
All ten grands together in one spot - so sad that we didn't get to be there. We were in the middle of moving from our home of 18 years. Love every single one of these littles, they all have fun and unique personalities. 

Hannah Mae turns 7

Today our sweet granddaughter Hannah turns 7. She is such a joy to us and we love her so much,  She loves to help with the younger kids, and is always thoughtful. Happy Birthday Hannah Mae.
Merry Christmas Family - i am very blessed to have you all in my life, thank you for loving me. 2010 was a wonderful year, we cant complain - we did lose Molly this year and that was sad, but we aquired Tara, she has never had a real home, we love her. We went on a vaction to Mexico together with good friends. I spent 4th of July with my family this summer - great family reunion. My son turned 30, he is an amazing man, husband and father; we were able to see them a few times this year - we love going to Bend. My daughter moved away , spent a great summer with her and the boys before she left. We had the opportunity to go to Newport and visit them this past weekend, wonderful to connect. My sisters and I have gotten closer than ever - love you both. We both still have our jobs, so thankful for that; we would like to retire though if we could. :) Our health is good, but we both agree we need to get up outa da chair and get more exercise, and that is what we plan to do. Took a walk with ...

Merry Christmas Family



After months of planning, its finally Raggedy Ann and Andy such a cute couple dont you think toasting with the princess and frog steppin out Raggedy 'Andrew' Siblings Jordan, Autumn and Bobby Birthday girl Autumn and her hubby Joe she IS a princess - these were cupcakes. Friday the 30th we went to Lisa's 2nd annual halloween party. this year she had it on the 30th, because it was her daughters 30th birthday - there was a live band, and it was outside - tents erected -stand up heaters, a fire pit. what a great time of year - fun time. We went over to Lo...
A couple of weekends ago we got to go over to Bend to see the kids, which is always a wonderful time. Elijah and Toni just bought a house, and had a new baby. Walt and I watched the older two all day Saturday so they could clean the new house before they moved in the following weekend. WOW, i had forgotten how much work it is to have two little ones. We were exhausted by the time E & T came back 6 hours later. It was great though, and a good bonding time with the babies. When we pulled in on Friday night, the front door to their house opens, and Malachi runs out 'Hi Grandma, Hi Grandpa' talk about melt the heart. Mary was a little skeptical at first but warmed up really quickly, even to Walt, she is a bit suspicious of men. As always it was too short of a visit, but we enjoyed and were thankful for the time we had. Hannah Hannah and grandpa ...