Friday, September 21, 2012

Beach Time

Our children love the beach and so do we.  So when the week of 4th of July came, we were off to the Ocean City with the Bramhall group.  We had so much fun playing in the sand and water.  The kids loved the boogie boards, and Taylor got so good at riding this year.  We often found him taking off on his own out into the large Ocean to boogie.  We had many long talks about why you need a partner at all times.

Logan did awesome this year.  He was content just sitting in the sand, splashing water and eating sandy snacks. 

Drew was a little timid with the water, he didn't like the waves too much but he loved to play on the edge of the water and run from the waves.
Lana just loves it all, that girl would just walk right in and want someone to take her out as far as we could go.
Besides the beach we enjoyed miniature golf, riding a surrey on the boardwalk, playing skee ball,  getting funnel cake...polish ice....Johnson popcorn, watching fireworks, riding carnival rides, flying kites, taking family pics, watching Grandma ride the waves and just being with family.  THANKS Grandma & Grandpa Bramhall for the wonderful vacation.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Draper Reunion & More

We headed to Utah in June for our Draper Family Reunion.  I had the wonderful ;) chance to fly with all the kids by myself.  I was so stressed about it but it worked out pretty well, the 3 oldest were great and Logan wasn't too bad.  I guess all the prayers worked.  After we made it we had a great time visiting family and friends.  It was very hard to be at my parents home without them there.  I didn't get to wake up to Dad making breakfast or Mom playing with the kids.  I didn't get to watch Dad take 3 naps a day or help Mom out in the garden. I missed those moments so much.  Thankfully, I have wonderful brothers and sisters that kept us busy, getting out.

For the reunion, unfortunately, we had to switch up Carrie & Shane's good plans of Yellowstone to stay at our parents house and clean.  That meant a lot of people in my parents home but we squeezed in and did our best to have fun.  I know my kids just loved being around all their cousins and Aunts and Uncles.  And as difficult as it was to go through my parents stuff and throw things away, it was needed and we found a lot of treasures:)  There were some good laughs, a lot of noise and a whoppin' in the Kickball game.