. Sihat walafiat & semakin membesar. Haha. Yeahhhh. Makin gemok lah sekarang. Dunno why. Dulu probably sebab breastfeed anak tapi now ni taktau la pasal apa. I don't eat snacks in between meals and makan pun kadang2 skip. Tapi badan tetap jugak montok, gemok & berlemak. Tskkkkk! :(

Me on the last day of 2011. Chubby kan? :p

Oh yeah.

Another update from me... Nope, I'm not pregnant yet. Belum ada rezeki lagi. So stop la tanya soalan 'Bila Adzryl nak ada adik lagi?'.. 'Dah boleh ada adik dah ni'.. and soalan2 yang sewaktu dengannya. Rimas tau tak! Even you tu kawan baik me or kawan rapat, oh pleaseeee.. Soalan begitu memang terus I akan bolayan & tak jawab. So sendiri mau ingat la yerrr? :) Or.. My answer to you will be.. 'Gi lah tanya Allah. Dia lagi tau!' Haaaa.. Mau ku jawab begitu? Eeee penyebok lah! :p

Hmmm. What else?

Ohhh yes!

Today is Day 3 of #PottyTrainAF. :)

Iyer.. Esok Adzryl will turn 2 years 6 months old and on 1st January 2012, secara tak plan nya.. We decided to start his potty training! :)

My big boy! Tomorrow he'll be 2 years 6 months old. :)

Sebenarnya takde plan nak start potty train dia lagi. Tapi on 1st January 2012 hari tu, bangun2 tido je terus dia ajak gi toilet 'coz nak poo poo. Masa tu terus terdetik macam.. It's a sign??? So time2 tu jugak terus start potty train dia.

So far so good. Day 1, dia terbabas pee once jer! He was diaper-less from morning till around 6pm. :) Day 2 plak (semalam), he was diaper-less from morning till 11pm!!! Yes, we didn't go out yesterday. Dok rumah jer so senang sket nak monitor dia kan. Haa semalam, masa nap petang risau jugak la takot dia terbabas pee masa tido. Tapi alhamdulillah he didn't. Lepas bangun nap pun, banyak kali jugak la tanya dia nak pee ke tak and he said 'No'. Tapi mungkin 'coz kitorang leka kejap.. Tiba2 dia pee! Hahahaha. Tapi he did great! Day 1, once je terbabas pee... Day 2 pun once jer terbabas pee! Yayy!

Today and right now (masa tengah type ni), he's doing okay. Takde signs nak pee pun lagi. Masih diaper-less! :) Kita tengok macam mana progress #PottyTrainAF today okay! :)

Alright. Rasa cam nak update lagi jap gi.. Insya Allah. Tiba2 plak rasa rajin! Hehe.

Till we meet again! Cewah..

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! Are you back at work already? Auww.. Happy working korang! Me? I'm still on leave till tomorrow. Hehe.

Take care now. :)

P.S. My online shop @CottonMOMS masih ada SALE lagi. Go visit our website at ;)

*** All pictures are courtesy of my darling Husband. Mwah! :D ***

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2012 Babies


After so long tak ber'update. Tiba2 zasss terus update now! Hihi.

Honestly, I'm sooo happy and excited for my (Twitter) friends! Most of them are expecting their 2nd and 3rd child! Awwww.. The best moment ever! Sooo happy for them! Seriously.. :)

So saje je la nak list out kan nama² my friends yang expecting now nih. Hehehe.

1) @azzamoro
2) @laveiinder
3) @LinGhazale
4) @diyanazman
5) @mylildreamz
6) @MamaEmma
7) @zaheeraghani
8) @aziriahhazrin
9) @yayayes7
10) @CikKembang
11) @Annasue_G
12) @Fiena5

Tu belum termasuk lagi kawan² Uni. Heeee. So happy for them!

Doa² moga my turn will be next! Tapi kalau dah ada, gonna keep it low dulu kot.. *hopefully* Haha.


Take care darlings! Next year I visit you all yerrrr.. I love newborn visits! Bau newborn best!!! :D

Daaaaaaaa!! ;)

Sweet memories.
My baby bump exactly 4 weeks before I delivered AF. He was born at 38 Weeks 4 Days. ;)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My First Doll Eyes


Ntah pape jer title post ni kan? Haha.

Oh well, dah tatau nak update apa (eventhough banyak jer yang pending nak tulis), so saje nak post something light² jer.. :þ


Doll eyes?

Yeapsss. It's actually my first time wearing a big contact lense siap ada color lagi! Haha. Tu pun nak kecoh kan? Heeeeee..

I'm excited sebenarnya! 'Coz all this while kononnya tak suka la nak pakai contact lense color² nih sebab tak nampak natural tapi in the end, teringin punya pasal.. At last I try beli 1 pair yang ada color! Heh. And I chose the color called 'Summer Grey'! ;)

I loveeeee it!!

Sebab other than the size yang memang sangat obvious kebesarannya, tapi the color tak obvious sangat! And so far, I rasa selesa! Hehe.

So kita tengok berapa lama tahan I pakai contact lense nih. Lagipun me plan nak pakai masa weekends or masa keluar jalan² jer.. Bila kat office, I still opt to wear my beloved glasses! ;)

Okie dokie.

Tu jer nak update.

As usual, meh nak tempek some gerdix pictures of yours truly wearing that Summer Grey doll eyes!! Hihihihi. :)

My first time wearing a doll-like contact eyes. :))

Biji mata yang bulat kat mata yang original nya sepet? Haha. :D

Being vain in the office today. Takde orang so suka hati snap pix! ;))

Percubaan membulatkan mata yang sepet. LOL! :))

See the difference?? Do I look like a doll??

NOT!!! :þ

Muka syok sendiri kan tu?? Hahahahaha. And nampak cam teddy bear ada lah kot 'coz tembam amat kan? Huuu.. Dah takmo cakap issue berat & kegemukan dah! Hehe.

Till next post, then!

Today I'm working and banyak issue la plak kat office ni kan. Sabo jer lah!

Gonna sambung buat kerja now. Take care, guys! ;)


P.S. Scarf kuning yang I pakai tu is from CottonMOMS!! It's our signature scarf & very limited pieces available. Soon kitorang nak restock that design. Stay tuned!!! *sempat promote jap* :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Working Sunday

Yeah yeah yeah..

Last Sunday was another working Sunday for me!

You see.. My husband & I kinda make a point that if my Husband kerja on Saturday, then the next day (Sunday) will be my working day plak. Hehe. Oh well.. I'm a shift worker (yes, I am!) so I have to work on any weekends be it Saturday or Sunday, once or twice a month! So bila my Husband kena kerja on Saturday so I think better lah I pulak kerja on Sunday so that the following weekend we'll have both Saturday & Sunday to ourselves!! Get me? Hihi. Susah payah nak explain & I'm sure korang faham kan.. :D


It's quite boring working on a Sunday, but I kinda like it though! Haha. Bosan tapi suka? Camne tu ekk? Hahahaha.


Well, I've my own reasons here and I don't think I should tell you guys about it! :P Hehehe.

Nothing much to write about my last Sunday.

Meh nak tempek some vain pictures I took using my iPod on that day. Nampak sangat tengah bosan melampau & sempat amik gambar kat toilet. Hahaha.

Ohh sila abaikan muka pucat tidak ber'makeup ku itu yerrrr.. :P

Okie dokie.

Banyak nak update nih.

I just hope I still have readers here.. Ehh? Perasan ramai readers plak! Haha.

Till next post, take care now. Enjoy your weekend! ;D

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #6

***My love, my life, my soul, my world, MY EVERYTHING!!! Mwah!!***

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CottonMOMS's New Update!

#promote jap. Hihi.

Dear readers, usually we will update our blog shop on every Monday. But due to some other commitments, we had to delay our update and taddaaaaa!

Kitorang baru je update our blogshop today at 10:00am!!

Do visit our CottonMOMS blog shop & feast your eyes with our colorful collection!! Weeeeee..

Thanks for the support, friends! It's already our 12th collection.. Can't wait for our future updates 'coz we have lots of beauuuutiful materials to show you guys! ;)

Take care now.. Happy happy day ahead! *wink*

Ehh before that.. CottonMOMS is on Twitter now!! Woott wootttt!! Our Twitter handle is @cottonmoms ;) Feel free to follow us to get the latest updates ya! ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potluck Gathering #AhliJemaah

Morning! :)

I'm early today. Sampai office awal 10 minutes! Hehe. So meh nak update another entry pasal event makan² Hari Raya yang tak update lagi.

Kali nih, it's not an Open House but it's a Potluck Gathering! Bila? Sabtu lepas. Sape yang involve? Me & my Twitter friends!! Woohooooo.. :D

Sebelum upload gambar yang lain, meh nak tempek gambar latest me & my son! Haha. :))

Me & my darling son. :D

Okay, sambung.. :þ

I met some of them already tapi half lah jugak yang I blom jumpa in person. So sangat lah segan when they invited me to join their makan² & lepak² session. Seriously, aku segan wehhh. Korang very the mesra gitu! Tiba² plak aku join korang kan? Hehe. Terima kasih wahai #ahlijemaah & #ahlikutu. Haha.

Why #ahlikutu? Sebab asalnya perkenalan me with the ladies bermula dari Twitter, then join in geng main 'kutu' then tup² jadi rapat automatically. Hihi. Semuanya havoc², superfriendly & lawo².. Hehe.

The Potluck Gathering was hosted by Sufee (@CikKembang) at her house in Putrajaya. Wallaweiii. Umah dia I tell you, cantik betul! So spacious & Sufeeeeee aku suka kitchen cabinet ko!! Hehehehe. :D

Okie dokie. Takmo merepek banyak.. It's time to tempek some (some ke?) pictures on that day! Believe me.. We took lotsss and lotssssss of pictures together! Memang happening habis! Hahaha.

Enjoy!! ;D

Sampai² semuanya dok lepak dapur 'coz masih prepare all foods yang kitorang bawak! :D

Food food food.. :D

Serai Pavlova! Siti brought 2 of this okay!! :D

Baiti made this! Yummyyyy! :D

We received 'something' from Nad! Woohooooo.. :þ

Sebelum makan, masing² sebok amik gambar dulu. Hehe. :D

Verde bawak Garrett! Yayy! 1st time rasa! :D

Yeahh! Siti memang selalu bawak pavlova masa potluck! :D

Aiii. Dok kat tangga jer ke tuan rumah & tuan pengerusi? Hihihi. Left; Nad. Right; Sufee. :)

Sekejap jer pavlova dah separuh! Orang makan main dish dulu, kitorang makan dessert dulu! Haha. Yummehhh! :D

Aidan anak Mast! :D

Alyff anak Azza. :)

Nisha anak Fatin. Sebijik muka ko, Fatin! Comel! :)

Me with the famous-amous LadyVerde! :þ

From left; Nannoor, Azza, Siti & Baiti. :)

Haaa. Masa ni CPM dah sampai! Meriah, you olls!! Hahaha. :))

Terbaikkkkk.. Woopsyyy! :þ

Layan ice-cream potong sattt! :D

Dua² nya sangat flawless & gebu okehhh! :D

Mari kita berposing! :D

Ummmuuahhhhhh! Ehh? :þ

Wahhh beriya me penyetkan Sufee! Ampunnnnn.. Haha! :D

*ahem* Nad tengah nak turunkan 'ilmu'. *ahem* Verdeeee!! :D

Haseena, 2nd daughter Nannoor. Comel! :D

Tuan rumah & my little boy! :D

Anak Sufee!! OMG!! Putih gebu, flawless & very the comel ok!! :D

Look! Isn't she cute?? Cerdik anak ko nih Sufee! :)

CPM bawak rainbow kek ni sempena birthday anak dia hari tu. Tapi dia tak bawak plak Danish nya. Sabo jer la! :þ

Mak² sebok makan, anak² layan TV sudeyyy! :D

Amboi amboi.. Buat cam rumah sendiri yer, Adzryl? :D

Pose dengan LC orang. Haha. Me tak beli pun. :þ

Masa ni Fiza & Yaya baru sampai. *ahem* Lari dari umah MIL korang yek! :))

Err. Sesi 'menapau'. Bersungguh² betul semuanya! Hahahaha. :D

Nad, CPM & Verde. :D

Tengah² 'menapau' sempat lagi amik gambar dulu! :D

Hasil rembatan di meja makan! Tapau pavlova adalah wajib, okeh! :))

The famous Mr & Mrs Hazizi. :D

Me & Yaya. Tak sangka jumpa kat situ. Sib baik you ikut Fiza kan? Hehehe. :)

Gerdix time!!! Comel sangat anak Sufee nih! Sporting habis bole nak ikut 'kakak²' pose camni. Heeeee! :D

Me with Tuan Pengerusi Majlis, Nad! :D

Me & the famous Blogger, Nora@CPM! Btw, she's my senior back in Uniten. Hehe.

Siti & Sufee's daughter. Siti, you rindu Sofia ekk? :D

Nak balik pun sempat pose lagi tu! Haha. :D

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Best best besttttt!

We really had fun that day! The makan², gossip² & borak² session was great!!

Thanks Sufee for hosting the gathering. ;)

Thanks Nad for the 'book'. ;þ

Thanks korang² sebab sudi menjemput diriku yang selebet nih! :þ

Thanks korang² jugak for the marvelous food!! Baiti, aku suka quiche ko tu! Nak order boley? Hehehehe.

Thanks Siti for the pavlova! Wah wahh. Memang signature you kan bawak pavlova kalau kita buat potluck? :D

Thanks Verde for the Garrett! OMG!! Yummehhhh okay! Nanti bawak lagi at next gathering! Haha. :þ

See you again, ladies!! XOXO! :D

Overall, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the company guys!! You guys rockkkk!

Nanti kita lepak sama² lagi okehh. #ahlijemaah yang couldn't make it hari tu WAJIB join the next session! Hehehe. *ahem* Next potluck kat rumah sape lak?? Umah I kalau nak buat BBQ, jom!! Tapi umah I sempoi jer laa. :þ

Till then. Fuhh legaaaa dah abis update!

More pictures, you guys gi tengok kat FB profile my dear Husband. Sorry lah tak dapat nak upload semua. Too many pictures lah!! Hehe.

Take care now. Jumpa di entry seterusnya!! ;þ

*** All pictures are courtesy of my darling Husband. Mwah! :D ***